
Module: JavaScript DOM API

The Animation object for dom element.

#include <Animation.idl>

Inherited by CSSAnimation

Public Functions

Starts playing the animation if paused, does nothing if already running.
Pauses the animation if running, does nothing if finished/paused.
Reverses the animations playbackRate and plays it.
voidplayFromTo(double playTime, double pauseTime, optional AnyCallback callback)
Plays an animation from the selected time to the pause time. When the pauseTime is reached, the animation is automatically paused and the callback is invoked.

Public Attributes

attribute doublecurrentTime
The current time of the animation.
attribute doubleplaybackRate
The playback rate of the animation.
attribute EventSetterfinish

Public Functions Documentation

function play

void play()

Starts playing the animation if paused, does nothing if already running.

function pause

void pause()

Pauses the animation if running, does nothing if finished/paused.

function reverse

void reverse()

Reverses the animations playbackRate and plays it.

function playFromTo

void playFromTo(
    double playTime,
    double pauseTime,
    optional AnyCallback callback

Plays an animation from the selected time to the pause time. When the pauseTime is reached, the animation is automatically paused and the callback is invoked.

function commitStyles

void commitStyles()

function finish

void finish()

function cancel

void cancel()

function persist

void persist()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable currentTime

attribute double currentTime;

The current time of the animation.

variable playbackRate

attribute double playbackRate;

The playback rate of the animation.

variable finish

attribute EventSetter finish;