Release notes



Released 04 Feb 2022
FeatureAdded polyfill for the form element
FeatureAdded JavaScript sampling profiler in the Inspector Performance Tab on Windows
FeatureUnreal EngineAdded possibility to specify different directory locations for UE Texture Atlases
FeatureUnreal EngineAdded callback which notifies when the input focus has changed
FeatureUnreal EngineAdded Starter Guide for Unreal Engine
EnhancementAdded ICU integration and BreakIterator support in GFP Player app and Samples on all platforms
EnhancementUnreal EngineAdded C++ API for CohtmlInputActor input setup
EnhancementUnreal EngineAdded ResizeRenderTarget API
FixFixed flaky wrapping of the elements when using flex wrap
FixFixed an issue in V8 that was blocking the use of the PlayStation Memory Analyzer tool
FixFixed SVG not being rendered in certain cases
FixFixed stroke width to be correctly computed on rescaling for SVG path elements with stroke-dasharray
FixFixed clipping artifact when layers with opacity and SVGs are present
FixFixed SVG elements inside a SVG hierarchy to correctly apply transformations at runtime
FixFixed crash due to un-clamped negative size of image destination rectangles
FixFixed crash in the svg rendering when svg are displayed as images inside a backdrop filter
FixFixed playback of videos with low frame rate or gaps between frames
FixFixed looped videos playback
FixFixed the ::before pseudo element not showing in the inspector
FixFixed not matching pseudo elements with complex CSS selectors
FixFixed a crash when using null or undefined as an event listener.
FixFixed the DX12 Backdrop Sample crash during init and close.
FixFixed comments that were incorrectly displayed in the inspector Elements tab
FixFixed a crash with whitespace in text and RTL glyphs
FixFixed a crash when setting transform scale from JS
FixFixed tagName and nodeName to correctly return capitalized names for custom elements and unknown elements
FixFixed having duplicated nodes in the Inspector Elements Tab
FixFixed a V8 crash when using onpopstate event listener
FixUnreal EngineFixed a crash on CohtmlViewWrapper trying to access uninitialized FSlateApplication
FixUnreal EngineFixed a crash in CohtmlEditorPlugin::ShutdownModule when running applet commands
APIChanged media seeked event to be fired before a new frame has been shown
APIAdded decoder type getter method to the IDecoder interface


Released 15 Feb 2022
FixFixed MutationObservers being garbage collected too early
FixFixed crash when DOM elements are created and destroyed during garbage collection
FixFixed assert for exposing garbage collected NodeList instances