Communicating with JavaScript

Gameface interprets and executes JavaScript code that can be used for scripting the UI. The execution itself is performed by a JavaScript virtual machine. Gameface uses different VMs on different platforms to provide the best available option.

  • Gameface uses V8 on all platforms except for x86 UWP and 32-bit Arm UWP where ChakraCore is used.

All JavaScript virtual machines are planned to be replaced with V8 at some point in the future.

All currently implemented JavaScript functions and objects can be viewed in the JavaScript DOM API section in the documentation.

All communication between JavaScript and the game goes through the engine module.

For ways to update the UI without writing JavaScript, take a look at the data binding feature.

There are two ways for invoking native code from JavaScript and vice-versa.

  • Events
  • Calls


Events allow to call multiple handlers in both directions, but they cannot return any value. To register a JavaScript handler for an event use the engine.on method.

C++ triggering JavaScript

First, the JavaScript code has to attach a handler for the event using engine.on:

engine.on('PlayerScoreChanged', function (new_score) {
    var scoreDisplay = document.getElementById('scoreDisplay');
    scoreDisplay.innerHTML = new_score;

The first provided argument is the name of the event. The second is the callback function to be executed when the event has been triggered.

Using the cohtml::View::TriggerEvent method, the event in C++ is triggered :

// set player score to 10000
view->TriggerEvent("PlayerScoreChanged", 10000);

There are several global functions in the cohtml namespace which can be used:

cohtml::TriggerEvent(view, "ScoreChanged", 10000);

Every TriggerEvent call starts with a C++ macro:

COHTML_TRIGGER_EVENT_SCOPE(TriggerEvent_N_Params, RuntimeName);

By default, this macro does nothing and is compiled out. However, it can be used to add custom code by defining COHTML_TRIGGER_EVENT_SCOPE before it’s used in View.h. For example, profiling code such as:

#define COHTML_TRIGGER_EVENT_SCOPE(X, RuntimeName) \
    struct GeneratedClass_##X {              \
        GeneratedClass_##X(const char* name) \
            : EventName(name) {              \
            /* Start profiling */            \
        }                                    \
        ~GeneratedClass_##X() {              \
            /* End profiling */              \
        }                                    \
        const char* EventName;               \
    } __instance(RuntimeName);

To unregister a JavaScript handler for an event, use the method. A named function must be used. The above example with engine.on would become:

function setScoreText(new_score) {
    var scoreDisplay = document.getElementById('scoreDisplay');
    scoreDisplay.innerHTML = new_score;

engine.on('PlayerScoreChanged', setScoreText);

and to unregister, provide the same function using when needed:'PlayerScoreChanged', setScoreText);

The first provided argument is the name of the event and the second one is the callback function to be removed.

engine.on and Code Documentation

engine.on - Register handler for an event

@param {String} name - name of the event
@param {Function} callback - callback function to be executed when the event has been triggered
@param context `*this*` context for the function, by default the engine object - Remove handler for an event

@param {String} name - name of the event
@param {Function} callback - the callback function to be removed
@param context `*this*` context for the function

JavaScript triggering C++

Registering C++ functions for events triggered by JavaScript should happen in the handler for the cohtml::IViewListener::OnReadyForBindings event.

Event Handlers

Event handlers are registered with the cohtml::View::RegisterForEvent method. They cannot return any value to JavaScript but may trigger an event for JavaScript. There may be more than one C++ handler for a given event. There also may be both C++ and JavaScript handlers for the same event.

class Game
    void Quit()
} g_Game;

class GameIViewListener : public cohtml::IViewListener
    virtual void OnReadyForBindings()
                cohtml::MakeHandler(&g_Game, &Game::Quit));

Triggering the event from JavaScript looks like:

engine.on('OnQuitClicked', function () {

function OnClick() {

    // this will execute both Game::Quit in C++
    // and ShowMessage('Bye') in JavaScript


cohtml::MakeHandler uses template argument deduction to guess the signature of the handler. This requires several specializations of cohtml::FunctorTraits and overloads of cohtml::EventHandler::InvokeStub. To extend the number of arguments for event handlers supported by Gameface, supply additional specializations and overloads.

