CSS Properties
The following table lists all CSS properties, their statistical occurrences across the web and whether they are supported.
Support for general CSS features:
- The !important declaration is supported.
- CSS variables support
- Not supported within
definitions - Fallback values not supported
- Not supported within
- CSS calc() support
- Not supported within
definitions - Mixing “%” and other dimensional units is not supported (e.g.
50% - 20px
- Not supported within
Property | Statistical Occurrence | CSS Feature | Current status | Animatable | Notes |
@keyframes | N/A | CSS3 Animations | YES | ||
@font-face | N/A | CSS3 Fonts | YES | To control rasterisation use coh-font-sdf: off/on/auto; | |
Absolute Layout | N/A | Visual Layout | YES | ||
align-content | 0.76% | PARTIAL | stretch (default), flex-start , flex-end and center | ||
align-items | 10.44% | CSS3 Flexbox | PARTIAL | stretch (default), flex-start , flex-end and center | |
align-self | 0.75% | PARTIAL | auto (default), stretch , flex-start , flex-end and center | ||
alignment-baseline | 0.11% | ||||
all | 0.01% | PARTIAL | NO | only initial is supported | |
animation | 0.75% | CSS3 Animations | YES | ||
animation-delay | 0.09% | CSS3 Animations | YES | ||
animation-direction | 0.03% | CSS3 Animations | YES | ||
animation-duration | 0.20% | CSS3 Animations | YES | ||
animation-fill-mode | 0.16% | CSS3 Animations | YES | ||
animation-iteration-count | 0.10% | CSS3 Animations | YES | ||
animation-name | 0.20% | CSS3 Animations | YES | ||
animation-play-state | 0.03% | CSS3 Animations | YES | ||
animation-timing-function | 0.13% | CSS3 Animations | YES | ||
backface-visibility | 9.52% | CSS3 Transforms | YES | ||
background | 82.08% | CSS3 Backgrounds | YES | ||
background-attachment | 8.29% | CSS Background | |||
background-blend-mode | 0.08% | ||||
background-clip | 25.26% | CSS3 Backgrounds | |||
background-color | 88.40% | CSS Background | PARTIAL | YES | Limited color names |
background-image | 81.18% | CSS3 Backgrounds | YES | GIFs are not supported | |
background-origin | 6.23% | CSS3 Backgrounds | |||
background-position | 77.88% | CSS3 Backgrounds | PARTIAL | YES | Offsets are not supported |
background-position-x | 5.81% | CSS3 Backgrounds | PARTIAL | YES | Offsets are not supported |
background-position-y | 6.05% | CSS3 Backgrounds | PARTIAL | YES | Offsets are not supported |
background-repeat | 76.50% | CSS3 Backgrounds | PARTIAL | Space is not supported | |
background-repeat-x | 0.03% | CSS3 Backgrounds | |||
background-repeat-y | 0.04% | CSS3 Backgrounds | |||
background-size | 59.78% | CSS3 Backgrounds | YES | YES | |
baseline-shift | 0.09% | ||||
border | 90.21% | Visual Layout | PARTIAL | Only solid | |
border-bottom | 76.18% | Visual Layout | PARTIAL | Only solid | |
border-bottom-color | 47.17% | CSS Border | YES | YES | Limited color names |
border-bottom-left-radius | 44.95% | CSS3 Rounded Corners | YES | YES | |
border-bottom-right-radius | 44.51% | CSS3 Rounded Corners | YES | YES | |
border-bottom-style | 14.81% | PARTIAl | Only solid | ||
border-bottom-width | 39.00% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
border-collapse | 63.49% | CSS3 Rounded Corners | |||
border-color | 71.02% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | limited color names |
border-image | 3.60% | CSS3 Border | PARTIAL | space repeat mode is not supported, multiple images are not supported, GIFs are not supported | |
border-image-outset | 0.55% | CSS3 Border | YES | ||
border-image-repeat | 0.55% | CSS3 Border | YES | space repeat mode is not supported | |
border-image-slice | 0.77% | CSS3 Border | YES | ||
border-image-source | 0.26% | CSS3 Border | YES | ||
border-image-width | 0.62% | CSS3 Border | YES | ||
border-left | 69.24% | Visual Layout | PARTIAL | Only solid | |
border-left-color | 36.69% | CSS Border | YES | YES | Limited color names |
border-left-style | 12.29% | PARTIAL | Only solid | ||
border-left-width | 34.88% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
border-radius | 70.21% | CSS3 Rounded Corners | YES | YES | |
border-right | 69.78% | Visual Layout | PARTIAL | Only solid | |
border-right-color | 39.64% | CSS Border | YES | YES | Limited color names |
