
Class providing utility methods that are commonly used across the integration code.

Public Classes

Utility class providing Application methods.

Public Functions

voidCreateDirectory(string path, bool clean)
Creates a directory at specified path.
stringCombinePaths(params string [] paths)
Combines paths together.
stringNormalizeSlashes(this string target)
Replaces backward slashes with forward slashes.
stringDecodeString(string content)
Encodes a string into a range of bytes and then decodes it into a string.
stringDecodeString(byte [] content)
Decodes a range of bytes from a byte array into a string.
byte []EncodeString(string content)
Encodes a string into a sequence of bytes.
uintGetByteCount(string content)
Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding a set of characters.
TAddMissingComponent< T >(this GameObject go)
Adds a component to a given GameObject only if its missing.
TFindObjectByType< T >(bool findAny =false)
Wrapper method on top of the original Unity3D one allowing support for multiple engine versions.
T []FindObjectsByType< T >()
Wrapper method on top of the original Unity3D one allowing support for multiple engine versions.
voidSetBitState(ref byte bits, int position, bool enabled)
Sets the state of a bit at a given position in a byte state machine.
boolGetBitState(byte bits, int position)
Gets the state of a bit at a given position in a byte state machine.
voidResetByteState(ref byte bits)
Resets the state of all bits in the byte sequence to 0.

Public Attributes

const stringPackagesStr
Holds the name of the packages folder.
const stringCohtmlUpmName
The name of the cohtml upm package.
const byteDefaultByteMask
A default byte mask setting all bits to 0.
Returns the path of the cohtml upm package.

Public Functions Documentation

function CreateDirectory

static void CreateDirectory(
    string path,
    bool clean

Creates a directory at specified path.


  • path The path where to create the directory.
  • clean A flag whether the directory should be cleaned first if it exists.

function CombinePaths

static string CombinePaths(
    params string [] paths

Combines paths together.

function NormalizeSlashes

static string NormalizeSlashes(
    this string target

Replaces backward slashes with forward slashes.

function DecodeString

static string DecodeString(
    string content

Encodes a string into a range of bytes and then decodes it into a string.

function DecodeString

static string DecodeString(
    byte [] content

Decodes a range of bytes from a byte array into a string.

function EncodeString

static byte [] EncodeString(
    string content

Encodes a string into a sequence of bytes.

function GetByteCount

static uint GetByteCount(
    string content

Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding a set of characters.

function AddMissingComponent< T >

static T AddMissingComponent< T >(
    this GameObject go

Adds a component to a given GameObject only if its missing.


  • go The GameObject to add the component to.

Template Parameters:

  • T The type of the component.

Return: Returns the added component or the already existing one.

function FindObjectByType< T >

static T FindObjectByType< T >(
    bool findAny =false

Wrapper method on top of the original Unity3D one allowing support for multiple engine versions.


  • findAny If finding any instance of the type is acceptable, enable this flag for a faster search.

Template Parameters:

  • T The object type to find.

Return: Returns the object by the given type if found.

function FindObjectsByType< T >

static T [] FindObjectsByType< T >()

Wrapper method on top of the original Unity3D one allowing support for multiple engine versions.

Template Parameters:

  • T The object type to find.

Return: Returns an array of the object by the given type if found.

function SetBitState

static void SetBitState(
    ref byte bits,
    int position,
    bool enabled

Sets the state of a bit at a given position in a byte state machine.


  • bits A ref to the byte sequence of the state machine.
  • position The position of the bit from 0 to 7.
  • enabled The new bit state.

function GetBitState

static bool GetBitState(
    byte bits,
    int position

Gets the state of a bit at a given position in a byte state machine.


  • bits The byte sequence of the state machine.
  • position The position of the bit from 0 to 7.

Return: True or false based on the state of the bit.

function ResetByteState

static void ResetByteState(
    ref byte bits

Resets the state of all bits in the byte sequence to 0.


  • bits The byte sequence to reset.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable PackagesStr

const string PackagesStr = "Packages";

Holds the name of the packages folder.

variable CohtmlUpmName

const string CohtmlUpmName = "com.coherent-labs.cohtml";

The name of the cohtml upm package.

variable DefaultByteMask

const byte DefaultByteMask = 0b00000000;

A default byte mask setting all bits to 0.

variable CohtmlUpmPath

static string CohtmlUpmPath => CombinePaths(PackagesStr, CohtmlUpmName);

Returns the path of the cohtml upm package.