Module: JavaScript DOM API
a element in the view
#include <HTMLScriptElement.idl>
Inherits from HTMLElement, Element, Node, EventTarget
Public Attributes
Name | |
attribute boolean | async This is a Boolean attribute indicating that the script will, if possible, load asynchronously and then execute as soon as it’s downloaded. This attribute must not be used if the src attribute is absent (i.e. for inline scripts). If it is included in this case it will have no effect. Scripts are loaded synchronously, (i.e. async=“false”) during HTML parsing. Dynamically inserted scripts (using document.createElement()) load asynchronously, so to turn on synchronous loading (i.e. scripts load in the order they were inserted) set async=“false”. |
attribute boolean | defer This Boolean attribute is set to indicate that the script is meant to be executed after the document has been parsed, but before firing DOMContentLoaded. Scripts with the defer attribute will prevent the DOMContentLoaded event from firing until the script has loaded and finished evaluating. This attribute must not be used if the src attribute is absent (i.e. for inline scripts), in this case it would have no effect. To achieve a similar effect for dynamically inserted scripts use async=“false” instead. Scripts with the defer attribute will execute in the order in which they appear in the document. |
attribute DOMString | src This attribute specifies the URI of an external script; this can be used as an alternative to embedding a script directly within a document. If a script element has a src attribute specified, it should not have a script embedded inside its tags since it can lead to unexpected behavior. The unexpected behavior is because it is only the JavaScript in the file referenced in the src attribute that will be added to the HTML page. |
attribute DOMString | text Alias of the textContent property for script elements. |
attribute DomString | type This attribute indicates the type of script represented. The value of this attribute will be in one of the following categories: Omitted or a JavaScript MIME type: This indicates the script is JavaScript. The HTML5 specification urges authors to omit the attribute rather than provide a redundant MIME type. module: Causes the code to be treated as a JavaScript module. The processing of the script contents is not affected by the charset and defer attributes. For information on using module, see our JavaScript modules guide. Any other value: The embedded content is treated as a data block which won’t be processed. Developers must use a valid MIME type that is not a JavaScript MIME type to denote data blocks. The src attribute will be ignored. |
Additional inherited members
Public Functions inherited from HTMLElement
Name | |
HTMLElement | HTMLElement() |
Public Attributes inherited from HTMLElement
Name | |
readonly attribute DOMStringMap | dataset |
readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration | style |
readonly attribute StylePropertyMap | attributeStyleMap |
readonly attribute Element | offsetParent |
readonly attribute long | offsetTop |
readonly attribute long | offsetLeft |
readonly attribute long | offsetWidth |
readonly attribute long | offsetHeight |
Public Functions inherited from Element
Name | |
void | setAttribute(DOMString qualifiedName, DOMString value) sets the given attribute name to the specified value |
void | setAttributeNS(DOMString ns, DOMString qualifiedName, DOMString value) sets the given attribute name to the specified value |
void | removeAttribute(DOMString qualifiedName) removes the specified attribute |
void | removeAttributeNS(DOMString ns, DOMString qualifiedName) removes the specified attribute |
DOMString | getAttribute(DOMString qualifiedName) returns the attribute value for the given qualified name |
DOMString | getAttributeNS(DOMString ns, DOMString qualifiedName) returns the attribute value for the given qualified name |
boolean | hasAttribute(DOMString qualifiedName) returns whether the element has an attribute with the given qualified name |
boolean | hasAttributeNS(DOMString ns, DOMString qualifiedName) returns whether the element has an attribute with the given qualified name |
Attr | getAttributeNode(DOMString qualifiedName) Returns the specified attribute of the specified element, as an Attr node. |
Attr | getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString? namespace, DOMString localName) Returns the Attr node for the attribute with the given namespace and name. |
Attr | setAttributeNode(Attr attr) Adds a new Attr node to the specified element. |
Attr | setAttributeNodeNS(Attr attr) Adds a new namespaced attribute node to an element. |
Attr | removeAttributeNode(Attr attr) Removes the specified attribute from the current element. |
