Inherits from UActorComponent
Inherited by UCohtmlComponent, UCohtmlHUD
Public Types
Name | |
typedef TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UCohtmlBaseComponent > > | WeakCohtmlComponentsArray |
Public Functions
Name | |
void | SetSoundAttenuation(const FSoundAttenuationSettings & Settings) |
void | RegisterForEvent(UPARAM(DisplayName=“JavaScript Event Name”) FString JSEventName, UPARAM(DisplayName=“Event”) FCohtmlJSEventBPCallback Delegate) |
virtual void | Resize(int32 width, int32 height) |
virtual void | ResizeRenderTarget(int32 width, int32 height) |
bool | IsReadyToCreateView() const |
bool | IsReadyForBindings() const |
bool | HasRequestedView() const |
void | ShowPaintRects(bool show) |
void | Load(const FString & path) |
void | Reload() |
void | DebugSaveNextFrame() |
void | BeginDebugFrameSave() |
void | EndDebugFrameSave() |
void | EnableDelayedUpdate(bool bEnabled) |
void | EnableRendering(bool bEnabled) |
UCohtmlJSEvent * | CreateJSEvent() |
void | TriggerJSEvent(const FString & name, UCohtmlJSEvent * eventData) const |
void | CreateDataModelFromObject(const FString & Name, UObject * Model) |
void | RemoveDataModelFromObject(UObject * Model) |
void | CreateDataModelFromStruct(const FString & Name, const TFieldPath< FStructProperty > Struct) |
void | UpdateWholeDataModelFromStruct(const TFieldPath< FStructProperty > Struct) const |
void | RemoveDataModelFromStruct(const TFieldPath< FStructProperty > Struct) const |
void | UpdateWholeDataModelFromObject(UObject * Model) const |
void | SynchronizeModels() const |
void | PreloadTextureSync(const FString & AssetPath) |
void | PreloadTextureAsync(const FString & AssetPath) |
void | AddPreloadedTexture(UTexture2D * Texture) |
bool | RemovePreloadedTextureFromPath(const FString & AssetPath) |
bool | RemovePreloadedTexture(UTexture2D * Texture) |
void | RemoveAllPreloadedTextures() |
virtual bool | EnsureMeshData(ECohtmlComponentMeshInit MeshInitialization =ECohtmlComponentMeshInit::LazyInit) |
void | SetCohtmlTickGroup(ECohtmlTickGroup InTickGroup) |
virtual | ~UCohtmlBaseComponent() |
virtual void | InitializeComponent() override |
virtual void | UninitializeComponent() override |
virtual void | BeginDestroy() override |
virtual bool | IsReadyForFinishDestroy() override |
virtual void | FinishDestroy() override |
virtual bool | GetMeshes(TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UStaticMeshComponent » & WeakMeshes) const |
virtual void | TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction * ThisTickFunction) override |
cohtml::View * | GetView() const |
cohtml::ViewRenderer * | GetViewRenderer() const |
FCohtmlGesturePolicy * | GetGesturePolicy() |
FCohtmlViewWrapper * | GetViewWrapper() const |
UCohCustomMaterialDrawer * | GetCustomMaterialDrawer() |
const FCohtmlCaretRect & | GetCaretRect() const |
void | SetCaretRect(int x, int y, unsigned width, unsigned height) |
virtual int32 | GetUserIndex() |
void | SetInputFocusToUI() |
void | RestoreInputFocusFromUI(bool bForceFocusToGame =false) |
cohtml::ECohtmlPageLoadState | GetCurrentPageState() const |
void | SetUEViewSettings(const FCohtmlUEViewSettings & InViewSettings) |
DECLARE_FUNCTION(execCreateDataModelFromStruct ) | |
DECLARE_FUNCTION(execUpdateWholeDataModelFromStruct ) | |
DECLARE_FUNCTION(execRemoveDataModelFromStruct ) | |
WeakCohtmlComponentsArray::TIterator | GetUCohtmlBaseComponentIterator(UWorld * world) |
Protected Functions
Name | |
void | CreateView(const cohtml::ViewSettings & info, const FString & url) |
