
Stores gamepad data.

Inherited by cohtml.InputSystem.GamepadMapper

Public Functions

GamepadMap(uint id, string name, int buttonsLength, int axesLength)

Public Attributes

The identification of the gamepad.
The name of the gamepad.
float []Buttons
An array representing the state of the gamepad buttons.
float []Axes
An array representing the state of the gamepad axes.
HashSet< CohtmlUISystem >RegisteredInSystems
A collection storing the CohtmlUISystem’s that registered this gamepad.

Public Functions Documentation

function GamepadMap

    uint id,
    string name,
    int buttonsLength,
    int axesLength

Public Attributes Documentation

variable Id

uint Id;

The identification of the gamepad.

variable Name

string Name;

The name of the gamepad.

variable Buttons

float [] Buttons;

An array representing the state of the gamepad buttons.

variable Axes

float [] Axes;

An array representing the state of the gamepad axes.

variable RegisteredInSystems

HashSet< CohtmlUISystem > RegisteredInSystems;

A collection storing the CohtmlUISystem’s that registered this gamepad.