
Provides binding between C++ and the UI.

#include <Binder.h>

Public Types

enumBindingMode { BM_Value, BM_Scoped, BM_GetTypeInfo}
typedef void(*)(Binder *, void *, size_t)ArrayElementReader
typedef void(*)(Binder *, void *, size_t)ArrayElementBinder
typedef size_t(*)(void *)ArrayLengthGetter

Public Functions

virtual~Binder() =0
virtual TypeDescriptionRegisterType(const char * name, void * object)
Register type in the binding.
virtual TypeDescriptionRegisterType(const char * name, const void * object)
Register type in the binding.
virtual voidAddProperty(void * object, const Property & property)
virtual voidAddMethod(const char * name, IEventHandler * method)
virtual voidBeginType()
virtual voidReadType()
virtual TypeInfo *GetTypeInfo() const
virtual voidEndType(void * )
virtual voidBeginEvent(const char * eventName, int arguments) =0
virtual voidEndEvent() =0
virtual voidBeginExposeObject() =0
virtual voidSetAsGlobal(const char * name, void * object) =0
virtual voidSetMode(BindingMode mode) =0
virtual Binder::BindingModeGetMode() =0
virtual boolBindObject(TypeInfo * type, void * object) =0
virtual voidTypeName(const char * name) =0
virtual voidPropertyName(const char * name) =0
virtual voidBindUndefined() =0
virtual voidBindNull() =0
virtual voidBind(bool value) =0
virtual voidBind(signed short value) =0
virtual voidBind(unsigned short value) =0
virtual voidBind(signed int value) =0
virtual voidBind(unsigned int value) =0
virtual voidBind(signed long long value) =0
virtual voidBind(unsigned long long value) =0
virtual voidBind(signed long value) =0
virtual voidBind(unsigned long value) =0
virtual voidBind(signed char value) =0
virtual voidBind(unsigned char value) =0
virtual voidBind(float value) =0
virtual voidBind(double value) =0
virtual voidBind(const char * value) =0
virtual voidBind(const wchar_t * value) =0
virtual voidBind(const char16_t * value) =0
virtual voidBind(const char32_t * value) =0
virtual voidBindArray(const int * values, size_t count) =0
virtual voidBindArray(const float * values, size_t count) =0
virtual boolTryBindArrayByRef(void * arr, size_t size, ArrayElementBinder elementBinder, ArrayElementReader elementReader) =0
Deprecated Use TryBindArrayByRef(void* arr, ArrayElementBinder elementBinder, ArrayElementReader elementReader, ArrayLengthGetter lengthGetter)
virtual boolTryBindArrayByRef(void * arr, ArrayElementBinder elementBinder, ArrayElementReader elementReader, ArrayLengthGetter lengthGetter) =0
virtual voidArrayBegin(size_t size) =0
Start exporting an array.
virtual voidArrayEnd() =0
End exporting an array.
virtual voidMapBegin(size_t size) =0
Start exporting a map (object)
virtual voidMapEnd() =0
End exporting a map.
virtual voidOnTypeBegin() =0
virtual voidOnTypeEnd() =0
virtual voidOnReadTypeBegin() =0
virtual voidOnReadTypeEnd() =0
virtual voidSkipValue() =0
virtual voidReadNull() =0
Deprecated Use SkipValue.
virtual voidRead(bool & value) =0
virtual voidRead(signed short & value) =0
virtual voidRead(unsigned short & value) =0
virtual voidRead(signed int & value) =0
virtual voidRead(unsigned int & value) =0
virtual voidRead(signed long long & value) =0
virtual voidRead(unsigned long long & value) =0
virtual voidRead(signed long & value) =0
virtual voidRead(unsigned long & value) =0
virtual voidRead(char & value) =0
virtual voidRead(signed char & value) =0
virtual voidRead(unsigned char & value) =0
virtual voidRead(float & value) =0
virtual voidRead(double & value) =0
virtual voidRead(const char *& buffer, size_t & size) =0
virtual voidRead(const wchar_t *& value, size_t & size) =0
virtual voidRead(const char16_t *& value, size_t & size) =0
virtual voidRead(const char32_t *& value, size_t & size) =0
virtual boolReadProperty(const char * name) =0
virtual boolReadType(const char * name) =0
virtual voidReadAsString(const char *& buffer, size_t & size) =0
Like Read but ensures the value will be read as string.
virtual size_tReadArrayBegin() =0
Start reading an array.
virtual voidReadArrayElement(size_t index) =0
Read element from an array.
virtual voidReadArrayEnd() =0
End reading an array.
virtual size_tReadMapBegin() =0
Start reading a map (object)
virtual voidReadKeyValuePair() =0
Read next key-value pair from a map.
virtual voidReadMapEnd() =0
End reading a map.
virtual ValueTypePeekValueType() =0
Peek the type of the current value.
template <typename T >
CreatePreciseHandle(T * instance, const char * propertyName)
Create a handle for updating a specific property of a model.
virtual PreciseHandleCreatePreciseHandle(void * instance, const char * propertyName, const TypeInfo * typeInfo) =0
Create a handle for updating a specific property of a model.
virtual boolUpdatePreciseHandle(void * instance, PreciseHandle propertyHandle) =0
Mark the property defined by handle to be updated on the next SynchronizeModels
virtual voidInstanceMoved(void * oldAddress, void * newAddress) =0
Notify the binding layer that a model has been relocated to a new address.
virtual boolElementUpdated(void * instance, PreciseHandle propertyHandle, size_t index) =0
Mark an element in a collection to be updated.
virtual boolElementAdded(void * instance, PreciseHandle propertyHandle, size_t index) =0
Mark an element as added to the collection.
virtual boolElementRemoved(void * instance, PreciseHandle propertyHandle, size_t index) =0
Mark an element as removed from the collection.