boolean | hasAttributes() Returns Boolean value, indicating if the current element has any attributes or not. |
sequenceDOMString | getAttributeNames() Must return the qualified names of the attributes in context objects attribute list, in order, and a new list otherwise. |
HTMLCollection | getElementsByTagName(DOMString qualifiedName) Returns the list of elements with qualified name qualifiedName for context object. |
HTMLCollection | getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString? namespace, DOMString localName) Return the list of elements with namespace namespace and local name localName for. |
HTMLCollection | getElementsByClassName(DOMString classNames) Return the list of elements with class names classNames for context object. |
Element | insertAdjacentElement(DOMString where, Element element) Inserts a given element node at a given position relative to the element it is invoked upon. |
void | insertAdjacentText(DOMString where, DOMString data) Inserts a given text node at a given position relative to the element it is invoked upon. |
Element | closest(DOMString selectors) Returns the closest ancestor of the current element (or the current element itself) which matches the selectors given in parameter. If there isn’t such an ancestor, it returns null. |
boolean | matches(DOMString selectors) Returns true if the element would be selected by the specified selector string; otherwise, returns false. |
void | blur() Removes keyboard focus from this element. |
void | focus() Gives keyboard focus to this element. |
void | insertAdjacentHTML(DOMString position, DOMString text) Parses the specified text as HTML or XML and inserts the resulting nodes into the DOM tree at a specified position. |
Element | querySelector(DOMString selectors) Returns the first element that is a descendant of the element on which it is invoked that matches the specified group of selectors. |
NodeList | querySelectorAll(DOMString selectors) Returns a static (not live) NodeList of all elements descended from the element on which it is invoked that matches the specified group of CSS selectors. (The base element itself is not included, even if it matches.) |
sequence< Animation > | getAnimations(optional GetAnimationsOptions options) Returns an array of all the Animation objects that the element has. |
DOMRect | getBoundingClientRect() Returns the bounding rectangle of the element. |
DOMRectList | getClientRects() Returns a collection of the bounding rectangles for each CSS border box in the element. |
ShadowRoot | attachShadow(ShadowRootInit init) |
void | remove() Removes node Note: This should be part of the ChildNode interface. |
Public Attributes inherited from Element
Name | |
readonly attribute DOMString | tagName the element tag |
readonly attribute DOMString | prefix Returns the namespace prefix of the specified element, or null if no prefix is specified. |
readonly attribute DOMString | namespaceURI Returns the namespace URI of the element, or null if the element is not in a namespace. |
readonly attribute DOMString | localName returns the local part of the qualified name of an element. |
attribute DOMString | slot Returns the name of the shadow DOM slot attached to the element. A slot is a placeholder inside a web component that users can fill with their own markup. |
attribute DOMString | id the id of the element |
readonly attribute long | clientTop Returns the unscaled width of the top border of the element in pixels, ignoring any transforms. |
readonly attribute long | clientLeft Returns the unscaled width of the left border of the element in pixels, ignoring any transforms. |
readonly attribute long | clientWidth Returns the unscaled width of the padding box of the element, ignoring any transforms. |
readonly attribute long | clientHeight Returns the unscaled height of the padding box of the element, ignoring any transforms. |
readonly attribute NamedNodeMap | attributes Gets a list of all attributes for the Element. |
readonly attribute NodeList | children A collection rooted at context object matching only element children. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements. Note: The return type should be HTMLCollection. |
readonly attribute Element | firstElementChild attributes getter must return the first child that is an element, and null otherwise. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element |
readonly attribute Element | lastElementChild attributes getter must return the last child that is an element, and null otherwise. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element |
