Inherits from UCohtmlBaseComponent, UActorComponent
Public Functions
Name | |
virtual bool | GetMeshes(TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UStaticMeshComponent » & WeakMeshes) const override |
virtual void | InitializeComponent() override |
virtual void | TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction * ThisTickFunction) override |
virtual void | Resize(int32 width, int32 height) override |
virtual int32 | GetUserIndex() override |
Public Attributes
Name | |
FString | URL |
int32 | Width |
int32 | Height |
bool | ManualTexture |
FName | PrimitiveName |
Additional inherited members
Public Types inherited from UCohtmlBaseComponent
Name | |
typedef TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UCohtmlBaseComponent > > | WeakCohtmlComponentsArray |
Public Functions inherited from UCohtmlBaseComponent
Name | |
void | SetSoundAttenuation(const FSoundAttenuationSettings & Settings) |
void | RegisterForEvent(UPARAM(DisplayName=“JavaScript Event Name”) FString JSEventName, UPARAM(DisplayName=“Event”) FCohtmlJSEventBPCallback Delegate) |
virtual void | ResizeRenderTarget(int32 width, int32 height) |
bool | IsReadyToCreateView() const |
bool | IsReadyForBindings() const |
bool | HasRequestedView() const |
void | ShowPaintRects(bool show) |
void | Load(const FString & path) |
void | Reload() |
void | DebugSaveNextFrame() |
void | BeginDebugFrameSave() |
void | EndDebugFrameSave() |
void | EnableDelayedUpdate(bool bEnabled) |
void | EnableRendering(bool bEnabled) |
UCohtmlJSEvent * | CreateJSEvent() |
void | TriggerJSEvent(const FString & name, UCohtmlJSEvent * eventData) const |
void | CreateDataModelFromObject(const FString & Name, UObject * Model) |
void | RemoveDataModelFromObject(UObject * Model) |
void | CreateDataModelFromStruct(const FString & Name, const TFieldPath< FStructProperty > Struct) |
void | UpdateWholeDataModelFromStruct(const TFieldPath< FStructProperty > Struct) const |
void | RemoveDataModelFromStruct(const TFieldPath< FStructProperty > Struct) const |
void | UpdateWholeDataModelFromObject(UObject * Model) const |
void | SynchronizeModels() const |
void | PreloadTextureSync(const FString & AssetPath) |
void | PreloadTextureAsync(const FString & AssetPath) |
void | AddPreloadedTexture(UTexture2D * Texture) |
bool | RemovePreloadedTextureFromPath(const FString & AssetPath) |
bool | RemovePreloadedTexture(UTexture2D * Texture) |
void | RemoveAllPreloadedTextures() |
virtual bool | EnsureMeshData(ECohtmlComponentMeshInit MeshInitialization =ECohtmlComponentMeshInit::LazyInit) |
void | SetCohtmlTickGroup(ECohtmlTickGroup InTickGroup) |
virtual | ~UCohtmlBaseComponent() |
virtual void | UninitializeComponent() override |
virtual void | BeginDestroy() override |
virtual bool | IsReadyForFinishDestroy() override |
virtual void | FinishDestroy() override |
cohtml::View * | GetView() const |
cohtml::ViewRenderer * | GetViewRenderer() const |
FCohtmlGesturePolicy * | GetGesturePolicy() |
FCohtmlViewWrapper * | GetViewWrapper() const |
UCohCustomMaterialDrawer * | GetCustomMaterialDrawer() |
const FCohtmlCaretRect & | GetCaretRect() const |
void | SetCaretRect(int x, int y, unsigned width, unsigned height) |
void | SetInputFocusToUI() |
void | RestoreInputFocusFromUI(bool bForceFocusToGame =false) |
cohtml::ECohtmlPageLoadState | GetCurrentPageState() const |
void | SetUEViewSettings(const FCohtmlUEViewSettings & InViewSettings) |
DECLARE_FUNCTION(execCreateDataModelFromStruct ) | |
DECLARE_FUNCTION(execUpdateWholeDataModelFromStruct ) | |
DECLARE_FUNCTION(execRemoveDataModelFromStruct ) | |
WeakCohtmlComponentsArray::TIterator | GetUCohtmlBaseComponentIterator(UWorld * world) |
Protected Functions inherited from UCohtmlBaseComponent
Name | |
void | CreateView(const cohtml::ViewSettings & info, const FString & url) |
virtual void | SendRenderDynamicData_Concurrent() override |
virtual bool | RequiresGameThreadEndOfFrameUpdates() const override |
Public Attributes inherited from UCohtmlBaseComponent
Name | |
FCohtmlReadyForBindings | ReadyForBindings |
FCohtmlBindingsReleased | BindingsReleased |
FCohtmlScriptingReady | ScriptingReady |
FCohtmlScriptContextCreated | ScriptContextCreated |
FCohtmlDOMBuilt | DOMBuilt |
FCohtmlFinishLoad | FinishLoad |
FCohtmlLoadFailed | LoadFailed |
FCohtmlOnNavigateTo | OnNavigateTo |
TArray< UTexture2D * > | PreloadedTextures |
bool | bEnableComplexCSSSupport |
UTextureRenderTarget2D * | Texture |
TEnumAsByte< enum TextureFilter > | Filter |
bool | bReceiveInput |
bool | bDelayedUpdate |
bool | bExecuteCommandProcessingWithLayout |
bool | bUseSurfacePartitioning |
bool | bRunAdvanceConcurrently |
TEnumAsByte< ECohtmlTickGroup > | TickGroup |
TArray< FCohtmlMeshData > | MeshData |
TArray< CohtmlDelegateFunctorWrapper > | JSEventCallbackWrappers |
EMouseCursor::Type | CurrentMouseCursor |
Protected Attributes inherited from UCohtmlBaseComponent
Name | |
FCohtmlUEViewSettings | UEViewSettings |
UMultithreadAwareCompositorWrapper * | CohCompositorWrapper |
Friends inherited from UCohtmlBaseComponent
Name | |
class | TCohtmlViewListener< UCohtmlBaseComponent > |
Public Functions Documentation
function GetMeshes
virtual bool GetMeshes(
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UStaticMeshComponent >> & WeakMeshes
) const override
Reimplements: UCohtmlBaseComponent::GetMeshes
function InitializeComponent
virtual void InitializeComponent() override
Reimplements: UCohtmlBaseComponent::InitializeComponent
function TickComponent
virtual void TickComponent(
float DeltaTime,
enum ELevelTick TickType,
FActorComponentTickFunction * ThisTickFunction
) override
Reimplements: UCohtmlBaseComponent::TickComponent
function Resize
virtual void Resize(
int32 width,
int32 height
) override
Reimplements: UCohtmlBaseComponent::Resize
Resizes the View
function GetUserIndex
virtual int32 GetUserIndex() override
Reimplements: UCohtmlBaseComponent::GetUserIndex
Public Attributes Documentation
variable URL
FString URL;
The URL to load when the View is created
variable Width
int32 Width;
variable Height
int32 Height;
variable ManualTexture
bool ManualTexture;
variable PrimitiveName
FName PrimitiveName;
The name of the primitive to which the view should be rendered. If left empy, the component will attach to the first primitive of the owning actor.