
#include <Library.h>

Public Types

enumScriptType { ST_Classic, ST_Module, ST_Unknown}
The enumeration tells the ScriptCompiler how to compile the provided source.

Public Functions

virtual DataBuffer *Compile(DataBuffer * utf8Source, ScriptType scriptType =ST_Unknown) =0
Compiles a script file synchronously.
virtual voidDestroy() =0
Destroys the ScriptCompiler and frees memory.

Protected Functions


Public Types Documentation

enum ScriptType

ST_ModuleTry to compile the provided source as a classic script.
ST_UnknownTry to compile the provided source as a module.

The enumeration tells the ScriptCompiler how to compile the provided source.

Public Functions Documentation

function Compile

virtual DataBuffer * Compile(
    DataBuffer * utf8Source,
    ScriptType scriptType =ST_Unknown
) =0

Compiles a script file synchronously.


  • utf8Source a data buffer, containing an utf8 encoded script source
  • scriptType specify if the provided source is classic script, module or unknown

Return: A data buffer, containing the compiled data.


  • Can be used on any thread, should not be used on multiple threads simultaneously.
  • Scripts can be precompiled on Windows then later used on other platforms where Cohtml works with V8’s pointer compression feature enabled. Currently, those are only Microsoft Xbox consoles.
  • If ST_Unknown is passed as scriptType, Cohtml will try to compile it either as a classic script or a module if that fails. V8 might print an error in such case even when the module is compiled successfully, for example if the source contains the “import” keyword because Cohtml will try to compile it as a classic script first.

function Destroy

virtual void Destroy() =0

Destroys the ScriptCompiler and frees memory.

Protected Functions Documentation

function ~ScriptCompiler

virtual ~ScriptCompiler()