virtual void | SendRenderDynamicData_Concurrent() override |
virtual bool | RequiresGameThreadEndOfFrameUpdates() const override |
Public Attributes
Name | |
FCohtmlReadyForBindings | ReadyForBindings |
FCohtmlBindingsReleased | BindingsReleased |
FCohtmlScriptingReady | ScriptingReady |
FCohtmlScriptContextCreated | ScriptContextCreated |
FCohtmlDOMBuilt | DOMBuilt |
FCohtmlFinishLoad | FinishLoad |
FCohtmlLoadFailed | LoadFailed |
FCohtmlOnNavigateTo | OnNavigateTo |
TArray< UTexture2D * > | PreloadedTextures |
bool | bEnableComplexCSSSupport |
UTextureRenderTarget2D * | Texture |
TEnumAsByte< enum TextureFilter > | Filter |
bool | bReceiveInput |
bool | bDelayedUpdate |
bool | bExecuteCommandProcessingWithLayout |
bool | bUseSurfacePartitioning |
bool | bRunAdvanceConcurrently |
TEnumAsByte< ECohtmlTickGroup > | TickGroup |
TArray< FCohtmlMeshData > | MeshData |
TArray< CohtmlDelegateFunctorWrapper > | JSEventCallbackWrappers |
EMouseCursor::Type | CurrentMouseCursor |
Protected Attributes
Name | |
FCohtmlUEViewSettings | UEViewSettings |
UMultithreadAwareCompositorWrapper * | CohCompositorWrapper |
Name | |
class | TCohtmlViewListener< UCohtmlBaseComponent > |
Public Types Documentation
typedef WeakCohtmlComponentsArray
typedef TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<UCohtmlBaseComponent> > UCohtmlBaseComponent::WeakCohtmlComponentsArray;
Public Functions Documentation
function SetSoundAttenuation
void SetSoundAttenuation(
const FSoundAttenuationSettings & Settings
Sets the AttenuationSettings for the Sound Components Note: Sound is 2D by default. It can be changed to 3D if appropriate AttenuationSettings is set. for more details look at Unreal’s documentation for AttenuationSettings.
function RegisterForEvent
void RegisterForEvent(
UPARAM(DisplayName="JavaScript Event Name") FString JSEventName,
UPARAM(DisplayName="Event") FCohtmlJSEventBPCallback Delegate
You can use this to bind a Blueprint event to an arbitrary JavaScript event. The Blueprint event must have no parameters.
function Resize
virtual void Resize(
int32 width,
int32 height
Reimplemented by: UCohtmlComponent::Resize, UCohtmlHUD::Resize
Resizes the View
function ResizeRenderTarget
virtual void ResizeRenderTarget(
int32 width,
int32 height
Resizes the texture where the View is drawn
function IsReadyToCreateView
bool IsReadyToCreateView() const
Tells if the View is ready to be created
function IsReadyForBindings
bool IsReadyForBindings() const
Tells if the View is ready for binding operations
function HasRequestedView
bool HasRequestedView() const
Tells if a View has been scheduled for creation
function ShowPaintRects
void ShowPaintRects(
bool show
Tells the view to show/hide debug paint rectangles
function Load
void Load(
const FString & path
Requests a new URL to be loaded in the View
function Reload
void Reload()
Requests the View to reload the current URL
function DebugSaveNextFrame
void DebugSaveNextFrame()
Saves next render frame to disk
function BeginDebugFrameSave
void BeginDebugFrameSave()
Starts saving render frames to disk
function EndDebugFrameSave
void EndDebugFrameSave()
Stops saving render frames to disk
function EnableDelayedUpdate
void EnableDelayedUpdate(
bool bEnabled
Delays UI updates until after cameras are updated. Read the section in the FAQ page of the documentation before using
function EnableRendering
void EnableRendering(
bool bEnabled
Enables or disables the recording of rendering commands for the view. Enabled by default.
