
Struct representing user font data. Baseline is 0.

#include <System.h>

Public Classes

Struct representing data for individual char.
Struct representing kerning info between chars.

Public Functions


Public Attributes

The font type that’s going to be used for loading and rendering.
const char *FontFamily
The font family.
The font size in which the glyph are generated. In pixels.
The font spread size with which the glyphs are generated. It shows us how many pixels does it take to cover the [0-0.5] distance field range. In pixels.
The font weight.
Whether this is a bold font.
Whether this is an italic font.
The line height of the font according to the Size of the font. In pixels.
The ascent of the font (the distance from the baseline to the tops of the tallest glyphs). Positive number. In pixels.
The descent of the font (the distance from the baseline to the bottoms of the lowest glyphs). Negative number. In pixels.
CharInfo *Chars
Pointer to the char info data.
Number of chars in this font.
KerningPairInfo *KerningPairs
Pointer to kerning info.
Number of kerning pairs.

Public Functions Documentation

function UserFontDescription

inline UserFontDescription()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable FontType

Fonts::UserFontType FontType;

The font type that’s going to be used for loading and rendering.

variable FontFamily

const char * FontFamily;

The font family.

variable Size

unsigned Size;

The font size in which the glyph are generated. In pixels.

variable Spread

unsigned Spread;

The font spread size with which the glyphs are generated. It shows us how many pixels does it take to cover the [0-0.5] distance field range. In pixels.

Note: Spread specifies how many pixels does the distance field spread from the border(between inside and outside of a letter) to the outside. Therefore it maps to the [0-0.5] range. Some tools consider spread to be double the above distance - from end to end and is mapped to the [0-1] range. If that’s the case then that spread should be halved when used here.

variable Weight

Fonts::FontWeight Weight;

The font weight.

variable IsBold

bool IsBold;

Whether this is a bold font.

Note: Ignored when Weight is specified (not Auto)

variable IsItalic

bool IsItalic;

Whether this is an italic font.

variable LineHeight

float LineHeight;

The line height of the font according to the Size of the font. In pixels.

variable Ascent

float Ascent;

The ascent of the font (the distance from the baseline to the tops of the tallest glyphs). Positive number. In pixels.

variable Descent

float Descent;

The descent of the font (the distance from the baseline to the bottoms of the lowest glyphs). Negative number. In pixels.

variable Chars

CharInfo * Chars;

Pointer to the char info data.

variable NumChars

unsigned NumChars;

Number of chars in this font.

variable KerningPairs

KerningPairInfo * KerningPairs;

Pointer to kerning info.

Note: Kerning info is optional. If no info is present for given pair an implicit 0 amount of kerning is used. Kerning info is needed only for pairs with amount different from 0.

variable NumKerningPairs

unsigned NumKerningPairs;

Number of kerning pairs.