Inherits from ICohtmlPlugin, IModuleInterface
Public Functions
Name | |
virtual void | StartupModule() override |
virtual void | ShutdownModule() override |
void | InitializeLibrary() |
FCohtmlConsoleCommands & | GetConsoleCommands() |
void | InitializeRendering() |
cohtml::IAllocator * | GetAllocator() |
cohtml::Logging::ILogHandler * | GetLogger() |
cohtml::Library * | GetLibrary() |
virtual void | EnableProfiling(bool bEnable =true, FString TraceFilePath =FString(""), ECohtmlTraceEventsLevel TraceLevel =ECohtmlTraceEventsLevel::BasicMarkers) override |
FCohtmlPlugin & | Get() |
Additional inherited members
Public Classes inherited from ICohtmlPlugin
Name | |
struct | CustomMaterialDrawParams |
Public Functions inherited from ICohtmlPlugin
Name | |
bool | IsAvailable() |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnURLRequest , FURLWithFallbacks & ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FOnUserImageDropped , void * , void * ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnGetFallbackFormats , TArray< FOverridableFallbackFormat > & ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal(ICohtmlSpeechSynthesizer * , FOnGetSpeechSynthesizer ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal(cohtml::ILocalizationManager * , FOnGetLocalizationManager ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_FourParams(FOnShowVirtualKeyboard , TSharedPtr< FCohtmlVirtualKeyboardEntry > & , int32 , cohtml::View * , cohtml::IInputProxy * ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal(FCohtmlFileHandler * , FOnGetFileHandler ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal(cohtml::ITextTransformationManager * , FOnGetTextTransformationManager ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal(TSharedPtr< FCohtmlInputPreprocessor > , FOnGetCohtmlInputPreprocessor ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal(cohtml::IInternationalizationManager * , FOnGetInternationalizationManager ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal(cohtml::IFileSystemWriter * , FOnGetFileSystemWriter ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal(CohtmlTimeFunctionData , FOnGetIncreasingTimeRequestFunc ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal_OneParam(UMaterialInterface * , FOnMapMaterialName , const FString & ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnGetResourceHostLocations , TArray< FResourceHostPair > & ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal_OneParam(UHUDSurfacePartitioningCompositor * , FOnGetHUDCompositor , UCohtmlHUD * ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal_OneParam(UWidgetSurfacePartitioningCompositor * , FOnGetWidgetCompositor , UCohtmlWidget * ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal(ICohtmlScriptProvider * , FOnGetScriptProvider ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FOnBindCustomEffectParameters , UMaterialInstanceDynamic * , const CustomMaterialDrawParams & ) | |
DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnResizeOrRecreateTexture , FCohtmlViewWrapper * ViewWrapper) |
Public Attributes inherited from ICohtmlPlugin
Name | |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnUserImageDropped | OnUserImageDropped |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetFallbackFormats | OnGetFallbackFormats |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetSpeechSynthesizer | OnGetSpeechSynthesizer |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetLocalizationManager | OnGetLocalizationManager |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnShowVirtualKeyboard | OnShowVirtualKeyboard |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetFileHandler | OnGetFileHandler |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetTextTransformationManager | OnGetTextTransformationManager |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetCohtmlInputPreprocessor | OnGetCohtmlInputPreprocessor |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetInternationalizationManager | OnGetInternationalizationManager |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetFileSystemWriter | OnGetFileSystemWriter |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetIncreasingTimeRequestFunc | OnGetIncreasingTimeRequestFunc |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnMapMaterialName | OnMapMaterialName |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetResourceHostLocations | OnGetResourceHostLocations |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetHUDCompositor | OnGetHUDCompositor |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetWidgetCompositor | OnGetWidgetCompositor |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnGetScriptProvider | OnGetScriptProvider |
COHTMLPLUGIN_API FOnBindCustomEffectParameters | OnBindCustomEffectParameters |
FOnCohtmlLibraryBeginDestroy | OnCohtmlLibraryBeginDestroy |
Public Functions Documentation
function StartupModule
virtual void StartupModule() override
IModuleInterface implementation
function ShutdownModule
virtual void ShutdownModule() override
function InitializeLibrary
void InitializeLibrary()
function GetConsoleCommands
inline FCohtmlConsoleCommands & GetConsoleCommands()
function InitializeRendering
inline void InitializeRendering()
function GetAllocator
inline cohtml::IAllocator * GetAllocator()
function GetLogger
inline cohtml::Logging::ILogHandler * GetLogger()
function GetLibrary
inline cohtml::Library * GetLibrary()
function EnableProfiling
virtual void EnableProfiling(
bool bEnable =true,
FString TraceFilePath =FString(""),
ECohtmlTraceEventsLevel TraceLevel =ECohtmlTraceEventsLevel::BasicMarkers
) override
- bEnable - Enables or disables the emission of internal profile markers
- TraceFilePath - For platforms using minitrace, the path to the JSON file to write to. Defaults to Game/Saved/Cohtml/profiling.
- TraceLevel - the granularity and detail of the markers to emit
Reimplements: ICohtmlPlugin::EnableProfiling
An API for enabling Cohtml profile markers (usable only with libraries in Development configuration)
function Get
static FCohtmlPlugin & Get()