Getting Started

This tutorial will show you how to add the Gameface plugin into a project and create two types of UI elements - a HUD and an in-world UI View. Here are the steps to achieve this:


1. Install the Gameface plugin

First, you need to install the Gameface plugin using the installer wizard. The installer auto-detects the Unreal Engine versions that are available on a given computer and provides you with the options to install a sample game.

2. Configure the plugin in your project

Afterwards, start the Unreal Editor, and choose either an existing project, or create a new one via New Project -> Blueprint -> Blank, and save it in a directory of your choice.

Then create a new level and open the world settings. From the Game Mode section, click the + button to create a new Game Mode override, let’s name it MyGameMode.

Now, from the main menu choose Edit -> Project Settings, and navigate to Maps & Modes in the Project section, then set the Default GameMode to MyGameMode.

3. Add a HUD

From the Gameface menu, choose Add HUD. This will change the current GameMode’s HUD class and will initialize it. Also, it will add a hud.html page in YourProjectDir/Content/uiresources/ directory (if not already present), then this page will be opened in your default browser.

For the HUD, you can add your UI resources in the YourProjectDir/Content/uiresources directory, respectively. As we previously mentioned, the HUD has been pre-setup for you and is ready to use, so you don’t need to do any modifications to it, except for changing the View Page URL to your own HTML page like so coui://uiresources/YourHUD.html.

Here’s a brief explanation of what happens in your new HUD class:

  • Setting up the View - the HTML page to load and other View-specific options
  • The UI input is initialized using a helper Blueprint function. You can double-click it to inspect it in more detail, but it basically involves spawning and initializing a GamefaceInputActor, and then calling Always Accept Mouse Input and setting it to true.

The page is set to coui://uiresources/hud.html by default, so the newly created page by Add HUD will be used if you skip changing it. However, you can change it whenever you want to a local page, placed in the uiresources folder and use the coui:// scheme.

4. Add in-world UI

Choose Gameface -> Add In-world UI. This will add a plane to your scene, just in front of the camera. You can change its transform via the World Transform in the Details tab.

To change what UI is loaded, just change the URL property in the Details panel.

Here is the final result:

Difference between Unlit and Lit Material for in-world Views

In order to showcase the difference between CohtmlMaterial and CohtmlMaterialLit Materials let’s compare them side by side with the same UI. In order to make it clearly visible, we can also add bright point lights that are also color tinted.

On hitting the Play button in the Editor, the in-world View using the CohtmlMaterial remains unaffected by the lighting, while the one using CohtmlMaterialLit is properly lit and tinted.

Engine plugin or a Game plugin? Which one do I need?

Gameface can be installed as either Engine plugin or a Game plugin. Each of them having their own merit.

Engine plugin

This is the default option of installation. When you have Gameface installed as an Engine plugin, the plugin will be available for all of the games that are created with that particular instance of Unreal Engine. This is useful when you are working on more than one game at the same time, or you are prototyping.

Game plugin

Usually the Game plugin option is used when using a binary engine. This is because this is the only way to build a plugin when using a binary engine. Another reason why you would like to use Gameface as a Game plugin would be if you don’t want the plugin to be visible to other games using the same engine.

Plugin structure

Gameface’s plugin uses three modules:

  • One for the actual Cohtml C++ shared libraries (.dll, .dylib, etc.);
  • An Engine module that sets up the dependency to the core Cohtml library. It exposes several classes and Components specific for the development with Unreal Engine and takes care of all the initialization and management of Cohtml.
  • An Editor module which eases your workflow with Gameface in the Unreal Editor.

Gameface also has one plugin as a dependency - CoherentRenderingPlugin, which in turn consists of two modules:

  • One for the actual Renoir C++ shared libraries (.dll, .dylib, etc.);
  • An Engine module that sets up the dependency to the core Renoir library. It takes care of all the initialization and management of the Renoir rendering library and contains the rendering backend which serves as the glue between the library and Unreal’s RHI.

Setting up the ThirdParty dependency

Gameface has to be added as a third-party dependency to Unreal. This will make sure that all shared libraries (.dll, .dylib, etc.) are loaded when the game starts and they will be referenced by the engine correctly.

