Release notes


Version 1.49.0

Released 20 Dec 2023
EnhancementImproved inline RTL text positioning and punctuation wrapping
EnhancementMade the inspector show an empty style object for elements without inline styles that can be used to easily add new styles
EnhancementAdded finish, cancel and commitStyles from the WAAPI
EnhancementUnity plugin is now compiled against .Net Standard 2.0 to ensure cross-platform .Net profile support
EnhancementAdjusted the Switch sample renderer to work with the latest (18.0.1) SDK
EnhancementTrimmed trailing zeros from stringified property values
EnhancementImproved the warning message when using fonts that weren’t loaded
EnhancementUnreal EngineAdd abort resource request handling
FixFixed RTL text being drawn a bit to the right making it stick out of its element bounding box
FixFixed font-fit not working correctly when using preserve whitespace mode
FixFixed wrongly rendered newline characters as spaces when using preserve whitespace mode
FixFixed visual artifacts left over from drawing squares while the font isn’t loaded for complex text
FixFixed wrongly positioned background-color when using cohinline with text-align
FixFixed words drawn in incorrect order when displaying right-to-left languages
FixFixed positioning of nested elements after wrapped text in cohinline
FixFixed RTL direction in cohinline for nested texts
FixFixed incorrect punctuation wrapping with cohinline
FixFixed text wrap when using a mix of languages and punctuation
FixFixed negative letter-spacing sometimes cutting text
FixFixed asserts during GC tracing
FixFixed support for paths with spaces in sony_strip_debug_symbols.bat
FixUnreal EngineRemove unused AtlasManager callbacks
FixUnreal EngineProcedural sound replay warning
APITrimmed trailing zeros from stringified property values. This may break code comparing style values as strings

Migration guide

Trailing zeroes in stringified property values

Starting with this release, trailing zeroes from stringified property values are removed. Code that compares property values with strings may need to be modified. For example, the test code may need to be changed from:

    engine.on('LiveReloadSingleDirTestEnd', function() {
      let style = getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.square'));
      let greenColor = 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 1.000000)';
      assert.equal(style.backgroundColor, greenColor);


    engine.on('LiveReloadSingleDirTestEnd', function() {
      let style = getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.square'));
      let greenColor = 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 1)';
      assert.equal(style.backgroundColor, greenColor);