
A class holding settings for the CohtmlUISystem component.

Inherits from MonoBehaviour

Public Functions


Protected Functions

virtual voidOnDestroy()

Public Properties

The settings passed to the native CohtmlUISystem component.
Initialize the internal field and the nativeSettings property with the provided new value. Validates the boolean against other related properties - EnableDebuggerInBuild, DebuggerPort, and Unity3D Engine settings.
Controls whether the DevTools debugger should be enabled in the built player.
Sets the port for the DevTools debugger to connect and inspect the active CohtmlView components.
IDictionary< string, List< string > >HostLocationsMap
A collection storing lists with host locations related to resource loading.
Resource handler for the instantiated system. Trying to get custom resource handler, assigned from user. If not assigned from user, will get default implementation of Cohtml resource handler.
Localization manager for the instantiated system. First trying to get custom localization manager, assigned from user. If not assigned from user will assign default Cohtml localization manager implementation.
Text transformation manager for the instantiated system. First trying to get custom text transformation manager, assigned from user. If not assigned from user will assign default Cohtml text transformation manager implementation.

Public Attributes

const intDefaultDebuggerPort
The default port used to connect to the DevTools debugger.
Assign a custom Resource handler for the instantiated system before create a native System object. If not assigned will get the default implementation of Cohtml resource handler.
Assign a custom Localization manager for the instantiated system. If not assigned will assign default Cohtml localization manager implementation.
Assign a custom Text transformation manager for the instantiated system. If not assigned will assign a default Cohtml text transformation manager implementation.

Public Functions Documentation

function Awake

void Awake()

Protected Functions Documentation

function OnDestroy

virtual void OnDestroy()

Public Property Documentation

property NativeSettings

ISystemSettings NativeSettings;

The settings passed to the native CohtmlUISystem component.

property EnableDebugger

bool EnableDebugger;

Initialize the internal field and the nativeSettings property with the provided new value. Validates the boolean against other related properties - EnableDebuggerInBuild, DebuggerPort, and Unity3D Engine settings.

There is a need for both a field and a native object, and for updating both of them. This is because the native object is part of the native logic and cannot be serialized outside the runtime.

property EnableDebuggerInBuild

bool EnableDebuggerInBuild;

Controls whether the DevTools debugger should be enabled in the built player.

property DebuggerPort

int DebuggerPort;

Sets the port for the DevTools debugger to connect and inspect the active CohtmlView components.

There is a need for both a field and a native object, and for updating both of them. This is because the native object is part of the native logic and cannot be serialized outside the runtime.

property HostLocationsMap

IDictionary< string, List< string > > HostLocationsMap;

A collection storing lists with host locations related to resource loading.

property ResourceHandler

IResourceHandler ResourceHandler;

Resource handler for the instantiated system. Trying to get custom resource handler, assigned from user. If not assigned from user, will get default implementation of Cohtml resource handler.

property LocalizationManager

ILocalizationManager LocalizationManager;

Localization manager for the instantiated system. First trying to get custom localization manager, assigned from user. If not assigned from user will assign default Cohtml localization manager implementation.

property TextTransformationManager

ITextTransformationManager TextTransformationManager;

Text transformation manager for the instantiated system. First trying to get custom text transformation manager, assigned from user. If not assigned from user will assign default Cohtml text transformation manager implementation.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable DefaultDebuggerPort

const int DefaultDebuggerPort = 9444;

The default port used to connect to the DevTools debugger.

variable OnResourceHandlerAssign

UnityEvent OnResourceHandlerAssign = new UnityEvent();

Assign a custom Resource handler for the instantiated system before create a native System object. If not assigned will get the default implementation of Cohtml resource handler.

variable OnLocalizationManagerAssign

UnityEvent OnLocalizationManagerAssign = new UnityEvent();

Assign a custom Localization manager for the instantiated system. If not assigned will assign default Cohtml localization manager implementation.

variable OnTextTransformationManagerAssign

UnityEvent OnTextTransformationManagerAssign = new UnityEvent();

Assign a custom Text transformation manager for the instantiated system. If not assigned will assign a default Cohtml text transformation manager implementation.