Call Handlers

Promises are used to return results from C++ to JavaScript. Gameface implements ECMAScript 6 promises

Call handlers are registered with the cohtml::View::BindCall method. There may be only one handler for a given call and the handler may return a result.

class Game
    std::string GetPlayerName()
        return m_PlayerName;
} g_Game;

class GameIViewListener : public cohtml::IViewListener
    virtual void OnReadyForBindings()
        m_View->BindCall("getPlayerName", cohtml::MakeHandler(&g_Game,

To get the player name in the view is:

// call 'Game::GetPlayerName' with callback for the result'getPlayerName').then(function (name) {
    var playerName = document.getElementById('playerName');
    playerName.innerHTML = name;

Returning Promises in C++

If you wish to return promises to your game engine, you can create your own C++ class. All asynchronous C++ callbacks should return that class. When a C++ function needs to return an async result to JavaScript, it has to return an instance of that CxxPromise class with a special Id.

struct CxxPromise
    CxxPromise(): id(nextId++) {};

    template <typename T>
    void Resolve(cohtml::View* view, const T& result)
        view->TriggerEvent("c++.promise.resolve", Id, result);

    template <typename T>
    void Reject(cohtml::View* view, const T& result)
        view->TriggerEvent("c++.promise.reject", Id, result);

    int Id;
    static int nextId = 0;

When the promise is resolved, view->TriggerEvent("c++.promise.resolve", Id, result); can be called.

To handle promises as expected, the JavaScript part of the global engine object has to be modified:

var cxx_promises = {};
function call_async_cxx() {
    var result = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, arguments).then(
            (cxx_promise) => {
                cxx_promises[] = {
                    resolve: resolve,
                    reject: reject,
            (errors) => {
    return result;

engine.on('c++.promise.resolve', (id, value) => {
    delete cxx_promises[id];

engine.on('c++.promise.reject', (id, value) => {
    delete cxx_promises[id];

// usage:

The general usage from the C++ side would look like this:

CxxPromise DoStuff() 
    CxxPromise result;
    return result;

void OnWorkDone(const CxxPromise& promise) 
    promise.Resolve(view, 42);

Special Events

There are a few special events that are fired by Gameface. Some were added for convenience and some are being used internally. In order to avoid clashes and misbehavior, please do not fire events with names such as:

  1. ‘Ready’ - the ready event, more details below
  2. ‘*’ - the all event, more details below
  3. ‘_Unhandled’ - the unhandled event, more details below
  4. ‘_Result’, ‘_OnReady’, ‘_OnError’ - internal events


When the View is ready to receive binding events and manipulate bound models, the Ready event is triggered.

The engine Object also has a Promise member that is resolved when the engine is ready for bindings - engine.whenReady. It is recommended to use engine.whenReady instead of engine.on('Ready') to avoid caring whether the event has already been fired or not.

Here’s an example of how the C++ code can be notified that the View is ready to use the binding layer:

engine.whenReady.then(() => { engine.trigger('NotifyCpp'); });

engine.on('*') - Subscribe to all events

You can listen to all events coming from C++ in JS by attaching a handler to the engine.on('*') event. This approach can be beneficial in cases where you don’t want to subscribe to multiple events.

class Abilities {
    spell(name) { console.log(`Cast ${name}`); }
    heal(amount) { console.log(`Healed by ${amount}`); }

const abilities = new Abilities();

engine.on('*', (args) => {
    switch (name) {
        case 'ability:spell':
        case 'ability:heal':