Protected Functions

Binder(const Binder & )
Binder &operator=(const Binder & )

Protected Attributes

BinderImpl *m_Impl



Public Types Documentation

enum BindingMode

BM_ScopedThis mode is set before binding something by value.
BM_GetTypeInfoThis mode is set before binding something by reference. This mode is set to generate a TypeInfo.

typedef ArrayElementReader

typedef void(* cohtml::Binder::ArrayElementReader) (Binder *, void *, size_t);

typedef ArrayElementBinder

typedef void(* cohtml::Binder::ArrayElementBinder) (Binder *, void *, size_t);

typedef ArrayLengthGetter

typedef size_t(* cohtml::Binder::ArrayLengthGetter) (void *);

Public Functions Documentation

function ~Binder

virtual ~Binder() =0

function Binder


function RegisterType

virtual TypeDescription RegisterType(
    const char * name,
    void * object

Register type in the binding.


  • name name for the type
  • object instance of this type

Return: TypeDescription object to be used to describe the properties of object

Warning: The name of the type should be unique for each type. Using duplicated names is undefined behavior

function RegisterType

virtual TypeDescription RegisterType(
    const char * name,
    const void * object

Register type in the binding.


  • name name for the type
  • object instance of this type

Return: TypeDescription object to be used to describe the properties of object

Warning: The name of the type should be unique for each type. Using duplicated names is undefined behavior

function AddProperty

virtual void AddProperty(
    void * object,
    const Property & property

function AddMethod

virtual void AddMethod(
    const char * name,
    IEventHandler * method

function BeginType

virtual void BeginType()

function ReadType

virtual void ReadType()

function GetTypeInfo

virtual TypeInfo * GetTypeInfo() const

function EndType

virtual void EndType(
    void * 

function BeginEvent

virtual void BeginEvent(
    const char * eventName,
    int arguments
) =0

function EndEvent

virtual void EndEvent() =0

function BeginExposeObject

virtual void BeginExposeObject() =0

function SetAsGlobal

virtual void SetAsGlobal(
    const char * name,
    void * object
) =0

function SetMode

virtual void SetMode(
    BindingMode mode
) =0

function GetMode

virtual Binder::BindingMode GetMode() =0

function BindObject

virtual bool BindObject(
    TypeInfo * type,
    void * object
) =0

function TypeName

virtual void TypeName(
    const char * name
) =0

function PropertyName

virtual void PropertyName(
    const char * name
) =0

function BindUndefined

virtual void BindUndefined() =0

function BindNull

virtual void BindNull() =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    bool value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    signed short value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    unsigned short value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    signed int value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    unsigned int value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    signed long long value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    unsigned long long value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    signed long value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    unsigned long value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    signed char value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    unsigned char value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    float value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    double value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    const char * value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    const wchar_t * value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    const char16_t * value
) =0

function Bind

virtual void Bind(
    const char32_t * value
) =0

function BindArray

virtual void BindArray(
    const int * values,
    size_t count
) =0

function BindArray

virtual void BindArray(
    const float * values,
    size_t count
) =0

function TryBindArrayByRef

virtual bool TryBindArrayByRef(
    void * arr,
    size_t size,
    ArrayElementBinder elementBinder,
    ArrayElementReader elementReader
) =0

Deprecated Use TryBindArrayByRef(void* arr, ArrayElementBinder elementBinder, ArrayElementReader elementReader, ArrayLengthGetter lengthGetter)

function TryBindArrayByRef

virtual bool TryBindArrayByRef(
    void * arr,
    ArrayElementBinder elementBinder,
    ArrayElementReader elementReader,
    ArrayLengthGetter lengthGetter
) =0

function ArrayBegin

virtual void ArrayBegin(
    size_t size
) =0

Start exporting an array.


