
Component that needs to be attached to a camera and creates a Cohtml Live View.

Inherits from MonoBehaviour

Protected Functions

virtual voidAwake()
virtual voidStart()
virtual voidUpdate()
virtual voidOnEnable()
virtual voidOnDestroy()

Public Properties

Gets or sets the Name of the live view.
Gets or sets the Width of the live view.
Gets or sets the Height of the live view.
Gets or sets the Camera source for the live view.
Gets or sets the source texture for the live view.
A handle used to identify the LiveView object and notify Cohtml that a change in the texture occured.

Protected Functions Documentation

function Awake

virtual void Awake()

function Start

virtual void Start()

function Update

virtual void Update()

function OnEnable

virtual void OnEnable()

function OnDestroy

virtual void OnDestroy()

Public Property Documentation

property LiveViewName

string LiveViewName;

Gets or sets the Name of the live view.

The Name of the view.

property Width

int Width;

Gets or sets the Width of the live view.

The width of the view.

property Height

int Height;

Gets or sets the Height of the live view.

The height of the view.

property TargetCamera

Camera TargetCamera;

Gets or sets the Camera source for the live view.

The Camera component.

property TargetTexture

RenderTexture TargetTexture;

Gets or sets the source texture for the live view.

The Texture object.

property ImageHandle

uint ImageHandle;

A handle used to identify the LiveView object and notify Cohtml that a change in the texture occured.