To use the Gameface SDK in your project, please make sure that the following minimum system requirements are met by your development environment and are compatible with your project requirements for the end-users.
Software Requirements for products
- Windows Vista or later
- Linux
- Mac OS X 10.13+
- Android 4.2+ for arm and x86
- Android 5.0+ for arm64 and x64
- iOS 9.0+
- Xbox One
- Xbox One Series X
- PlayStation 4
- PlayStation 5
- Nintendo Switch
Hardware Requirements for products mobile and PC
- OpenGL ES 2+ capable GPU
- ARM-based CPU
- x86-based CPU (Intel Atom)
Software Requirements for development
- Windows 7 (required Service Pack 1)
- Windows 8
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10
- Windows 11
- All Windows systems must have the latest Service Pack provided by Microsoft installed.
- The latest drivers provided by the hardware vendor are required.
- Android NDK r16b for libc++
Android Studio 3.4+ is required to build the samples.
The Gameface binaries are built with libc++. Here is a list of the binaries:
Path in package | STL |
lib/Android_armeabi-v7a | libc++ |
lib/Android_arm64-v8a | libc++ |
lib/Android_x86 | libc++ |
lib/Android_x86_64 | libc++ |
Mac OS X
- Mac OS X 10.12+
- Xcode