Module: JavaScript DOM API
#include <Attr.idl>
Inherits from Node, EventTarget
Public Attributes
Name | |
readonly attribute DOMString | namespaceURI |
readonly attribute DOMString | prefix |
readonly attribute DOMString | localName |
readonly attribute DOMString | name |
attribute DOMString | value |
Additional inherited members
Public Functions inherited from Node
Name | |
Node | removeChild(Node oldChild) remove a child node |
Node | appendChild(Node newChild) append a node as a child |
void | append((Node or DOMString)… newChildren) append nodes and string objects as children, where the string objects are inserted as equivalent Text nodes |
Node | replaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild) replace oldChild with newChild |
Node | insertBefore(Node node, Node? referenceNode) insert a node before the reference node, as a child of the current node |
Node | cloneNode(optional boolean deep =false) |
boolean | isEqualNode(Node? otherNode) |
boolean | isSameNode(Node? otherNode) |
boolean | hasChildNodes() |
boolean | contains(Node? other) |
DOMString | lookupPrefix(DOMString? namespace) |
boolean | isDefaultNamespace(DOMString? namespace) |
void | normalize() |
unsigned short | compareDocumentPosition(Node other) |
Node | getRootNode(optional GetRootNodeOptions options) |
DOMString | lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString? prefix) |
Public Attributes inherited from Node
Name | |
const unsigned short | ELEMENT_NODE |
const unsigned short | ATTRIBUTE_NODE |
const unsigned short | TEXT_NODE |
const unsigned short | CDATA_SECTION_NODE |
const unsigned short | ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE |
const unsigned short | ENTITY_NODE |
const unsigned short | PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE |
const unsigned short | COMMENT_NODE |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_NODE |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE |
const unsigned short | NOTATION_NODE |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS |
const unsigned short | DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY |
readonly attribute DOMString | nodeName |
attribute DOMString | nodeValue |
attribute DOMString | textContent |
readonly attribute unsigned short | nodeType type of the node |
readonly attribute Node | parentNode parent of the node |
readonly attribute Element | parentElement parent element of the node. If parent is not an Element, returns null. |
readonly attribute NodeList | childNodes list of the children of this node |
readonly attribute Node | firstChild the node’s first child in the tree, or null if the node is childless |
readonly attribute Node | lastChild last child of the node, or null if there are no child elements |
readonly attribute Node | previousSibling the node immediately preceding the specified one in its parent’s children, or null if the specified node is the first in that list |
readonly attribute Node | nextSibling the node immediately following the specified one in its parent’s children, or null if the specified node is the last node in that list |
readonly attribute Document | ownerDocument The Document object associated with this node. This is also the Document object used to create new nodes. When this node is a Document or a DocumentType which is not used with any Document yet, this is null. |
readonly attribute USVString | baseURI |
readonly attribute boolean | isConnected |
attribute EventSetter | slotchange |
Public Functions inherited from EventTarget
Name | |
void | addEventListener(DOMInternedString type, EventListener listener, optional AddEventListenerOptions options) |
void | removeEventListener(DOMInternedString type, EventListener listener, optional RemoveEventListenerOptions options) |
boolean | dispatchEvent(Event event) |
Public Attributes Documentation
variable namespaceURI
readonly attribute DOMString namespaceURI;
variable prefix
readonly attribute DOMString prefix;
variable localName
readonly attribute DOMString localName;
variable name
readonly attribute DOMString name;
variable value
attribute DOMString value;