Release notes


Version 1.46.0

Released 04 Oct 2023
FeatureUnityAdded IME support for Japanese, Korean and Chinese
FeatureUnityExposed the ScriptCompiler API to Unity.
FeatureUnreal EngineSupport for Unreal Engine 5.3.1
EnhancementAllow invalidating of the textures used to draw SVGs. This allows user code to force Cohtml to recreate the textures in the proper texture format if the user render target has changed its format.
EnhancementEnabled V8 pointer compression on Xbox family of game consoles
EnhancementAdded known issues to the compositor documentation
FixFixed wrongly triggered layout when changing properties on hidden elements
FixFixed making POST XmlHTTPRequests in the Player on Mac OS 13.5
FixUnityFixed switching Unity scripting backend when switching to consoles
FixUnityFixed Unity editor crash on script recompilation.
FixFixed wrongly calculated font size when using nested elements with ems
FixUnityAdded PlayerOverrides project dependencies.
FixUnityBlur the currently focused element in the UI when Unity player loses focus
FixUnityFixed UTF-8 handling for WebSocket text messages
FixFixed a crash when removing textarea attributes
FixFixed potential crashes and missing filters when using filters with no effect
FixFixed the inspector stalling the thread when errors occur
FixFixed button element not being able to have pseudo elements
FixFixed false positive unregistered font warnings
FixFixed a crash when view reload is called before loading an URL and attaching it to the inspector
FixFixed CSS adjacent sibling selector not working if there is a comment between the elements
FixFixed ElementFromPoint returning a text node instead of element node
FixFixed a crash when destroying the view renderer during layout
FixUnreal EngineAdded missing Plugin includes and fixed Include-What-You-Use compliance
FixUnreal EngineFixed the the custom effect sample on Switch
FixUnreal EngineFixed the Unreal Engine installer failure when no ‘clean’' option is selected'