Install steps:

  1. Run the provided installer.
  2. When asked what to install, check UnrealEngine Plugin.
  3. Select which Unreal Engine version you’d like to install the plugin to. 3.1 If you’ve selected a binary distribution, Gameface will be installed as a Game plugin, and you will be asked for the path to the game. 3.2 If you’ve selected an compiled from source distribution, Gameface will be installed as an Engine plugin.
  4. Click install.

The installer provides some other useful items, such as a sample game and a collection of ready-to-use HTML5 kits.

Add Gameface to your game

If you are only going to use Gameface through the Unreal Editor / Blueprints, you only need to enable the plugin. If you are going to use Gameface through C++ code, make sure your game references our plugin in its Build.cs file.

Doing so is trivial - open YourGame/Source/YourGame/YourGame.Build.cs and add the following lines to the constructor of the class YourGame:

"Plugins": [
        "Name": "CohtmlPlugin",
        "Enabled": true

You can find the plugin directories under the following path: GameOrEngineDir/Plugins/Runtime/Coherent.

Plugin core classes

The plugin consists of several core classes. Below they are listed with their C++ names (UCohtml...). You can find them by the name UGameface... in the Editor.

  • UCohtmlBaseComponent (displayed as UGamefaceBaseComponent in the Editor) is an abstract class, actor component, which contains the necessary code to hook Cohtml up with Unreal Engine.
  • UCohtmlComponent is derived from the Base Component and can be used to add a UI in the 3D world. It’s one of the core Gameface classes and represents a single HTML page that is rendered. Also holds methods for manipulating the View.
  • UCohtmlHUD is derived from the Base Component and can be added to an AHUD actor to add HUD.
  • ACohtmlGameHUD is a HUD class that is derived from AHUD and is the easiest way to use Gameface - you can just replace your AHUD class with this one. It’s a wrapper around UCohtmlHUD with fairly simple implementation. This should be your main starting point if you want to have a Gameface View attached to your viewport.
  • ACohtmlInputActor is the Input Actor responsible for capturing and forwarding mouse and keyboard input to the currently focused Gameface View. It must be spawned and initialized in the game world.
  • SCohtmlWidget is a Slate Widget capable of running Gameface.
  • UCohtmlWidget is an UMG Widget capable of running Gameface.

Adding the Gameface plugin to a Blueprint game

Using the installer

  1. Run the provided installer.
  2. When asked what to install, check Add Gameface to an existing game and uncheck Generate Project Files.
  3. Browse to the root directory of your game.
  4. Click install.

These are almost the same steps as in the previous section, but generating project files will fail if your game has no C++ code.

One last step

Open the Editor and enable the Gameface plugin for your game, using the Window -> Plugins dialog. Gameface plugin is in the Installed / User Interface section.

Gameface Components in the 3D world

Attaching a Gameface Component to a 3D object in the game world is actually a very easy thing to do - all you have to do is:

  1. Add a UCohtmlComponent to the object
  2. In the Static Mesh Component of the object, change the material used to CohtmlMaterial.

Sample game

To quickly try out Gameface - try the provided CoherentSample game. In this project you will find the SampleHub UE map (located in Content/Maps) which is the entry point of our samples. The individual sample maps located in Content/Maps/SampleMaps are using a mixture of C++ code and Blueprints, showcasing how the technology can be used in your UE game in different ways.

Gameface Launcher

The Gameface Launcher application will take you through some of the UI kits and samples we have created and give you an idea of what you can expect to find inside the CoherentSample game. Start the QuickStart.lnk / to open the Gameface Launcher application.

Preview files in the Cohtml Player

The Player application allows you to quickly preview any UI created for Gameface. You can find the Player application inside the CoherentSample game. Start the Player.bat / inside the sample game to launch the Player application and drag and drop your HTML file.

TypeScript Declaration files

If you are using TypeScript, you can find the declaration files for Gameface inside GameOrEngineDir/Plugins/Runtime/Coherent/CohtmlPlugin/Resources. For more information on how to import them, you can visit the native (custom engine) Gameface documentation.