You can step further and use the names of the events to your advantage. You can create a subscriber helper which will map the handlers to the events. You need to specify the events and the target. The targets must have methods that match the event name. For example, if we use the ability:spell event and treat the colon symbol ( : ) as delimiter we can assume that the left part of the delimiter is the target and the right is the method - ability:spell must call the spell method from the Abilities class instance:

class Subscriber {
    constructor() {
        this.targets = {};
        engine.whenReady.then(() => this.addEventListener());

    addEventListener() {
        engine.on('*', (args) => {
            const [targetName, methodName] = args[0].split(':');
            const target = this.targets[targetName];

            target[methodName].apply(target, args);

    subscribe(events, target) {
        for (let event of events) {
            const targetName = event.split(':')[0];

            if (!this.targets[targetName]) this.targets[targetName] = target;

The subscription for the Mount class would look like this:

class Mount {
    summon(name) { console.log(`Summon mount ${name}.`); }
    dismiss(name) { console.log(`Dismiss mount ${name}.`); }

const mount = new Mount();

subscriber.subscribe(['mount:summon', 'mount:dismiss'], mount);

The ‘*’ event is also useful for debugging purposes like checking the flow of all fired events.

engine.on('_Unhandled') - Catching unhandled events

If an event gets triggered but Gameface doesn’t find a callback registered for it an ‘_Unhandled’ event will be emitted. You can catch unhandled events by registering for the ‘_Unhandled’ event and implementing a custom handling - for example you can throw an exception:

engine.on('_Unhandled', (args) => {
    const name = args[0];
    throw new Error(`Unhandled Event! No handler was called for event ${name} - none was found.`);

You’ll get the following error and the code will stop its execution.

Exposing C++ Types

To be able to use custom C++ types as arguments or results for an event and call handlers, the C++ type must be exposed to Cohtml. C++ types can be exposed to Cohtml by using the following pattern:

class Player
        std::string Name;
        double GetScore() const;
        void SetScore(double);

// called by Cohtml when an instance of Player goes through
// the C++ / JavaScript boundary
void CoherentBind(cohtml::Binder* binder, Player* player)
    if (auto type = binder->RegisterType("Player", player))
        type.Property("name", &Player::Name)
            .Property("score", &Player::GetScore, &Player::SetScore)

The CoherentBind overload must be visible in all places where a Player instance is exposed to JavaScript, i.e. in any of the following cases:

  • a Player instance is used as an argument to TriggerEvent
  • a C++ handler takes a Player as an argument
  • a C++ handler returns a Player to JavaScript

In case the CoherentBind overload for the Player class is not visible, the following compilation error will be displayed:

include\cohtml\binding\binding.h(57): error C2338: cohtml::Overload_CoherentBind_For_Your_Type<T*>
1>          include\cohtml\binding\binding.h(191) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void CoherentBind<T>(cohtml::Binder *,T *)' being compiled
1>          with
1>          [
1>              T=Player
1>          ]

Going through the template instantiation stack will reveal where Player is used without the CoherentBind overload visible.

The CoherentBind overload for Player is defined in any C++ source (.cpp) file but requires a declaration included with each instance where Player is exposed to Cohtml.

Depending on the structure of the project, the following patterns are worth considering:

  • If the Player is dedicated only to the UI, add the declaration of CoherentBind for Player in the Player header. This way the overload will be visible everywhere the Player is visible.
  • If the Player is a generic game type - add a PlayerBinding.h or a MySubsystemBindings.h header with the declaration of CoherentBind for Player (or for all the types in the particular game subsystem). After that make sure to include the header where Player is used with Cohtml.

STL and container types

Cohtml has built-in support for most STL containers and std:: classes.

C++ TypeJavaScript TypeHeader
C style arrayArray<cohtml\Binding\Array.h>
std::shared_ptrStored object's type<cohtml\Binding\SharedPointer.h>
std::unique_ptrStored object's type<cohtml\Binding\UniquePointer.h>
raw pointerStored object's type<cohtml\Binding\TypeTraits.h>

Stored object's type is the type of the unwrapped object. For example, the JavaScript type of std::shared_ptr<std::string*> is String.

Support for additional containers can be added in a similar way.

