Release notes



Released 04 Nov 2021
FeatureAdded support for pseudo elements before and after
FeatureAdded Text-to-speech sample for PlayStation 5 and GDK platforms
FeatureAdded synthesizers for PlayStation 5 and GDK platforms to the Text-to-speech module
FeatureAdded cohtml-speech-api JS library for interacting with Text-to-speech module from cohtml::View
FeatureAdded Text-to-speech module for speech synthesizing
FeatureUnreal EngineAdded SDK libraries for Release and Debug config
FeatureUnreal EngineAdded support for autobinding C-style arrays
FeatureUnreal EngineAdded support for binding 2D TArrays
FeatureAdded a sample for Virtual Lists with scrolling (horizontal/vertical)
EnhancementUpdated Nintendo SDK to version 12.3
EnhancementImproved the performance of the complex CSS selectors with classes and ids
EnhancementOptimized getting element attributes by 10%
EnhancementImproved the performance of AudioPlayer::ReceivePCMData
EnhancementAdded IsPlaying method for AudioPlayer
EnhancementImproved the performance of Structural Mutators
EnhancementUnreal EngineExpanded Virtual Keyboard documentation regarding VK Layout and how it depends on HTML input field types
EnhancementUnreal EngineAdded documentation regarding the settings of the individual UTextures that are part of a texture atlas
EnhancementUnreal EngineAdded documentation for autobound UFUNCTION
FixFixed incorrect layout of inline text
FixFixed leaking transitions that caused Advance calls to become progressively slow
FixFixed mutation record NodeList properties to return empty NodeList instead of null
FixFixed CSS not loading when selectors with CSS keywords are preloaded
FixUnity3D Fixed ResourceHandler.HostLocations handling of URLs that cause NullRefference when is not found in the first location.
FixFixed cohtml::ByRef binding not updating std::vectors when their size has changed.
APIDeprecated TryBindArrayByRef(void* arr, size_t size, ArrayElementBinder elementBinder, ArrayElementReader elementReader)
FixFixed an assert failure about active mutation observers on document disposal
FixFixed a potential crash during HTML parsing when using with the HTML preloading feature
FixFixed deprecated font-fit-mode property
FixFixed inspector crash due to invalid read data
FixFixed a crash when passing console methods to async JS methods like setTimeout
FixUnreal EngineFixed trimming of autobound properties with double underscores
FixFixed incorrect sizing of images that could cause “squashing” into the visible area instead of clipping
FixFixed missing rendering for user images that use NonPremultipliedAlpha alpha mode when simple sublayers are enabled
FixFixed a crash in the Caching Manager when a source of an image was being removed from the DOM
FixFixed a race condition when Path’s GPU data is being used and copied
FixFixed incorrect clipping for elements with transform style


Released 24 Nov 2021
FixFixed layout of inline SVGs when parent element size and position changes
FixFixed incorrect clipping of elements using linearGradient in SVGs
FixFixed subtree styles rematching when parent is being rematched
FixFixed incorrectly re-positioned cohinline paragraphs
FixFixed a crash on certain iOS devices with complex regular expressions
FixFixed a bug with complex selector matching with data attributes selectors
FixFixed a bug that caused pseudo classes to always match in complex selectors
FixUnityUpdated prebuilt ICU libraries to Sony PlayStation 4 SDK 8.500
FixUnityUpdated prebuilt ICU libraries to Sony PlayStation 5 SDK 3.000