border-right-style | 9.25% | CSS Border | PARTIAL | Only solid | |
border-right-width | 39.18% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
border-spacing | 56.00% | CSS Table | |||
border-style | 60.37% | CSS Border | PARTIAL | Only solid , none , hidden | |
border-top | 75.22% | Visual Layout | PARTIAL | Only solid | |
border-top-color | 49.48% | CSS Border | YES | YES | Limited color names |
border-top-left-radius | 46.00% | CSS3 Rounded Corners | YES | YES | |
border-top-right-radius | 46.16% | CSS3 Rounded Corners | YES | YES | |
border-top-style | 15.00% | CSS Border | PARTIAL | Only solid | |
border-top-width | 39.09% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
border-width | 65.34% | CSS Border | YES | YES | |
bottom | 71.36% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
Box Layout | N/A | Visual Layout | PARTIAL | ||
box-shadow | 65.39% | CSS3 Shadow | YES | YES | Only inherit is not implemented |
box-sizing | 66.93% | CSS3 User Interface | |||
buffered-rendering | 0.04% | ||||
caption-side | 4.17% | ||||
caret-color | N/A | CSS Basic UI Module | YES | PARTIAL | Animation supports only color values (keywords like auto and currentcolor won’t be interpolated) |
clear | 74.68% | CSS Float | |||
clip | 36.45% | CSS Clipping | |||
clip-path | 0.08% | CSS Clipping | YES | YES | Only basic shapes |
clip-rule | 0.11% | CSS Clipping | |||
color | 86.87% | CSS Colors | PARTIAL | YES | Limited color names |
color-interpolation | 0.05% | ||||
color-interpolation-filters | 0.05% | ||||
color-rendering | 0.05% | ||||
column-fill | 0.00% | CSS3 Multiple columns | |||
contain | CSS Containment | YES | |||
content | 68.04% | PARTIAL | NO | none, normal, <string> | |
counter-increment | 6.79% | ||||
counter-reset | 6.64% | ||||
cursor | 83.00% | YES | The ViewListener::OnCursorChanged API notifies of runtime cursor changes. | ||
coh-rendering-option | N/A | Custom cohtml | YES | controls how an element is rendered – coh-rendering-option: snap-off/on/auto aa-off/on/auto; .The snap tells cohtml whether the element should be snapped to an integer coordinates. The aa tells the rendering library whether to generate anti-aliasing border for the element.This property is for internal use only. | |
coh-composition-id | N/A | Custom cohtml | YES | coh-composition-id: <string> . The element is drawn on the screen through the client’s compositor. For more details see the documentation on the Compositor | |
coh-partitioned | N/A | Custom cohtml | YES | coh-partitioned: on/off . The element is rendered through the UI surface partitioning flow. For more details see the documentation on the UI Surface Partitioning | |
cx | 0.00% | ||||
cy | 0.00% | ||||
direction | 38.47% | CSS Text | |||
display | 89.65% | Visual Layout | PARTIAL | flex | |
dominant-baseline | 0.11% | ||||
empty-cells | 4.42% | ||||
enable-background | 0.02% | CSS3 Backgrounds | |||
fill | 13.90% | ||||
fill-opacity | 2.97% | ||||
fill-rule | 0.19% | ||||
filter | 23.11% | CSS3 Filters | PARTIAL | YES | Cannot use url for svg filter. All other filters are working. |
flex | 11.02% | CSS3 Flexbox | YES | Currently does not work correctly together with text-align. Flex basis with value content is not supported. Resolving of flex basis auto may fallback to resolving as content if used next to sibling elements with basis in percentages, so this case should be handled with caution. | |
flex-basis | 1.02% | CSS3 Flexbox | YES | ||
flex-direction | 3.39% | CSS3 Flexbox | YES | ||
flex-flow | 4.42% | CSS3 Flexbox | |||
flex-grow | 7.54% | CSS3 Flexbox | YES | ||
flex-shrink | 1.18% | YES | |||
flex-wrap | 1.25% | CSS3 Flexbox | YES | ||
Flexbox Layout | N/A | Visual Layout | YES | ||
float | 83.86% | Visual Layout | |||
flood-color | 0.04% | ||||
flood-opacity | 0.04% | ||||
font | 63.63% | CSS Text | YES | No support for system keywords e.g. caption, icon, menu… | |
font-family | 85.72% | CSS3 Fonts | YES | Font families are always returned with enclosing quotes | |
font-kerning | 0.25% | CSS3 Fonts | |||
font-size | 90.54% | CSS Font | PARTIAL | YES | Supported units are pixels, em, rem, vw, vh |
font-size-adjust | 0.00% | ||||
font-stretch | 2.41% | CSS3 Fonts | |||
font-style | 67.82% | CSS3 Fonts | YES | ||