readonly attribute Element | previousElementSibling Returns the Element immediately prior to this node in its parent’s children list, or null if there is no Element in the list prior to this node. Note: This attribute is part of the NonDocumentTypeChildNode interface, which Element implements. |
readonly attribute Element | nextElementSibling Returns the Element immediately following this node in its parent’s children list, or null if there is no Element in the list following this node. Note: This attribute is part of the NonDocumentTypeChildNode interface, which Element implements. |
readonly attribute unsigned long | childElementCount attributes getter must return the number of children of context object that are elements. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element |
attribute float | scrollLeft position of the horizontal scrollbar of the element |
attribute float | scrollLeftVW scrollLeft in VW units The setter converts a given value into PX units based on viewport size |
attribute float | scrollLeftVH scrollLeft in VH units The setter converts a given value into PX units based on viewport size |
attribute float | scrollTop position of the vertical scrollbar of the element |
attribute float | scrollTopVW scrollTop in VW units The setter converts a given value into PX units based on viewport size |
attribute float | scrollTopVH scrollTop in VH units The setter converts a given value into PX units based on viewport size |
readonly attribute long | scrollWidth size of the horizontal scrollbar of the element |
readonly attribute long | scrollWidthVW scrollWidth converted to VW units |
readonly attribute long | scrollWidthVH scrollWidth converted to VH units |
readonly attribute long | scrollHeight size of the vertical scrollbar of the element |
readonly attribute long | scrollHeightVW scrollHeight converted to VH units |
readonly attribute long | scrollHeightVH scrollHeight converted to VH units |
readonly attribute HTMLSlotElement | assignedSlot This is normally a part of the Slottable mixin. |
attribute DOMString | className all of the classes of the element |
readonly attribute DOMTokenList | classList |
attribute DOMString | innerHTML Gets or sets the contents of the element as HTML. |
attribute DOMString | outerHTML Gets a fragment of HTML or XML that represents the element and its contents. |
readonly attribute ShadowRoot | shadowRoot |
attribute EventSetter | focusin |
attribute EventSetter | focusout |
attribute EventSetter | abort |
attribute EventSetter | blur |
attribute EventSetter | click |
attribute EventSetter | auxclick |
attribute EventSetter | dblclick |
attribute EventSetter | error |
attribute EventSetter | focus |
attribute EventSetter | keydown |
attribute EventSetter | keypress |
attribute EventSetter | keyup |
attribute EventSetter | load |
attribute EventSetter | mousedown |
attribute EventSetter | mouseover |
attribute EventSetter | mouseout |
attribute EventSetter | mouseenter |
attribute EventSetter | mouseleave |
attribute EventSetter | mousemove |
attribute EventSetter | mouseup |
attribute EventSetter | input |
attribute EventSetter | change |
attribute EventSetter | scroll |
attribute EventSetter | wheel |
attribute EventSetter | touchstart |
attribute EventSetter | touchend |
attribute EventSetter | touchmove |
attribute EventSetter | animationstart |
attribute EventSetter | animationend |
attribute EventSetter | animationcancel |
attribute EventSetter | animationiteration |
attribute EventSetter | transitionstart |
attribute EventSetter | transitionend |
attribute EventSetter | transitioncancel |
attribute EventSetter | transitionrun |
Public Functions inherited from Node
Name | |
Node | removeChild(Node oldChild) remove a child node |
Node | appendChild(Node newChild) append a node as a child |
void | append((Node or DOMString)… newChildren) append nodes and string objects as children, where the string objects are inserted as equivalent Text nodes |
Node | replaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild) replace oldChild with newChild |
Node | insertBefore(Node node, Node? referenceNode) insert a node before the reference node, as a child of the current node |
Node | cloneNode(optional boolean deep =false) |
boolean | isEqualNode(Node? otherNode) |
boolean | isSameNode(Node? otherNode) |
boolean | hasChildNodes() |
boolean | contains(Node? other) |
DOMString | lookupPrefix(DOMString? namespace) |
boolean | isDefaultNamespace(DOMString? namespace) |
void | normalize() |
unsigned short | compareDocumentPosition(Node other) |
Node | getRootNode(optional GetRootNodeOptions options) |
DOMString | lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString? prefix) |
Public Attributes inherited from Node
Name | |
const unsigned short | ELEMENT_NODE |
const unsigned short | ATTRIBUTE_NODE |
const unsigned short | TEXT_NODE |
const unsigned short | CDATA_SECTION_NODE |
