
Class responsible for reading resource stream requests.

Inherits from cohtml.Net.UnitySyncStreamReader, cohtml.Net.ISyncStreamReader, cohtml.Net.IStreamReader, SystemIDisposable

Public Functions

StreamReader(string path)
Creates a StreamReader and a FileStream object with the given path.
StreamReader(byte [] bytes)
Creates a StreamReader and stores the provided bytes array of a file.
virtual override voidClose()
Closes the FileStream and disposes the StreamReader.
virtual override uintGetSize()
Returns the size of the FileStream or the provided bytes array of a file.
override uintRead(uint offset, IntPtr buffer, uint count)
Reads an amount of bytes from the stream and writes the data in a given buffer.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from cohtml.Net.UnitySyncStreamReader

virtual override voidDispose()
delegate uintSwigDelegateUnitySyncStreamReader_0(global.System.IntPtr swigId)
delegate uintSwigDelegateUnitySyncStreamReader_1(uint offset, global.System.IntPtr buffer, uint count, global.System.IntPtr swigId)
delegate voidSwigDelegateUnitySyncStreamReader_2(global.System.IntPtr swigId)

Public Functions inherited from cohtml.Net.ISyncStreamReader

virtual override voidDispose()

Public Functions inherited from cohtml.Net.IStreamReader

virtual voidDispose()

Protected Attributes inherited from cohtml.Net.IStreamReader


Public Functions Documentation

function StreamReader

    string path

Creates a StreamReader and a FileStream object with the given path.

function StreamReader

    byte [] bytes

Creates a StreamReader and stores the provided bytes array of a file.

function Close

virtual override void Close()

Closes the FileStream and disposes the StreamReader.

Reimplements: cohtml.Net.UnitySyncStreamReader.Close

function GetSize

virtual override uint GetSize()

Returns the size of the FileStream or the provided bytes array of a file.

Reimplements: cohtml.Net.UnitySyncStreamReader.GetSize

function Read

override uint Read(
    uint offset,
    IntPtr buffer,
    uint count

Reads an amount of bytes from the stream and writes the data in a given buffer.


  • offset Offset of the data.
  • buffer A buffer to copy data to.
  • count The amount of bytes to read.