Support for a custom pointer type can be added by specializing PointerTrait for it. For example:

template <typename T>
struct PointerTrait<MyPointer<T>> : TrueType
    typedef T StoredType;
    static void* Deref(MyPointer<StoredType>& ptr) // Returns a pointer to the stored object.
        return ptr.myDeref(); // In case of myDeref returns a pointer to the stored object.
template <typename T>
struct PointerTrait<MyPointer<const T>> : TrueType
    typedef T StoredType;
    static void* Deref(MyPointer<const StoredType>& ptr)
        return const_cast<StoredType*>(ptr.myDeref());

C++ and JavaScript Communication

After registering the Player type, events can be triggered in both directions with instances of Player as an argument and call handlers can return Players as return types.

class Game
    void Start()
        m_View->TriggerEvent("StartWithPlayer", m_Player);

    Player m_Player;
} g_Game;

Then in JavaScript, we receive the object with the specified properties. The value of each property is the same as at the moment of triggering the event. The JavaScript callback may store a reference to the object, but its properties WILL NOT be synchronized with the actual g_Game.m_Player in the game.

engine.on('StartWithPlayer', function (player) {
    var playerName = document.getElementById('playerName');
    playerName.innerHTML =;

    var scoreDisplay = document.getElementById('scoreDisplay');
    scoreDisplay.innerHTML = player.score;

To call a C++ handler with an instance of Player created in JavaScript, the object must have a property __Type with the value Player (the same name of the type we gave to cohtml::Binder::RegisterType in CoherentBind for Player. Otherwise, Cohtml cannot treat the object as an instance of Player.

function CreatePlayer() {
    var player = {
        __Type: 'Player', // set the type name
        name: "MyTestPlayer",
        score: 0
    };'CreatePlayer', player).then(function (success) {
        if (success) {
            ShowMessage('Welcome ' +;
        } else {
            ShowMessage('Sorry, try another name');
bool CreatePlayer(const Player& player)
    if (player.Name.find(' ') == std::string::npos)
        // create the player
        return true;
        // sorry, no spaces in player name
        return false;

Customizing Promises

Custom promises have been deprecated! Gameface now supports ECMAScript 6 promises.

JavaScript extensions

Cohtml provides extensions on top of the standard-defined vanilla DOM-related JavaScript. The extensions provide better performance and a more natural UI development workflow. A prime example of those extensions are the StylePositioningAttributes “Node.leftXX/Node.topXX” methods. In vanilla JS, must be called to update the position of an element. However, those functions take a string parameter. To update an element’s left property:

myNode.left = newPos + "px";

The newPos variable is a number of pixels, which the runtime then converts to a string, appends the ‘px’ specifier, and sends to the native code. The native code in turn converts it back to a number in order to re-calculate the position. However, this method is very inefficient, creates JavaScript garbage, and leads to unnecessary work.

Gameface provides a more efficient method:

myNode.leftPX = newPos;

This method avoids garbage and is much faster - both in JavaScript and native code. A complete list of extensions is available in the Javascript DOM API section of the documentation.

Exporting C++ objects by reference

Gameface supports exporting C++ objects by reference. This avoids copying the C++ values to the JavaScript heap and makes the communication between the game and the UI faster. However, the user is responsible for keeping the exposed C++ object pointers valid while they are exposed to JavaScript.

The API to expose a C++ object by reference is the same as normal values. The difference is that to expose a reference, the object has to be wrapped in a cohtml::ByRef holder.

Once an object is exposed by reference to JavaScript, there is no need to make any subsequent calls to update the data.

When an exposed object is about to be destroyed (or moved), its reference must be removed from JavaScript to avoid using invalid pointers (use-after-free). To notify JavaScript that a referenced object is no longer available, call the cohtml::View::DestroyExposedObject method with the address of the object being destroyed. This will remove the reference from the JavaScript values and any attempt to access the properties of the object will now throw an exception in JavaScript.