const unsigned short | ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE |
const unsigned short | ENTITY_NODE |
const unsigned short | PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE |
const unsigned short | COMMENT_NODE |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_NODE |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE |
const unsigned short | NOTATION_NODE |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY |
readonly attribute DOMString | nodeName |
attribute DOMString | nodeValue |
attribute DOMString | textContent |
readonly attribute unsigned short | nodeType type of the node |
readonly attribute Node | parentNode parent of the node |
readonly attribute Element | parentElement parent element of the node. If parent is not an Element, returns null. |
readonly attribute NodeList | childNodes list of the children of this node |
readonly attribute Node | firstChild the node’s first child in the tree, or null if the node is childless |
readonly attribute Node | lastChild last child of the node, or null if there are no child elements |
readonly attribute Node | previousSibling the node immediately preceding the specified one in its parent’s children, or null if the specified node is the first in that list |
readonly attribute Node | nextSibling the node immediately following the specified one in its parent’s children, or null if the specified node is the last node in that list |
readonly attribute Document | ownerDocument The Document object associated with this node. This is also the Document object used to create new nodes. When this node is a Document or a DocumentType which is not used with any Document yet, this is null. |
readonly attribute USVString | baseURI |
readonly attribute boolean | isConnected |
attribute EventSetter | slotchange |
Public Functions inherited from EventTarget
Name | |
void | addEventListener(DOMInternedString type, EventListener listener, optional AddEventListenerOptions options) |
void | removeEventListener(DOMInternedString type, EventListener listener, optional RemoveEventListenerOptions options) |
boolean | dispatchEvent(Event event) |
Public Attributes Documentation
variable async
attribute boolean async;
This is a Boolean attribute indicating that the script will, if possible, load asynchronously and then execute as soon as it’s downloaded. This attribute must not be used if the src attribute is absent (i.e. for inline scripts). If it is included in this case it will have no effect. Scripts are loaded synchronously, (i.e. async=“false”) during HTML parsing. Dynamically inserted scripts (using document.createElement()) load asynchronously, so to turn on synchronous loading (i.e. scripts load in the order they were inserted) set async=“false”.
variable defer
attribute boolean defer;
This Boolean attribute is set to indicate that the script is meant to be executed after the document has been parsed, but before firing DOMContentLoaded. Scripts with the defer attribute will prevent the DOMContentLoaded event from firing until the script has loaded and finished evaluating. This attribute must not be used if the src attribute is absent (i.e. for inline scripts), in this case it would have no effect. To achieve a similar effect for dynamically inserted scripts use async=“false” instead. Scripts with the defer attribute will execute in the order in which they appear in the document.
variable src
attribute DOMString src;
This attribute specifies the URI of an external script; this can be used as an alternative to embedding a script directly within a document. If a script element has a src attribute specified, it should not have a script embedded inside its tags since it can lead to unexpected behavior. The unexpected behavior is because it is only the JavaScript in the file referenced in the src attribute that will be added to the HTML page.
variable text
attribute DOMString text;
Alias of the textContent property for script elements.
variable type
attribute DomString type;
This attribute indicates the type of script represented. The value of this attribute will be in one of the following categories: Omitted or a JavaScript MIME type: This indicates the script is JavaScript. The HTML5 specification urges authors to omit the attribute rather than provide a redundant MIME type. module: Causes the code to be treated as a JavaScript module. The processing of the script contents is not affected by the charset and defer attributes. For information on using module, see our JavaScript modules guide. Any other value: The embedded content is treated as a data block which won’t be processed. Developers must use a valid MIME type that is not a JavaScript MIME type to denote data blocks. The src attribute will be ignored.