function CreateJSEvent
UCohtmlJSEvent * CreateJSEvent()
Creates an event that will be executed in JavaScript
function TriggerJSEvent
void TriggerJSEvent(
const FString & name,
UCohtmlJSEvent * eventData
) const
Triggers an event in JavaScript
function CreateDataModelFromObject
void CreateDataModelFromObject(
const FString & Name,
UObject * Model
Creates a global variable (data model) in JavaScript from an UObject
function RemoveDataModelFromObject
void RemoveDataModelFromObject(
UObject * Model
Removes a global variable (data model) in JavaScript from a UObject
function CreateDataModelFromStruct
void CreateDataModelFromStruct(
const FString & Name,
const TFieldPath< FStructProperty > Struct
Creates a global variable (data model) in JavaScript from a UStruct
function UpdateWholeDataModelFromStruct
void UpdateWholeDataModelFromStruct(
const TFieldPath< FStructProperty > Struct
) const
Marks a Struct model for update. The UI using this data model will be updated during the next call to SynchronizeModels. For optimum performance, call SynchronizeModels as rarely as possible (e.g. once per frame).
function RemoveDataModelFromStruct
void RemoveDataModelFromStruct(
const TFieldPath< FStructProperty > Struct
) const
Removes a global variable (data model) in JavaScript from a UStruct
function UpdateWholeDataModelFromObject
void UpdateWholeDataModelFromObject(
UObject * Model
) const
Marks an Object model for update. The UI using this data model will be updated during the next call to SynchronizeModels. For optimum performance, call SynchronizeModels as rarely as possible (e.g. once per frame).
function SynchronizeModels
void SynchronizeModels() const
Synchronize all models marked for update.
function PreloadTextureSync
void PreloadTextureSync(
const FString & AssetPath
Loads a Texture Synchronously (BLOCKING the main thread) from asset Path. Once loaded, the Texture will be added to the PreloadedTextures collection. This is useful for ensuring that the requests for UE4 textures will be working over already loaded assets, leading to fast response times.
function PreloadTextureAsync
void PreloadTextureAsync(
const FString & AssetPath
Loads a Texture Asynchronously from asset Path. Once loaded, the Texture will be added to the PreloadedTextures collection. This is useful for ensuring that the requests for UE4 textures will be working over already loaded assets, leading to fast response times.
function AddPreloadedTexture
void AddPreloadedTexture(
UTexture2D * Texture
Adds an already loaded Texture to the PreloadedTextures collection. This is useful for ensuring that the requests for UE4 textures will be working over already loaded assets, leading to fast response times.
function RemovePreloadedTextureFromPath
bool RemovePreloadedTextureFromPath(
const FString & AssetPath
Removes a Texture from the PreloadedTextures collection. This can be used when you no longer need a specific texture inside the collection to be kept loaded, for example after changing URL and View is fully loaded. Note: The removal of elements is an operation with linear complexity, consider using RemoveAllPreloadedTextures instead. Note: Upon destruction of the CohtmlBaseComponent, PreloadedTextures collection will be cleared automatically, so calling this method isn’t mandatory.
function RemovePreloadedTexture
bool RemovePreloadedTexture(
UTexture2D * Texture
Removes a Texture from the PreloadedTextures collection. This can be used when you no longer need a specific texture inside the collection to be kept loaded, for example after changing URL and View is fully loaded. Note: The removal of elements is an operation with linear complexity, consider using RemoveAllPreloadedTextures instead. Note: Upon destruction of the CohtmlBaseComponent, PreloadedTextures collection will be cleared automatically, so calling this method isn’t mandatory.
function RemoveAllPreloadedTextures
void RemoveAllPreloadedTextures()
Removes all Textures from the PreloadedTextures collection. * This can be used when you no longer need any of the textures inside the collection to be kept loaded, for example after changing URL and View is fully loaded. Note: Upon destruction of the CohtmlBaseComponent, PreloadedTextures collection will be cleared automatically, so calling this method isn’t mandatory.
