
Encapsulates an asynchronous resource request.

#include <ResourceHandler.h>

Public Classes


Public Functions

virtual unsignedGetId() const =0
The ID of the request.
virtual const char *GetURL() const =0
The request URL.
virtual const char *GetAbsoluteURL() const =0
Absolute URL taking into account the current URL of the View.
virtual const char *GetMethod() const =0
Get the request method.
virtual const char *GetUsername() const =0
Get the username (optional)
virtual const char *GetPassword() const =0
Get the password (optional)
virtual const char *GetHeaderValue(const char * name) const =0
Returns the value of a particular header if exists.
virtual unsignedGetHeadersCount() const =0
Returns the count of all headers in the request.
virtual const char *GetHeaderName(unsigned id) const =0
Returns the name of the header at id.
virtual const char *GetHeaderValue(unsigned id) const =0
Returns the value of the header at id.
virtual const char *GetBody() const =0
Returns pointer to the request body.
virtual unsignedGetBodySize() const =0
Get the length of the request body.
virtual FallbackURLsDataGetFallbackURLs() const =0

Public Functions Documentation

function IAsyncResourceRequest


function ~IAsyncResourceRequest

virtual ~IAsyncResourceRequest()

function GetId

virtual unsigned GetId() const =0

The ID of the request.

function GetURL

virtual const char * GetURL() const =0

The request URL.

function GetAbsoluteURL

virtual const char * GetAbsoluteURL() const =0

Absolute URL taking into account the current URL of the View.

function GetMethod

virtual const char * GetMethod() const =0

Get the request method.

function GetUsername

virtual const char * GetUsername() const =0

Get the username (optional)

function GetPassword

virtual const char * GetPassword() const =0

Get the password (optional)

function GetHeaderValue

virtual const char * GetHeaderValue(
    const char * name
) const =0

Returns the value of a particular header if exists.

function GetHeadersCount

virtual unsigned GetHeadersCount() const =0

Returns the count of all headers in the request.

function GetHeaderName

virtual const char * GetHeaderName(
    unsigned id
) const =0

Returns the name of the header at id.

function GetHeaderValue

virtual const char * GetHeaderValue(
    unsigned id
) const =0

Returns the value of the header at id.

function GetBody

virtual const char * GetBody() const =0

Returns pointer to the request body.

function GetBodySize

virtual unsigned GetBodySize() const =0

Get the length of the request body.

function GetFallbackURLs

virtual FallbackURLsData GetFallbackURLs() const =0