Here is an example usage of exposing objects by reference:

    struct Nameplate
        float X;
        float Y;
        float Health;
        float MaxHealth;

    // the same API for exposing the Nameplate struct
    void CoherentBind(cohtml::Binder* binder, Nameplate* nameplate)
        if (auto type = binder->RegisterType("nameplate", nameplate))
            type.Property("x", &Nameplate::X)
                .Property("y", &Nameplate::Y)
                .Property("health", &Nameplate::Health)
                .Property("maxHealth", &Nameplate::MaxHealth);

    class NameplateManager
            void CreateNameplates(unsigned count)
                // Create and fill nameplates
                // ..

                // Send a reference to the nameplates' vector to JavaScript

            void UpdateNameplates()

            void DestroyNameplates()
                // Notify the JavaScript universe that this reference is no
                // longer valid. All accessses to the variable will throw
                // exception in JavaScript.

            cohtml::View* m_View;
            std::vector<Nameplate> m_Nameplates;

To take advantage of this C++ class the JavaScript side can do:

    // array to hold reference to our exposed array
    let nameplates = [];
    // this will point the exposed by C++ nameplate object
    function updateNameplate() {
        this.position.leftVW = this.X; // will take the current X member
        this.position.topVH = this.Y; // will take the current Y member
        // update the health with the current value, without fractional part
        this.healthDisplay.textContent =;
        this.maxHealthDisplay.textContent = this.maxHealth.toFixed();

    function updateNameplates() {
        for (let i = 0; i < nameplates.length; i++) {
    function createNameplates(nameplatesRef) {
        nameplates = nameplatesRef;      
        for (let i = 0; i < nameplates.length; i++) {
            // create the DOM elements for the nameplate
            let plate = createNameplateDOM(i);

            // extend the C++ nameplate with additional JavaScript values - the DOM
            // elements that has to be updated when the nameplate is changed
            nameplates[i].position =;
            nameplates[i].healthDisplay = plate.childNodes.item(1);
            nameplates[i].maxHealthDisplay = plate.childNodes.item(2);

            // extend the C++ nameplate with JavaScript function for the update
            nameplates[i].update = updateNameplate();

    engine.on('nameplates.create', createNameplates);
    engine.on('nameplates.update', updateNameplates);

Calling C++ methods from JavaScript

When a C++ object is exposed by reference to JavaScript, its methods can also be called from JavaScript.

    class Game
        void Initialize(cohtml::View* view)
            // this game object will be accessing as the global "game" variable
            // in JavaScript
            view->ExposeAsGlobal("game", this);
            // make sure JavaScript won't crash us
        bool LoadSave(const char* name);

    void CoherentBind(cohtml::Binder* binder, Game* game)
        if (auto type = binder->RegisterType("Game", game))
            type.Method("loadSave", &Game::LoadSave)
                .Method("quit", &Game::Quit)

After this, JavaScript can use the game variable as any other object.

    quitButton.addEventListener('touchstart', function() { game.quit(); }, false);

    // ...
    function LoadGame(name) {
        if (!game.loadSave(name)) { // calls the C++ method

Binding and inheritance

You can rebind properties without an error and the last one will be used.

In the example below the JavaScript object created when binding a MyType C++ object will have a single prop member that refers to &MyType::Prop3.

void CoherentBind(cohtml::Binder* binder, MyType* obj)
    if (auto type = binder->RegisterType("MyType", obj))
        type.Property("prop", &MyType::Prop0);
        type.Property("prop", &MyType::Prop1);
        type.Property("prop", &MyType::Prop2);
        type.Property("prop", &MyType::Prop3);

If you want to expose all properties, you have to name them accordingly.

void CoherentBind(cohtml::Binder* binder, MyType* obj)
    if (auto type = binder->RegisterType("MyType", obj))
        type.Property("prop0", &MyType::Prop0);
        type.Property("prop1", &MyType::Prop1);
        type.Property("prop2", &MyType::Prop2);
        type.Property("prop3", &MyType::Prop3);