font-variant | 23.13% | CSS Font | |||
font-variant-ligatures | 0.10% | ||||
font-weight | 87.31% | CSS3 Fonts | YES | ||
coh-font-fit | NA | Custom cohtml | YES | Shorthand property for setting the custom coh-font-fit properties. Please refer to the documentation for more details. | |
coh-font-fit-mode | NA | Custom cohtml | YES | Allows fitting text within a container by automatically changing the size. Please refer to the documentation for more details. | |
coh-font-fit-min-size | NA | Custom cohtml | YES | YES | Determines the minimum font size used to fit a text within a container. Please refer to the documentation for more details. |
coh-font-fit-max-size | NA | Custom cohtml | YES | YES | Determines the maximum font size used to fit a text within a container. Please refer to the documentation for more details. |
glyph-orientation-horizontal | 0.04% | ||||
glyph-orientation-vertical | 0.04% | ||||
GRADIENTS | N/A | CSS3 Gradients | PARTIAL | linear-gradient and radial-gradient are supported | |
Grid Layout | N/A | Visual Layout | |||
grid-area | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-auto-columns | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-auto-flow | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-auto-rows | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-column | 0.00% | ||||
grid-column-end | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-column-start | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-row | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-row-end | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-row-start | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-template | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-template-areas | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-template-columns | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
grid-template-rows | 0.00% | CSS3 Grid Layout | |||
height | 91.28% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | Percent units for inline images are not supported |
image-rendering | 2.70% | CSS3 Backgrounds | YES | crisp-edges and pixelated produce the same result | |
isolation | 0.04% | YES | |||
justify-content | 10.26% | CSS3 Flexbox | PARTIAL | flex-start (default), flex-end , center , space-between , space-around | |
justify-items | 0.00% | ||||
justify-self | 0.00% | ||||
left | 82.27% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
letter-spacing | 43.94% | CSS Text | YES | YES | |
lighting-color | 0.04% | ||||
line-height | 79.69% | CSS Text | YES | YES | |
list-style | 65.98% | CSS List | |||
list-style-image | 13.28% | ||||
list-style-position | 14.73% | ||||
list-style-type | 55.75% | CSS List | |||
margin | 91.78% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
margin-bottom | 78.23% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
margin-left | 79.11% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
margin-right | 77.86% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
margin-top | 85.36% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
marker | 0.01% | ||||
marker-end | 0.05% | ||||
marker-mid | 0.05% | ||||
marker-start | 0.05% | ||||
mask | 0.19% | CSS3 Backgrounds | PARTIAL | ||
mask-clip | 0.04% | CSS Clipping | PARTIAL | Only border-box | |
mask-image | 3.80% | CSS Clipping | PARTIAL | Only for pngs with alpha channel, multiple images are not supported, GIFs are not supported | |
mask-position | 0.88% | CSS3 Backgrounds | YES | YES | |
mask-repeat | 1.34% | CSS3 Clipping | PARTIAL | Space is not supported | |
mask-size | 2.75% | CSS3 Clipping | YES | YES | |
mask-source-type | 0.00% | ||||
mask-type | 0.06% | ||||
matrix(n,n,n,n,n,n) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
matrix3d | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | ||
max-height | 60.85% | Visual Layout | PARTIAL | YES | none value is not supported |
max-width | 70.54% | Visual Layout | PARTIAL | YES | none value is not supported |
max-zoom | 0.00% | CSS3 Zoom | |||
min-height | 66.57% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
min-width | 67.65% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
min-zoom | 0.00% | CSS3 Zoom | |||
