
A gesture event.

#include <InputEvents.h>

Public Types

enumEventType { Unknown, Fling, PanStart, PanEnd, Tap}

Public Functions

floatGetDeltaX() const
Returns the horizontal distance between the last handled position and the current position of a pan event.
floatGetDeltaY() const
Returns the vertical distance between the last handled position and the current position of a pan event.
floatGetDuration() const
Returns the duration between fling start and fling end of a fling event.
voidSetDeltaX(float newDeltaX)
Sets the horizontal distance between the last handled position and the current position of a pan event.
voidSetDeltaY(float newDeltaY)
Sets the horizontal distance between the last handled position and the current position of a pan event.
voidSetDuration(float newDuration)
Sets the duration between fling start and fling end of a fling event.

Public Attributes

The horizontal distance between the last handled position and the current position.
The vertical distance between the last handled position and the current position.
struct cohtml::GestureEventData::@0::@1PanDetails
Pan details of the event.
The duration between fling start and fling end.
struct cohtml::GestureEventData::@0::@2FlingDetails
Fling details of the event.
struct cohtml::GestureEventData::@0Details
The details of the event.
The current X position of the touch in pixels in the space of the view.
The current Y position of the touch in pixels in the space of the view.
The start X position of the touch in pixels in the space of the view.
The start Y position of the touch in pixels in the space of the view.
The type of the event.

Public Types Documentation

enum EventType


Public Functions Documentation

function GetDeltaX

inline float GetDeltaX() const

Returns the horizontal distance between the last handled position and the current position of a pan event.

function GetDeltaY

inline float GetDeltaY() const

Returns the vertical distance between the last handled position and the current position of a pan event.

function GetDuration

inline float GetDuration() const

Returns the duration between fling start and fling end of a fling event.

function SetDeltaX

inline void SetDeltaX(
    float newDeltaX

Sets the horizontal distance between the last handled position and the current position of a pan event.

function SetDeltaY

inline void SetDeltaY(
    float newDeltaY

Sets the horizontal distance between the last handled position and the current position of a pan event.

function SetDuration

inline void SetDuration(
    float newDuration

Sets the duration between fling start and fling end of a fling event.

function GestureEventData

inline GestureEventData()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable DeltaX

float DeltaX;

The horizontal distance between the last handled position and the current position.

variable DeltaY

float DeltaY;

The vertical distance between the last handled position and the current position.

variable PanDetails

struct cohtml::GestureEventData::@0::@1 PanDetails;

Pan details of the event.

variable Duration

float Duration;

The duration between fling start and fling end.

variable FlingDetails

struct cohtml::GestureEventData::@0::@2 FlingDetails;

Fling details of the event.

variable Details

struct cohtml::GestureEventData::@0 Details;

The details of the event.

variable CurrentLocationX

float CurrentLocationX;

The current X position of the touch in pixels in the space of the view.

variable CurrentLocationY

float CurrentLocationY;

The current Y position of the touch in pixels in the space of the view.

variable StartLocationX

float StartLocationX;

The start X position of the touch in pixels in the space of the view.

variable StartLocationY

float StartLocationY;

The start Y position of the touch in pixels in the space of the view.

variable Type

EventType Type;

The type of the event.