Release notes



Released 24 Jul 2023
FeatureAdded support for the HTML template element
EnhancementAdded CSSStyleDeclaration.removeProperty
EnhancementAdded compile time checks to stop creating data-binding models from unsupported types
EnhancementMade CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty work with non-custom properties
EnhancementStopped creating layers for color matrix or blur filters that do not result in visual changes
EnhancementUnreal EngineAdded compile time checks to stop creating data-binding models from unsupported types
EnhancementUnreal EngineImproved resource handling of streaming textures
EnhancementUnreal EnginePrevent registering of BluePrint struct models received by copy
EnhancementUnreal EngineMoved update of the resource loading in the Game thread in a regular tick
EnhancementUnreal EngineMade the plugin installer report failures during installation
EnhancementUnreal EngineTransitioned the CoherentSample project to the Enhanced Input system
FixUnreal EngineFixed first sampler being forced on all sampler slots for Vulkan
FixFixed objectBoundingBox masks for SVGs
FixFixed a regression with getElementsByTagName('*'')'
FixFixed inline RTL text being displayed in the wrong order for right-to-left languages
FixFixed a case where a multiline text may get truncated at the bottom
FixFixed crash when using multiline bidirectional text
FixUnityAdded automatic switching between Mono and IL2CPP scripting backends
FixUnityAdded automatic detection for HDRP and URP rendering pipelines
FixUnityFixed WebSockets not being able to connect with slower networks
FixFixed possibly skipping notifications for Layout tasks with task based concurrency mode
FixUnityResolved the Unity3D integration samples CSS HTML and JS warnings.
FixUnityFixed rendering artifacts on iOS

What’s new

Unreal Engine

Surface partitioning

Added integration for the Surface Partitioning feature to our Unreal Engine plugin. This feature allows you to skip creating a big texture that covers your entire screen, and instead render only the visible parts of your UI in small, separate textures, thus reducing your memory footprint. The feature works with both UMG and HUD setups, and enabling it is as easy as clicking a checkbox in the Unreal Engine editor, then marking the parts of your UI to be drawn in the HTML. For more information, check out the new Surface Partitioning sample map or the Unreal Documentation.

Using the surface partitioning feature, you can create textures only for the circled parts of the UI

Using the surface partitioning feature, you can create textures only for the circled parts of the UI

Unreal Build Settings Version V2

Switched to Unreal BuildSettingsVersion.V2 and Include-What-You-Use(IWYU)

The Prysm plugin now utilizes the BuildSettingsVersion.V2 (more on the UBT Build Properties here) and the Include-What-You-Use(IWYU) (controlled by the IncludeOrderVersion property) build settings, both of which should result in faster build times.

Additional build properties that were explicitly set in accordance with the latest UE version are:

  • Changing the PCHUsage to PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs
  • Setting the ShadowVariableWarningLevel to Error level
  • Disabling the bLegacyPublicIncludePaths property

All relevant .Build.cs and .Target.cs files have been updated.