
Type for representing generic JavaScript values

Public Functions

Create a null value
Value(bool value)
Create a boolean value
Value(int value)
Create an integer value
Value(uint value)
Create an unsigned integer value
Value(float value)
Create a float value
Value(double value)
Create a double value
Value(string value)
Create a string value
Value(Value [] value)
Create an array value
Value(Dictionary< string, Value > value)
Create an object value
Value(ValueObject value)
Create an object value
override boolEquals(object obj)
Compare to another object
override intGetHashCode()
Hash code for Value
implicitoperator bool(Value value)
cast a value to a boolean
implicitoperator int(Value value)
cast a value to an int
implicitoperator uint(Value value)
cast a value to an uint
implicitoperator float(Value value)
cast a value to a float
implicitoperator double(Value value)
cast a value to a double
implicitoperator string(Value value)
cast a value to a string
implicitoperator Value[](Value value)
cast a value to an array
implicitoperator Dictionary< string, Value >(Value value)
cast a value to a dictionary of properties
booloperator==(Value lhs, Value rhs)
Compares two Value objects
booloperator!=(Value lhs, Value rhs)
Compares two Value objects

Public Attributes

The type of the data stored in this Value instance

Public Functions Documentation

function Value


Create a null value

function Value

    bool value

Create a boolean value


  • value the integer value of the Value object

function Value

    int value

Create an integer value


  • value the integer value of the Value object

function Value

    uint value

Create an unsigned integer value


  • value the unsigned integer value of the Value object

function Value

    float value

Create a float value


  • value the float value of the Value object

function Value

    double value

Create a double value


  • value the double value of the Value object

function Value

    string value

Create a string value


  • value the string value of the Value object

function Value

    Value [] value

Create an array value


  • value the array value of the Value object

function Value

    Dictionary< string, Value > value

Create an object value


  • value dictionary of properties of the Value object

function Value

    ValueObject value

Create an object value


  • value dictionary of properties of the Value object

function Equals

override bool Equals(
    object obj

Compare to another object


  • obj

Return: true if obj is a Value instance equal to this one

function GetHashCode

override int GetHashCode()

Hash code for Value

Return: hash code for the current instance

function operator bool

static implicit operator bool(
    Value value

cast a value to a boolean


  • value value to be casted

Return: the boolean stored in the value

function operator int

static implicit operator int(
    Value value

cast a value to an int


  • value value to be casted

Return: the int stored in the value

function operator uint

static implicit operator uint(
    Value value

cast a value to an uint


  • value value to be casted

Return: the unsigned int stored in the value

function operator float

static implicit operator float(
    Value value

cast a value to a float


  • value value to be casted

Return: the float stored in the value

function operator double

static implicit operator double(
    Value value

cast a value to a double


  • value value to be casted

Return: the double stored in the value

function operator string

static implicit operator string(
    Value value

cast a value to a string


  • value value to be casted

Return: the string stored in the value

function operator Value[]

static implicit operator Value[](
    Value value

cast a value to an array


  • value value to be casted

Return: the array of Value objects stored in the value

function operator Dictionary< string, Value >

static implicit operator Dictionary< string, Value >(
    Value value

cast a value to a dictionary of properties


  • value value to be casted

Return: the dictionary of properties of the value

function operator==

static bool operator==(
    Value lhs,
    Value rhs

Compares two Value objects


  • lhs object to be compared
  • rhs object to be compared

Return: true if the objects are from the same type and have the same values

function operator!=

static bool operator!=(
    Value lhs,
    Value rhs

Compares two Value objects


  • lhs object to be compared
  • rhs object to be compared

Return: false if the objects are from the same type and have the same values

Public Attributes Documentation

variable Type

ValueType Type;

The type of the data stored in this Value instance