This is important when binding the base class of your C++ type through a BaseClass call. BaseClass<BaseClassType> calls the CoherentBind method of the BaseClassType with the derived object. Instead of creating a new type definition, however, the binder registers all properties from base classes into the type definition of the derived class, so members with the same name in the base class and the derived class collide. Therefore, the order of BaseClass and Property is important when binding a type. The example below illustrates different scenarios.

struct SampleBaseClass
    std::string Type = "Base";
struct SampleDerivedClass : public SampleBaseClass
    std::string Type = "Derived";
void CoherentBind(cohtml::Binder* binder, SampleBaseClass* obj)
    if (auto type = binder->RegisterType("SampleBaseClass", obj))
        type.Property("type", &SampleBaseClass::Type);
// This method will expose only SampleDerivedClass::Type to JavaScript.
void CoherentBind(cohtml::Binder* binder, SampleDerivedClass* obj)
    if (auto type = binder->RegisterType("SampleDerivedClass", obj))
        type.Property("type", &SampleDerivedClass::Type);
* This method will expose only SampleBaseClass::Type to JavaScript.
* void CoherentBind(cohtml::Binder* binder, SampleDerivedClass* obj)
* {
*   if (auto type = binder->RegisterType("SampleDerivedClass", obj))
*   {
*       type.Property("type", &SampleDerivedClass::Type);
*       type.BaseClass<SampleBaseClass>(obj);
*   }
* }
* This method will expose both properties to JavaScript as "type" and "SampleDerivedClassType".
* void CoherentBind(cohtml::Binder* binder, SampleDerivedClass* obj)
* {
*   if (auto type = binder->RegisterType("SampleDerivedClass", obj))
*   {
*       type.Property("SampleDerivedClassType", &SampleDerivedClass::Type);
*       type.BaseClass<SampleBaseClass>(obj);
*   }
* }

A CoherentBind that registers multiple methods with the same name is not supported.

The following is true for binding by reference and data-binding.

  • Calling a bound virtual method from JS works as expected.
  • Binding an object that doesn’t define virtual methods in its base class, but defines virtual methods in a derived class isn’t supported.
  • Binding an object that uses multiple inheritance isn’t supported.
    • The only case that is supported is when the address of the base class part of the object matches the address of the object.

The following is true for binding by value.

  • Multiple inheritance works as expected when binding by value.

Bind vector with polymorphic types of data

You can bind base and derived objects, and use virtual methods with polymorphism. This means that if you have an inheritance hierarchy of classes, registering the base class using CoherentBind will ensure that in JavaScript you can call the correct methods based on the object type for the entire hierarchy of classes.

In the example below, if ModelWithPolymorphicVector contains objects derived from SampleBaseClass, their overriding GetType methods will be dynamically dispatched when used from JavaScript.

class ModelWithPolymorphicVector
    std::vector<SampleBaseClass*> items;

void CoherentBind(cohtml::Binder* binder, ModelWithPolymorphicVector* p)
    if (auto type = binder->RegisterType("ModelWithPolymorphicVector", p))
        type.Property("items", &ModelWithPolymorphicVector::items);

void CoherentBind(cohtml::Binder* binder, SampleBaseClass* p)
    if (auto type = binder->RegisterType("SampleBaseClass", p))
        type.Method("getType", &SampleBaseClass::GetType);

Custom handlers

The class cohtml::FunctorTraits provides the following information about a function object:

  • return type
  • number of arguments
  • whether it is a pointer to a member function
  • the type of each argument (with const and references stripped)

To support custom handlers, use the following pattern:

class SquareCalculator
        void double operator()(double r) const
            return r * r;

// provide support for SquareCalculator to FunctorTraits
namespace Coherent
    namespace cohtml
        template <>
        struct FunctorTraits<SquareCalculator>
            : FunctorTraits<double (double)>

Bind big integers

Binding BigInts is supported for numbers representable with up to 64 bits.