JavaScript DOM API
Name | |
interface | CSSStyleDeclaration The style of an element. |
interface | Animation The Animation object for dom element. |
interface | AnimationEvent |
interface | Attr |
interface | CanvasGradient |
interface | CanvasPattern |
interface | CanvasRenderingContext2D |
interface | CaretPosition |
interface | CharacterData |
interface | CoherentDebug The Coherent Debug object of the view. |
interface | Comment |
interface | Console The console object for the view. |
interface | CSSAnimation The CSSAnimation object for dom element. |
interface | CustomElementRegistry Custom element registry for the view. It allows to register new custom elements. |
interface | CustomEvent |
interface | Document The document of the view. |
interface | DocumentFragment |
interface | DocumentType |
interface | DOMMatrix |
interface | DOMRect DOM Rectangle object. |
interface | DOMRectList List of DOMRects. |
interface | DOMRectReadOnly Readonly DOM Rectangle object. |
interface | DOMStringMap |
interface | DOMTokenList The DOMTokenList of the element. Currently it is only supported in the context of class list. |
interface | Element a element in the view |
interface | ElementDefinitionOptions |
interface | ErrorEvent |
interface | Event |
interface | EventListener Common interface for all elements that can listen for event. |
interface | EventTarget Common interface for all elements that can be event targets. |
interface | FocusEvent |
interface | GamepadButton |
interface | GamepadEvent |
interface | GamepadPose |
interface | GetAnimationsOptions |
interface | History |
interface | HTMLBodyElement |
interface | HTMLButtonElement |
interface | HTMLCanvasElement |
interface | HTMLCollection List of elements. |
interface | HTMLDivElement |
interface | HTMLDocument |
interface | HTMLElement |
interface | HTMLHeadElement |
interface | HTMLHtmlElement |
interface | HTMLIFrameElement |
interface | HTMLImageElement |
interface | HTMLInputElement a input element in the view |
interface | HTMLLinkElement |
interface | HTMLParagraphElement |
interface | HTMLPreElement |
interface | HTMLScriptElement a element in the view |
interface | HTMLSlotElement |
interface | HTMLSourceElement |
interface | HTMLSpanElement |
interface | HTMLStyleElement |
interface | HTMLTemplateElement |
interface | HTMLTextAreaElement a textarea element in the view |
interface | HTMLTitleElement |
interface | HTMLUnknownElement |
interface | HTMLVideoElement |
interface | KeyboardEvent |
interface | MediaError |
interface | MouseEvent |
interface | MutationObserverInit |
interface | MutationRecord |
interface | NamedNodeMap |
interface | Navigator The navigator of the view. |
interface | Node The basic document node. |
interface | NodeFilter |
interface | NodeIterator The NodeIterator interface represents an iterator over the members of a list of the nodes in a subtree of the DOM. The nodes will be returned in document order. |
interface | NodeList List of nodes. |
interface | PopStateEvent |
interface | ProgressEvent |
interface | PromiseRejectionEvent |
interface | Screen |
interface | Selection The navigator of the view. |
interface | Storage The Storage of the view. |
interface | SVGAnimatedLength |
interface | SVGAnimatedRect |
interface | SVGAnimatedTransformList |
interface | SVGElement a SVG element in the view |
interface | SVGGraphicsElement |
interface | SVGLength |
interface | SVGRect |
interface | SVGSVGElement |
interface | SVGTextElement a SVG text element in the view |
interface | SVGTransform |
interface | SVGTransformList |
interface | Text |
interface | TextMetrics |
interface | TimeRanges |
interface | Touch |
interface | TouchEvent |
interface | TouchList List of touches. |
interface | TransitionEvent |
interface | UIEvent |
interface | Window The window of the view and the global object in the scripting environment. |
interface | XMLHttpRequest |
interface | XMLHttpRequestEventTarget |
Name | |
enum | CanPlayTypeEnum { maybe, probably} |
typedef double | DOMHighResTimeStamp |
typedef DOMString | USVString |
typedef double | DOMHighResTimeStamp |
Name | |
callback | MutationCallback |
Types Documentation
enum CanPlayTypeEnum
Enumerator | Value | Description |
maybe | ||
probably |
typedef DOMHighResTimeStamp
typedef double DOMHighResTimeStamp;
typedef USVString
typedef DOMString USVString;
typedef DOMHighResTimeStamp
typedef double DOMHighResTimeStamp;
Attributes Documentation
variable MutationCallback
callback MutationCallback = void (sequence<MutationRecord> mutations, MutationObserver observer);