Linear Space Rendering Pipeline (sRGB and HDR support)

Linear Space Rendering Pipeline

With version 1.42 Gameface becomes capable of using Linear color space inside its Rendering Pipeline.

This is optional, but when enabled, Gameface will be able to reproduce colors with better accuracy. This is explained in detail in Gameface’s native documentation.

The Linear Space Rendering Pipeline is a plugin option that let’s you enable the usage of sRGB textures or Wide textures for all Views.

sRGB color textures

Gameface is capable of handling sRGB textures in Linear sRGB color space.

When this option is enabled, Gameface will use 8 bit sRGB textures (in the RTF_RGBA8_SRGB RT format and PF_B8G8R8A8 pixel format) as render targets.

Wide color textures and HDR Support

Gameface is capable of handling HDR content using wide textures in Linear scRGB color space. With that, several new features are being introduced. These are explained in detail in Gameface’s native HDR documentation and here we’ll go over the changes related to the integration with Unreal Engine.

When enabled, Gameface will use 16 bit textures (in the RTF_RGBA16f RT format and PF_FloatRGBA pixel format) as render targets and Gameface will internally use similar 16 bit texture formats as render targets. This way color values that are above 1.0 won’t be clipped and the textures will be suitable for rendering HDR content.

Working in Linear Space Rendering Pipeline

The HUD, UMG, and In-World materials will be gamma corrected when appropriate by applying the standard LinearToSRGB or SRGBToLinear color conversions.

When enabled, Gameface requires images in Linear color space which you can achieve by loading Texture2D images with sRGB enabled instead of using raw images.

For detailed explanation on how you can use these tools, please follow the links for the Gameface Raw Image Importer and Atlas Creator respectively.