
Inherits from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper, cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadBase.GamepadMap

Public Functions

GamepadMapLinuxPS(uint id, string name, int buttonsLength =ButtonsLength)

Public Attributes

const intButtonsLength
const PlatformPlatformType
override ProfileProfileType
readonly string []Aliases

Additional inherited members

Public Types inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper

enum classProfile { PlayStation, XBox, Stadia, Other}
The supported gamepad mapping profiles. Add a new one or use Other
enum classPlatform { Unknown, Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, IOS, Count}
Supported OS platforms. When a gamepad from another platform is present, it should be added here. The value Unknown should always be first, and Count should always remain last.

Protected Types inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper

enum classJSIndex { South, LeftStickX, East, LeftStickY, West, RightStickX, North, RightStickY, LeftBumper, RightBumper, LeftTrigger, RightTrigger, Select, Start, LeftStickPress, RightStickPress, DPadUp, DPadDown, DPadLeft, DPadRight, System, Extra1, Extra2}
Buttons and Axes displayed in the correct order in the array according to the W3C standard. Each number corresponds to the index in the array.

Public Functions inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper

virtual voidUpdateEntities()
Updates the array of buttons and axes based on the mapping.

Protected Functions inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper

GamepadMapper(uint id, string name, int buttonsLength =16, int axesLength =4)
stringMapButton(byte button)
stringMapAxis(byte axis)
virtual voidUpdateButtons()
Updates the array of buttons based on the mapping.
virtual voidUpdateDPad(string mapX, bool isInvertedX, string mapY, bool isInvertedY)
Most D-Pad buttons are mapped to 2 axes, but sometimes they are 4 buttons, sometimes are inverted axes, Provide a way to handle the buttons mapping.
virtual voidUpdateValue(float [] array, JSIndex jsIndex, float value)
A helper method used by all the above methods to update the value of provided array index.

Public Attributes inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper

const stringCohtmlGamepadStr
readonly stringCohtmlGamepadAxisName
readonly stringJoystickButtonName

Protected Attributes inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper

Dictionary< JSIndex, string >m_ButtonsMap
Dictionary< JSIndex, string >m_AxesMap

Public Functions inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadBase.GamepadMap

GamepadMap(uint id, string name, int buttonsLength, int axesLength)

Public Attributes inherited from cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadBase.GamepadMap

The identification of the gamepad.
The name of the gamepad.
float []Buttons
An array representing the state of the gamepad buttons.
float []Axes
An array representing the state of the gamepad axes.
HashSet< CohtmlUISystem >RegisteredInSystems
A collection storing the CohtmlUISystem’s that registered this gamepad.

Public Functions Documentation

function GamepadMapLinuxPS

    uint id,
    string name,
    int buttonsLength =ButtonsLength

Public Attributes Documentation

variable ButtonsLength

const int ButtonsLength = 17;

variable PlatformType

const Platform PlatformType = Platform.Linux;

variable ProfileType

override Profile ProfileType => Profile.PlayStation;

variable Aliases

static readonly string [] Aliases =
		"ps4 controller",
		"ps5 controller",