
Manage Cohtml Plugin MonoBehaviour events and ensure they are invoked at the appropriate moments. The instance of the object should be unique for the entire lifespan of the application.

Inherits from MonoBehaviour

Public Functions

If there is no reference, it creates one, or returns the existing instance of the scene if one already exists.
virtual voidAwake()

Protected Functions

virtual voidOnGUI()
virtual voidOnApplicationQuit()

Public Properties

The singleton instance of the PluginManager component. Monitor whether this component is the only one in the entire lifetime of the application. If an additional component is created, make sure it is destroyed to avoid duplicates.

Public Attributes

const stringCohtmlPluginManagerObjectName

Public Functions Documentation

function GetOrInitInstance

static CohtmlPluginManager GetOrInitInstance()

If there is no reference, it creates one, or returns the existing instance of the scene if one already exists.

Return: The reference to the instance that was found or created

function Awake

virtual void Awake()

function Reset

void Reset()

function OnDestroy

void OnDestroy()

Protected Functions Documentation

function OnGUI

virtual void OnGUI()

function OnApplicationQuit

virtual void OnApplicationQuit()

Public Property Documentation

property Instance

static CohtmlPluginManager Instance;

The singleton instance of the PluginManager component. Monitor whether this component is the only one in the entire lifetime of the application. If an additional component is created, make sure it is destroyed to avoid duplicates.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable CohtmlPluginManagerObjectName

const string CohtmlPluginManagerObjectName = "CohtmlPluginManager";