mix-blend-mode | 0.05% | YES | Certain properties that would normally cause elements to establish a stacking context and act as a backdrop for the blend are currently not treated as such. One example is the transform property. In case you need a specific visual effect, you can achieve that by explicitly specifying the isolation: isolate property on the element that you wish to be the backdrop for the blend.Note: The non-standard “additive” blend mode is available for additive blending (also known as “linear dodge”) Warning: When using this property on elements with perspective transformation, the graphics API must support linear (“noperspective”) interpolation. | ||
object-fit | 0.34% | ||||
object-position | 0.09% | ||||
opacity | 83.60% | CSS Opacity | YES | YES | |
order | 7.97% | CSS3 Flexbox | |||
orientation | 0.00% | ||||
orphans | 14.68% | ||||
outline | 69.85% | CSS Outline | |||
outline-color | 16.25% | CSS3 User Interface | |||
outline-offset | 14.58% | CSS3 User Interface | |||
outline-style | 14.89% | CSS3 User Interface | |||
outline-width | 14.25% | CSS3 User Interface | |||
overflow | 86.29% | Visual Layout | YES | Absolute positioned elements inside overflowing containers are clipped by them is overflow!=visible; This is different than the very confusing default behavior of HTML where absolutely positioned element pop-out of static ancestors with scrolling. | |
overflow-wrap | 5.86% | YES | |||
overflow-x | 47.20% | Visual Layout | YES | ||
overflow-y | 54.50% | Visual Layout | YES | ||
padding | 91.26% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
padding-bottom | 74.26% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
padding-left | 77.34% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
padding-right | 75.42% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
padding-top | 78.17% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
page | 0.13% | ||||
page-break-after | 8.68% | ||||
page-break-before | 1.07% | ||||
page-break-inside | 8.89% | ||||
paint-order | 0.04% | ||||
perspective | 4.93% | CSS3 Transforms | YES | ||
perspective-origin | 5.12% | CSS3 Transforms | YES | Use standard syntax | |
perspective(n) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | |||
pointer-events | 41.66% | CSS Pointer | YES (no SVG-specific) | auto, none, inherit | |
position | 89.40% | Visual Layout | PARTIAL | relative, absolute, fixed (partial support for nested fixed positioned contexts) | |
quotes | 19.55% | ||||
resize | 28.31% | CSS3 User Interface | |||
right | 80.02% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
rotate(angle) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
rotate3d(x,y,z,angle) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
rotateX(angle) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
rotateY(angle) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
rotateZ(angle) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
rx | 0.01% | ||||
ry | 0.01% | ||||
scale(x,y) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
scale3d(x,y,z) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
scaleX(n) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
scaleX(x) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
scaleY(n) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
scaleY(y) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
scaleZ(z) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
scroll-behavior | 0.00% | ||||
scroll-blocks-on | 0.00% | ||||
shape-image-threshold | 0.04% | ||||
shape-margin | 0.04% | ||||
shape-outside | 0.04% | ||||
shape-rendering | 0.36% | ||||
size | 0.90% | ||||
skew(x-angle,y-angle) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | |||
skewX(angle) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | ||
skewY(angle) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | ||
speak | 8.69% | Accessibility | |||
src | 32.91% | ||||
stop-color | 0.43% | ||||
stop-opacity | 0.24% | ||||
stroke | 4.75% | ||||
stroke-dasharray | 0.32% | ||||
stroke-dashoffset | 0.13% | ||||
stroke-linecap | 0.29% | ||||
stroke-linejoin | 0.22% | ||||
stroke-miterlimit | 0.15% | ||||
stroke-opacity | 0.48% | ||||
stroke-width | 3.80% | ||||
tab-size | 0.55% | ||||
table-layout | 35.02% | CSS Table | |||