function EnsureMeshData
virtual bool EnsureMeshData(
ECohtmlComponentMeshInit MeshInitialization =ECohtmlComponentMeshInit::LazyInit
Used for specifying when the mesh needs to be ready to receive input. If left unspecified, the mesh will be loaded lazily, which means it will take between 2-4 frames for the render thread to have it available. If set to “Immediate”, the render state will be flagged as dirty and the mesh will be loaded either on the same frame or at most the next. Note: Call manually right after a component’s creation to guarantee that all input will be handled in the first frames.
function SetCohtmlTickGroup
void SetCohtmlTickGroup(
ECohtmlTickGroup InTickGroup
Use this over the native UACtorComponent::SetTickGroup during runtime to change the TickGroup. This method will esentially do the same, but also perform extra plugin-related checks, updates, etc.
function ~UCohtmlBaseComponent
virtual ~UCohtmlBaseComponent()
function InitializeComponent
virtual void InitializeComponent() override
Reimplemented by: UCohtmlComponent::InitializeComponent, UCohtmlHUD::InitializeComponent
function UninitializeComponent
virtual void UninitializeComponent() override
function BeginDestroy
virtual void BeginDestroy() override
function IsReadyForFinishDestroy
virtual bool IsReadyForFinishDestroy() override
function FinishDestroy
virtual void FinishDestroy() override
function GetMeshes
virtual bool GetMeshes(
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UStaticMeshComponent >> & WeakMeshes
) const
Reimplemented by: UCohtmlComponent::GetMeshes
function TickComponent
virtual void TickComponent(
float DeltaTime,
enum ELevelTick TickType,
FActorComponentTickFunction * ThisTickFunction
) override
Reimplemented by: UCohtmlComponent::TickComponent, UCohtmlHUD::TickComponent
function GetView
cohtml::View * GetView() const
function GetViewRenderer
cohtml::ViewRenderer * GetViewRenderer() const
function GetGesturePolicy
FCohtmlGesturePolicy * GetGesturePolicy()
function GetViewWrapper
inline FCohtmlViewWrapper * GetViewWrapper() const
function GetCustomMaterialDrawer
inline UCohCustomMaterialDrawer * GetCustomMaterialDrawer()
function GetCaretRect
const FCohtmlCaretRect & GetCaretRect() const
function SetCaretRect
void SetCaretRect(
int x,
int y,
unsigned width,
unsigned height
function GetUserIndex
inline virtual int32 GetUserIndex()
Reimplemented by: UCohtmlComponent::GetUserIndex, UCohtmlHUD::GetUserIndex
function SetInputFocusToUI
void SetInputFocusToUI()
function RestoreInputFocusFromUI
void RestoreInputFocusFromUI(
bool bForceFocusToGame =false
function GetCurrentPageState
cohtml::ECohtmlPageLoadState GetCurrentPageState() const
function SetUEViewSettings
void SetUEViewSettings(
const FCohtmlUEViewSettings & InViewSettings
function GetUCohtmlBaseComponentIterator
static WeakCohtmlComponentsArray::TIterator GetUCohtmlBaseComponentIterator(
UWorld * world
Protected Functions Documentation
function CreateView
void CreateView(
const cohtml::ViewSettings & info,
const FString & url
function SendRenderDynamicData_Concurrent
virtual void SendRenderDynamicData_Concurrent() override
function RequiresGameThreadEndOfFrameUpdates
inline virtual bool RequiresGameThreadEndOfFrameUpdates() const override
Public Attributes Documentation
variable ReadyForBindings
FCohtmlReadyForBindings ReadyForBindings;
When fired, the View is ready for binding events. Any event bound prior to this will be ignored
variable BindingsReleased
FCohtmlBindingsReleased BindingsReleased;
When fired, the View has released its bindings.