  • size size of the array

function ArrayEnd

virtual void ArrayEnd() =0

End exporting an array.

function MapBegin

virtual void MapBegin(
    size_t size
) =0

Start exporting a map (object)


  • size size of the map

function MapEnd

virtual void MapEnd() =0

End exporting a map.

function OnTypeBegin

virtual void OnTypeBegin() =0

function OnTypeEnd

virtual void OnTypeEnd() =0

function OnReadTypeBegin

virtual void OnReadTypeBegin() =0

function OnReadTypeEnd

virtual void OnReadTypeEnd() =0

function SkipValue

virtual void SkipValue() =0

function ReadNull

virtual void ReadNull() =0

Deprecated Use SkipValue.

function Read

virtual void Read(
    bool & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    signed short & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    unsigned short & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    signed int & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    unsigned int & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    signed long long & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    unsigned long long & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    signed long & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    unsigned long & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    char & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    signed char & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    unsigned char & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    float & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    double & value
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    const char *& buffer,
    size_t & size
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    const wchar_t *& value,
    size_t & size
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    const char16_t *& value,
    size_t & size
) =0

function Read

virtual void Read(
    const char32_t *& value,
    size_t & size
) =0

function ReadProperty

virtual bool ReadProperty(
    const char * name
) =0

function ReadType

virtual bool ReadType(
    const char * name
) =0

function ReadAsString

virtual void ReadAsString(
    const char *& buffer,
    size_t & size
) =0

Like Read but ensures the value will be read as string.

function ReadArrayBegin

virtual size_t ReadArrayBegin() =0

Start reading an array.

Return: the size of the array

function ReadArrayElement

virtual void ReadArrayElement(
    size_t index
) =0

Read element from an array.


  • index the index of the element in the array

function ReadArrayEnd

virtual void ReadArrayEnd() =0

End reading an array.

function ReadMapBegin

virtual size_t ReadMapBegin() =0

Start reading a map (object)

Return: the size of the map

function ReadKeyValuePair

virtual void ReadKeyValuePair() =0

Read next key-value pair from a map.

function ReadMapEnd

virtual void ReadMapEnd() =0

End reading a map.

function PeekValueType

virtual ValueType PeekValueType() =0

Peek the type of the current value.

Return: the type of the current value

function CreatePreciseHandle

template <typename T >
inline PreciseHandle CreatePreciseHandle(
    T * instance,
    const char * propertyName

Create a handle for updating a specific property of a model.


  • instance the model instance that will be updated with this handle
  • propertyName the name of the property to be updated with this handle. Must match the name given when exposing the model.

Return: handle that can be used to update this property on this instace or different instances of the same type

Note: To be able to use the same handle on different instances their runtime types must be the same

function CreatePreciseHandle

virtual PreciseHandle CreatePreciseHandle(
    void * instance,
    const char * propertyName,
    const TypeInfo * typeInfo
) =0

Create a handle for updating a specific property of a model.


  • instance the model instance that will be updated with this handle
  • propertyName the name of the property to be updated with this handle. Must match the name given when exposing the model.
  • typeInfo the TypeInfo that describes the properties of instance

Return: handle that can be used to update this property on this instace or different instances of the same type

Note: To be able to use the same handle on different instances their runtime types must be the same

function UpdatePreciseHandle

virtual bool UpdatePreciseHandle(
    void * instance,
    PreciseHandle propertyHandle
) =0

Mark the property defined by handle to be updated on the next SynchronizeModels


  • instance the model whose property has to be updated
  • propertyHandle the handle for the property to be updated

Return: true if any data-binding expressions have been marked for update

function InstanceMoved

virtual void InstanceMoved(
    void * oldAddress,
    void * newAddress
) =0

Notify the binding layer that a model has been relocated to a new address.


  • oldAddress the old address of the model
  • newAddress the new address of the model

Note: does nothing if old_address and new_address are the same

function ElementUpdated

virtual bool ElementUpdated(
    void * instance,
    PreciseHandle propertyHandle,
    size_t index
) =0

Mark an element in a collection to be updated.


  • instance the model that contains the collection
  • propertyHandle the handle for the collection to be updated
  • index index of the updated element

Return: true if any data-binding expressions have been marked for update

function ElementAdded

virtual bool ElementAdded(
    void * instance,
    PreciseHandle propertyHandle,
    size_t index
) =0

Mark an element as added to the collection.


  • instance the model that contains the collection
  • propertyHandle the handle for the collection to be updated
  • index index of the added element

Return: true if any data-binding expressions have been marked for update

function ElementRemoved

virtual bool ElementRemoved(
    void * instance,
    PreciseHandle propertyHandle,
    size_t index
) =0

Mark an element as removed from the collection.


  • instance the model that contains the collection
  • propertyHandle the handle for the collection to be updated
  • index index of the removed element

Return: true if any data-binding expressions have been marked for update

Protected Functions Documentation

function Binder

    const Binder & 

function operator=

Binder & operator=(
    const Binder & 

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable m_Impl

BinderImpl * m_Impl;


friend TypeDescription

friend class TypeDescription;