Release notes


Version 1.44.0

Released 10 Aug 2023
FeatureReplaced ChakraCore with V8 for Universal Windows Platform for x86
FeatureAdded remove method on DOM elements
FeatureUnityAdded support screen overlays with Unity UI Canvas
FeatureUnreal EngineAdded option for enabling the Linear Space Rendering Pipeline, enabling the support for textures in Linear sRGB Color space
FeatureUnreal EngineMade the plugin code compliant with Include-What-You-Use
EnhancementSetup memory allocators for the ICU library
EnhancementAllowed changes to the ImageOrigin for raw images
EnhancementUnityAdded events for Library and UISystem initialization
EnhancementAllowed using different samples for different texture slots in shaders
FixFixed lack of transitions with animation-fill-mode and style changes in a single frame
FixFixed crash when drawing canvas without commands
FixFixed visual artifacts of SVG paths with a stroke that is not a color
FixFixed a V8 crash on secondary Library initialization
FixFixed negative letter-spacing sometimes cutting text
FixUnityFixed allocating a new C# UnityPlugin instance on each access
FixUnityFixed possible artifacts caused by scratch texture reuse
FixUnityFixed crash Metal backend when there are multiple cameras with views
FixUnityFixed Unity Mac bundle package naming
FixUnityFixed running the Player with the scripts
FixUnreal EngineFixed crash when making profile capture with screenshots enabled for DirectX12
FixUnreal EngineRemoved mixed (game and engine) plugin installation

Migration guide

Migrating to 1.44

Swapped source and backdrop textures in Color Mixing shader

In the ST_ColorMixing pixel shader the source and the backdrop texture binding slots have been changed to 0 and 1 respectively. Previously, the source texture was bound to slot 1 and the backdrop texture to slot 0. As a result, the usage of txBuffer and txBuffer1 must be swapped in custom shaders.


> CohColorMixingPS.hlsl

… float4 backdrop = SAMPLE2D(txBuffer,; … float4 source = SAMPLE2D(txBuffer1, input.Additional.xy) * input.Color.a; …


> CohColorMixingPS.hlsl

… float4 backdrop = SAMPLE2D(txBuffer1,; … float4 source = SAMPLE2D(txBuffer, input.Additional.xy) * input.Color.a; …