variable ScriptingReady
FCohtmlScriptingReady ScriptingReady;
Called when the View is ready to accept events
variable ScriptContextCreated
FCohtmlScriptContextCreated ScriptContextCreated;
Called immediately after the View’s script context has been created for the page. This happens before starting to build the DOM. You can execute any scripts that will influence DOM creation here.
variable DOMBuilt
FCohtmlDOMBuilt DOMBuilt;
Called when the View’s DOM for the pages is fully constructed, but the referenced resources may not finish loading.
variable FinishLoad
FCohtmlFinishLoad FinishLoad;
Called when a View’s navigation change request failed.
variable LoadFailed
FCohtmlLoadFailed LoadFailed;
Called when the View’s page, including the resources it refers to, is completely loaded and initialized.
variable OnNavigateTo
FCohtmlOnNavigateTo OnNavigateTo;
Called whenever the View is about to navigate to a different URL. You can return false to stop the navigation to the URL.
variable PreloadedTextures
TArray< UTexture2D * > PreloadedTextures;
PreloadedTextures collection, keeping the Textures loaded and ready for use. Ideally, the Textures are to be loaded ahead of time and kept in this collection for ensuring that the requests for UE4 textures will be working over already loaded assets, leading to fast response times.
variable bEnableComplexCSSSupport
bool bEnableComplexCSSSupport;
Whether to enable support for complex CSS selectors (e.g. div > p, div ~ p)
variable Texture
UTextureRenderTarget2D * Texture;
Gives access to the UI Texture
variable Filter
TEnumAsByte< enum TextureFilter > Filter;
variable bReceiveInput
bool bReceiveInput;
Indicates whether input is forwarded to this view
variable bDelayedUpdate
bool bDelayedUpdate;
Changes this component’s tick group to TG_PostUpdateWork and sends bindings before drawing. For more information refer to the FAQ section of the documentation.
variable bExecuteCommandProcessingWithLayout
bool bExecuteCommandProcessingWithLayout;
Tells the View to process all collected front-end commands right after the layout execution on the same thread. Note: This option is mandatory when using the Custom Effects and/or the Compositor API features. Note: When this setting is enabled, the rendering library will be used on two different threads: the Game Thread and the Render Thread. Normally the library will detect that but if you have a use case where Game Thread and Rendering tasks are to be executed on the same thread, you’ll have to enable the multithreaded awareness manually by setting LibraryParams::AllowMultithreadedCommandProcessing in the Coherent Rendering plugin to true.
variable bUseSurfacePartitioning
bool bUseSurfacePartitioning;
Enables the Surface Partitioning mode, which does not create a texture for your view, but instead draws separate parts of the HTML in separate small textures. Useful when you have a view with a high resolution that is mostly empty, apart from some content in the corners of the screen that you can draw separately, omitting the big screen texture that you would have otherwise.
variable bRunAdvanceConcurrently
bool bRunAdvanceConcurrently;
When enabled, forces cohtml::View::Advance to be scheduled on background tasks, reducing the load on the Game Thread. This imposes restrictions on what View operations can be performed on the Game Thread. Please see the documentation for more details.
variable TickGroup
TEnumAsByte< ECohtmlTickGroup > TickGroup;
Sets the tick group in which this component will be ticked and Advance the View. If set to “No tick”, this component will not tick on its own. You are expected to call its Tick function manually from your own code. Useful if you want to control the exact time at which to Advance the View.
variable MeshData
TArray< FCohtmlMeshData > MeshData;
variable JSEventCallbackWrappers
TArray< CohtmlDelegateFunctorWrapper > JSEventCallbackWrappers;
variable CurrentMouseCursor
EMouseCursor::Type CurrentMouseCursor;
Protected Attributes Documentation
variable UEViewSettings
FCohtmlUEViewSettings UEViewSettings;
variable CohCompositorWrapper
UMultithreadAwareCompositorWrapper * CohCompositorWrapper;
friend TCohtmlViewListener< UCohtmlBaseComponent >
friend class TCohtmlViewListener< UCohtmlBaseComponent >;