class CohtmlPluginManager Manage Cohtml Plugin MonoBehaviour events and ensure they are invoked at the appropriate moments. The instance of the object should be unique for the entire lifespan of the application.
class CohtmlView A component allowing you to render an HTML page and perform operations on it such as resizing, sending input events, navigating to a different URL and more.
class CohtmlWebSocketWrapper Class wrapping around the .Net ClientWebSocket. Created when a CohtmlView component tries to establish a web socket connection.
class Compositor A class used to implement the Compositor and Surface Partitioning features.
class DefaultResourceHandler A default implementation of the cohtml.Net.IResourceHandler interface. Responsible for handling resource loading requests.
class ExtendedLibraryParams Represent the parameters required to create a Cohtml Library. The properties can be set from the context menu by opening the Gameface/Configure Library window. They can also be changed through a script when subscribing to ‘LibraryParamsManager.OnCustomizeExtendedParams’.
class FileReader Helper class providing functionality to read files.
class CohtmlInputHandler Subscribes to input events of Unity3D’s Input System or Input Manager and then forwards these events to CohtmlView’s that can receive input.
class InputBase Base input class responsible for subscribing to Unity3D input events and relaying them to the CohtmlInputHandler. Works with Unity3D’s Input Manager or Input System.
class InputEvent Base class for any input event that can be sent to a CohtmlView component.
class InputEventWrapper A wrapper around Unity3D’s InputAction or Event based on the chosen input package.
class InputManager This class wraps around Unity3D’s Input Manager and subscribes to its input events.
class KeyEvent A class storing keyboard input event data.
class MouseEvent A class storing mouse input event.
class PointerEvent Base class for any event based on a pointing device and can be sent to a CohtmlView component.
class TouchEvent A class storing touch input event data.
class TouchEventCollection A class storing a collection of touch input events that can be sent to a CohtmlView component.
class Library A class responsible for initializing the native Cohtml Library and rendering module. Creates, destroys and manages the native Cohtml plugin objects.
class FrameCapture Debugging class holding debug frame captured data and size. Passed to FrameCaptureCallback on View.BeginCaptureDebugFrame and View.CaptureSingleDebugFrame methods. Release() must be called after finished using the data to free the memory.
class IDataStorageResponse Response that the application should use when the data storage has been read.
class IFileManipulator Object capable of enumerating directories and opening files.
class IFileSystemReader Class that allows Cohtml to interface with the local file system. It allows enumerating folders and opening streams to local resources.
class IFileSystemWriter Class that allows Cohtml to interface with the local file system. It allows opening a file for writing and writing information to it.
class IInputProxy Represents an INPUT or TEXTAREA element in the View.
class ILocalizationManager Takes care of translating text between different locales.
class TranslationData The struct should be used by the implementer to set the translated text. Use this struct only in the context of a ILocalizationManager.OnTranslate call.
class INodeProxy Represents a DOM element in the View - i.e. a DIV, the BODY etc.
class ISocketListener The ISocketListener represents cohtml.View side of the web sockets.
class IStreamReader Object capable streaming file contents.
class ISyncStreamReader Class for synchronously reading local resources.
class ISyncStreamWriter Class for synchronously writing local resources.
class ITextTransformationManager Implement this interface to support text transformations. The class is used when the text-transform proeperty is used. Most languages require Unicode support to implement casing and cohtml delegates this work to the embedder. OS-specific APIs in Win32, Mac OS X and cross-platform libraries like ICU can implement the required functionality. An instance must be optionally set in SystemSettings. THIS CLASS MUST BE THREAD-SAFE as it WILL be called from different threads
class IUnityPluginListener It includes callbacks that, send callbacks at specific moments during the processes in the Cohtml Native plugin.
class IViewListener Interface that allows to listen for various events in the View.
class IClipboardData The class should be used by the implementer to set the data recovered from the clipboard. Use this class only in the context of a ViewListener.OnClipboardTextGet call.
class IVirtualAllocator Virtual memory allocator interface used by Cohtml for scripting memory allocations.
class ImagesList A list of images. Used for getting all images that are currently loaded by this View. The list can be used to build a collection of resources that must be pre-loaded via native code or JavaScript to avoid dynamic loading when the page is shown.
class PageCapture Object pointing a raw data coming from a full page capture (see View.SetupPageCapture and View.DoPageCapture). Release() must be called after finished using the data to free the memory.
class ResourceResponse Response that the application should use when the resource has been loaded You can keep a reference to this object as long as needed and call Finish afterwards.
class UserImageData Description of the properties of the user provided image.
class ResourceStreamResponse Response that the application should use when the resource stream has been created You can keep a reference to this object as long as needed and call Finish afterwards.
class ScreenInfo Holds the information about current screen.
class Selection Holds the information about a text selection.
class SystemCacheStats Statistics of the current state of the internal caches of the system Remember to Release the object when done with it to avoid memory leaks.
class ImageCacheStats Encapsulates the image cache statistics.
class SystemRenderer The SystemRenderer lives on the render thread and holds all resources shared between multiple Views belonging to the same System (font atlases, texture caches etc.)
class UISystem A System owns multiple Views. These Views share resources among them. It is usually enough to have just one System per application run. All System APIs, unless explicitly stated otherwise, can be called on any thread, but should not be used on multiple threads simultaneously.
class UnityFileSystemReader Allows Cohtml to interface with the local file system.It allows enumerating folders and opening streams to local resources.
class UnityPlugin Establish the connection between Unity3D integration and the Native Cohtml SDK.
class PostEffectRenderer Class responsible for rendering the CohtmlView component as a post render effect. Such rendering flow is required when having backdrop filter effects in the UI.
class TaskScheduler Class responsible for managing threads and executing native resource and layout tasks.
class TextInputHandler Implementation of the cohtml.Net.ITextInputHandler interface. Provides events when input fields are focused, unfocused or their input caret position changes. Manages IME compositions.
class UnityPluginListener Helper class providing plugin events to the user giving flexibility and allowing to customize the initialization of the ILibrary and IUISystem objects.
class UserImagesManager A class that stores and manages preloaded and live view images.
class Utils Class providing utility methods that are commonly used across the integration code.
class Application Utility class providing Application methods.
class ViewListener A class that allows to listen for various events in the native View.
class VirtualKeyboard Abstract class that subscribes to the TextInputHandler callbacks of a CohtmlView. The callbacks are triggered when an input field in the UI is focused or unfocused.