Inherits from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper, cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadBase.GamepadMap
Public Functions
Name | |
GamepadMapLinuxPS(uint id, string name, int buttonsLength =ButtonsLength) |
Public Attributes
Name | |
const int | ButtonsLength |
const Platform | PlatformType |
override Profile | ProfileType |
readonly string [] | Aliases |
Additional inherited members
Public Types inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper
Name | |
enum class | Profile { PlayStation, XBox, Stadia, Other} The supported gamepad mapping profiles. Add a new one or use Other |
enum class | Platform { Unknown, Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, IOS, Count} Supported OS platforms. When a gamepad from another platform is present, it should be added here. The value Unknown should always be first, and Count should always remain last. |
Protected Types inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper
Name | |
enum class | JSIndex { South, LeftStickX, East, LeftStickY, West, RightStickX, North, RightStickY, LeftBumper, RightBumper, LeftTrigger, RightTrigger, Select, Start, LeftStickPress, RightStickPress, DPadUp, DPadDown, DPadLeft, DPadRight, System, Extra1, Extra2} Buttons and Axes displayed in the correct order in the array according to the W3C standard. Each number corresponds to the index in the array. |
Public Functions inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper
Name | |
virtual void | UpdateEntities() Updates the array of buttons and axes based on the mapping. |
Protected Functions inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper
Name | |
GamepadMapper(uint id, string name, int buttonsLength =16, int axesLength =4) | |
string | MapButton(byte button) |
string | MapAxis(byte axis) |
virtual void | UpdateButtons() Updates the array of buttons based on the mapping. |
virtual void | UpdateDPad(string mapX, bool isInvertedX, string mapY, bool isInvertedY) Most D-Pad buttons are mapped to 2 axes, but sometimes they are 4 buttons, sometimes are inverted axes, Provide a way to handle the buttons mapping. |
virtual void | UpdateValue(float [] array, JSIndex jsIndex, float value) A helper method used by all the above methods to update the value of provided array index. |
Public Attributes inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper
Name | |
const string | CohtmlGamepadStr |
readonly string | CohtmlGamepadAxisName |
readonly string | JoystickButtonName |
Protected Attributes inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper
Name | |
Dictionary< JSIndex, string > | m_ButtonsMap |
Dictionary< JSIndex, string > | m_AxesMap |
float | m_FloatValue |
JSIndex | m_JsIndex |
Public Functions inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadBase.GamepadMap
Name | |
GamepadMap(uint id, string name, int buttonsLength, int axesLength) |
Public Attributes inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadBase.GamepadMap
Name | |
uint | Id The identification of the gamepad. |
string | Name The name of the gamepad. |
float [] | Buttons An array representing the state of the gamepad buttons. |
float [] | Axes An array representing the state of the gamepad axes. |
HashSet< CohtmlUISystem > | RegisteredInSystems A collection storing the CohtmlUISystem’s that registered this gamepad. |
Public Functions Documentation
function GamepadMapLinuxPS
uint id,
string name,
int buttonsLength =ButtonsLength
Public Attributes Documentation
variable ButtonsLength
const int ButtonsLength = 17;
variable PlatformType
const Platform PlatformType = Platform.Linux;
variable ProfileType
override Profile ProfileType => Profile.PlayStation;
variable Aliases
static readonly string [] Aliases =
"ps4 controller",
"ps5 controller",