
Represent the parameters required to create a Cohtml Library. The properties can be set from the context menu by opening the Gameface/Configure Library window. They can also be changed through a script when subscribing to ‘LibraryParamsManager.OnCustomizeExtendedParams’.

Public Functions

Initialize new Extended Params object with default values.

Public Properties

Sync the library params with internal member values.
Returns true if the C# rendering backend should be used.
The logging Severity of the Cohtml Library parameters. Setting it allows you to control the logs that should be shown in the Console window.
Allows you to control the size of the text atlas.
The default font family for the CSS styles.
Modifies the path tessellation threshold ratio.
Enabling this flag allows the usage of multiple rendering threads.

Public Attributes

const intDefaultTextAtlasDimension
Returns the default atlas dimension.
Returns true if memory tracking is enabled.
Returns true the DevTools debugger is enabled in the Unity3D Editor and Development builds.
Returns the DevTools debugger port.
Returns true if the DevTools debugger is enabled in all build configurations.

Public Functions Documentation

function ExtendedLibraryParams


Initialize new Extended Params object with default values.

Public Property Documentation

property Params

ILibraryParams Params;

Sync the library params with internal member values.

property UseCSharpRenderingBackend

bool UseCSharpRenderingBackend;

Returns true if the C# rendering backend should be used.

property LoggingSeverity

Severity LoggingSeverity;

The logging Severity of the Cohtml Library parameters. Setting it allows you to control the logs that should be shown in the Console window.

Keep this to Info or more in Shipping builds. Excessive logging can hurt performance.

property TextAtlasDimensions

Vector2Int TextAtlasDimensions;

Allows you to control the size of the text atlas.

property DefaultStyleFontFamily

string DefaultStyleFontFamily;

The default font family for the CSS styles.

property PathTessellationThresholdRatio

float PathTessellationThresholdRatio;

Modifies the path tessellation threshold ratio.

property AllowMultipleRenderingThreads

bool AllowMultipleRenderingThreads;

Enabling this flag allows the usage of multiple rendering threads.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable DefaultTextAtlasDimension

const int DefaultTextAtlasDimension = 1024;

Returns the default atlas dimension.

variable EnableMemoryTracking

bool EnableMemoryTracking;

Returns true if memory tracking is enabled.

variable EnableDebugger

bool EnableDebugger;

Returns true the DevTools debugger is enabled in the Unity3D Editor and Development builds.

variable DebuggerPort

int DebuggerPort;

Returns the DevTools debugger port.

variable EnableDebuggerInBuild

bool EnableDebuggerInBuild;

Returns true if the DevTools debugger is enabled in all build configurations.