text-align | 89.11% | CSS Font | YES | ||
text-align-last | 0.00% | CSS3 Text | |||
text-anchor | 0.28% | ||||
text-decoration | 81.30% | CSS Text Decoration | PARTIAL | YES | |
text-decoration-color | 0.00% | CSS Text Decoration | YES | YES | |
text-decoration-thickness | 0.00% | CSS Text Decoration | PARTIAL | YES | from-font is not supported. |
text-decoration-line | 0.00% | CSS Text Decoration | PARTIAL | YES | blink is not supported. Decorations are not visible over partial selection of input elements. 1 pixel vertical offsets of the decoration line are expected when texts with different font sizes are drawn next to each other. 1 pixel horizontal offsets of the decoration line are expected when multiple text nodes are drawn next to each other. |
text-decoration-style | 0.00% | CSS Text Decoration | PARTIAL | YES | Only solid is supported. |
text-indent | 61.64% | CSS Text | |||
text-justify | 0.00% | CSS3 Text | |||
text-line-through-color | 0.0001 | ||||
text-line-through-mode | 0.00% | ||||
text-line-through-style | 0.00% | ||||
text-line-through-width | 0.00% | ||||
text-overflow | 60.27% | CSS3 Text | PARTIAL | NO | Only clip and ellipsis for generic text. Input fields don’t support this property. Note that the ellipsis character must be available in the used fonts for this property to work. |
text-overline-color | 0.00% | ||||
text-overline-mode | 0.00% | ||||
text-overline-style | 0.00% | ||||
text-overline-width | 0.00% | ||||
text-rendering | 18.00% | ||||
text-shadow | 62.19% | CSS3 Shadow | YES | YES | |
text-stroke | 0.72% | YES | YES | ||
text-stroke-color | 0.29% | YES | YES | ||
text-stroke-width | 0.68% | YES | YES | ||
text-transform | 58.67% | CSS Text | YES | NO | Requires implementing the cohtml::ITextTransformationManager interface - please check the documentation for more details. |
text-underline-offset | 0.00% | CSS Text Decoration | YES | YES | |
text-underline-position | 0.00% | CSS Text Decoration | PARTIAL | YES | Only auto , under and inherit are supported. |
text-underline-color | 0.00% | ||||
text-underline-position | 0.00% | ||||
text-underline-style | 0.00% | ||||
text-underline-width | 0.00% | ||||
top | 88.30% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
touch-action | 3.18% | ||||
touch-action-delay | 0.00% | ||||
transform | 41.96% | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
transform-origin | 23.16% | CSS3 Transforms | PARTIAL | YES | Missing support for z-offset. |
transform-style | 3.55% | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
transition | 53.01% | CSS3 Transitions | YES | NO | |
transition-delay | 11.52% | CSS3 Transitions | YES | NO | |
transition-duration | 11.85% | CSS3 Transitions | YES | NO | |
transition-property | 11.40% | CSS3 Transitions | YES | NO | |
transition-timing-function | 9.35% | CSS3 Transitions | YES | NO | |
translate(x,y) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
translate3d(x,y,z) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
translateX(n) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
translateX(x) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
translateY(n) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
translateY(y) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
translateZ(z) | N/A | CSS3 Transforms | YES | YES | |
unicode-bidi | 18.96% | CSS3 Fonts | |||
unicode-range | 12.34% | CSS3 Fonts | |||
user-select | 54.26% | CSS Selection | Partial | none by default! Missing support for all | |
user-zoom | 0.00% | CSS3 Zoom | |||
vector-effect | 0.05% | ||||
vertical-align | 77.72% | Visual Layout | |||
visibility | 78.58% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | collapse is not supported |
white-space | 73.63% | CSS Text | Partial | Only normal, nowrap, pre and pre-wrap are supported | |
widows | 8.05% | ||||
width | 93.58% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | Percent units for inline images are not supported |
will-change | 1.85% | ||||
word-break | 26.33% | CSS3 Text | |||
word-spacing | 19.37% | CSS Text | |||
word-wrap | 55.34% | CSS3 Text | |||
writing-mode | 0.36% | ||||
x | 0.01% | ||||
y | 0.01% | ||||
z-index | 78.44% | Visual Layout | YES | YES | |
zoom | 56.55% | CSS3 Zoom |