Release notes



Released 03 Aug 2022
FeatureAbsolute positioned elements support for inline layout
EnhancementEnhance objects logging in the Inspector console for platforms using V8 for JavaScript execution. Objects are now properly expandable in the console log messages with captured callstack
EnhancementAdded rem and % setters for left, right, top, bottom, width, height, maxWidth and maxHeight
EnhancementAdded partial Float32Array setters for transform, filter, clip-path, transform-origin, mask-size and mask-position
EnhancementIncreased the duration of JavaScript CPU profiles in the Performance tab
EnhancementAdded support for transform-origin for SVG nodes
EnhancementAdded documentation about the Inspector’s new tracing capabilities
EnhancementUnityAdded support for Vulkan rendering on Android using the C# rendering backend
EnhancementUnreal EngineAdd option to propagate mouse wheel events through transparent CSS classes
FixFixed inconsistencies with nested elements in inline layout
FixFixed inline layout word wrapping when text is nested in elements
FixFixed minor issues with text wrapping in inline layout
FixFixed potential crashes when drawing glyphs and using the PreferCPUWorkload option
FixUnityFixed C# backend crash when the VB/IB buffer data is being set to the mesh
FixFixed a deadlock when the layout is processed on the DOM thread and rendering canvases
FixFixed a crash when detaching elements with animated pseudo elements
FixFixed artifacts from text not properly clearing in cases when the used font-size and line-height made the text get outside of the line’s visual dimension
FixFixed possible race condition in ShaderGradientTextureCache when using command processing on the layout thread
FixFixed possible memory leak when displaying a path at a very low scale (less than ~0.01)
FixUnreal EngineFixed input propagation for in-world Views


Released 22 Aug 2022
FixFixed eager wrapping of multiple words caused by improper layout cache invalidation