Release notes



Released 10 Nov 2022
FeatureAdded API to remove arrays exposed by reference from JavaScript
FeatureDispatch window Error event for platforms using V8
FeatureAdd cohtml::ScriptCompiler for compiling scripts before loading for platforms using V8
EnhancementNew documentation with improved usability and searching for Custom engines, Unreal Engine and Unity Engine
EnhancementClarified System API usage – System API must be called on the thread that initialized the System, unless explicitly stated otherwise
EnhancementSupport for PlayStation 4 SDK 10
EnhancementOptimized performance of font data preloading
EnhancementAdded new API for creation/destruction of custom effects
EnhancementGamepad events are now fired before JS timers execution on Advance
EnhancementAdded warnings for registering an already registered gamepad and unregistering a non-registered gamepad
EnhancementDocumented the new execution flow of resource commands through the rendering backends
EnhancementEnhance batching to check for older combinable commands
EnhancementAdded pdb files for the prebuilt Renoir backends
EnhancementInspector now accepts shorthand declarations
EnhancementStyle tags now display their content in the inspector
EnhancementAdded the event name to the warning message when trying to remove non-existent event listeners
EnhancementAbort execution of newly loaded scripts after document unloading has started
EnhancementUnreal EngineAdded support for Custom Effects in Unreal Engine 5
FixMoved invocation of RegisterGamepad and UnregisterGamepad on the System initializing thread in GDK XBox samples for thread-safety
FixFixed log spam when inspector is enabled without an available network connection
FixFixed assert on Linux with Vulkan backend caused by wrong texture layout
FixFixed a crash when reloading pages using canvases and not calling ViewRenderer::Paint on all advanced frames
FixFixed inspector taking up memory space when disabled
FixFixed a case where the client’s backend can receive a DestroyTexture command for a user image before the WrapUserImage command
FixFixed a crash with std::map reading from JavaScript and a numeric string is used as a key
FixFixed forward fill mode animations to retain animated value on end when animation direction is reversed
FixFixed C4100 warnings in public headers, modules and samples
FixFixed bottom and right properties percent values being calculated against the width of the parent element
FixFixed assert when opening the inspector with Chrome language default different than English
FixFixed a crash when parsing background shorthand
FixFixed a crash when there are several elements inside element in a SVG
FixFixed !important order when used with custom variables
FixFixed a crash when importing a module that contains syntax errors
FixFixed a crash when performance handler is not passed
FixFixed hover functionality for elements that are part of complex selectors
FixFixed a crash when registering and unregistering gamepads
FixFixed setting a gamepad object when creating GamepadEvent from JavaScript
FixFixed a crash when unregistering a gamepad twice
FixFixed a GamepadEvent related crash during garbage collector tracing
FixFixed a crash when parsing clip-path:ellipse with a single argument
FixFixed animations not playing when a new element is shown after immediately being hidden
FixFixed crash when there is no function handler in engine.on call
FixFixed border-radius not working until a certain proportion of width and radius
FixFixed style matching of CSS attribute selectors with empty value
FixFixed the crash when clipPath is used together with opacity in SVGs
FixFixed an assert on Vulkan when user texture layout is different from VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL


Released 17 Nov 2022
FeatureAdded support for text-decoration-line, text-decoration-color, text-decoration-thickness, text-underline-offset, text-underline-position and the text-decoration CSS properties
EnhancementUnityMac OS bundles support all CPU architectures
FixFixed linking of iOS ARM64 builds
FixFixed scroll juddering when panning with touch
FixFixed potential double trace and crash of objects during V8 garbage collector tracing