
Module: JavaScript DOM API

#include <DocumentFragment.idl>

Inherits from Node, EventTarget

Public Functions

ElementquerySelector(DOMString selectors)
Returns the first element that is a descendant of the element on which it is invoked that matches the specified group of selectors. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements.
NodeListquerySelectorAll(DOMString selectors)
Returns a static (not live) NodeList of all elements descended from the element on which it is invoked that matches the specified group of CSS selectors. (The base element itself is not included, even if it matches.) Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements.

Public Attributes

readonly attribute NodeListchildren
A collection rooted at context object matching only element children. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements. implements. Note: The return type should be HTMLCollection.
readonly attribute ElementfirstElementChild
attributes getter must return the first child that is an element, and null otherwise. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements.
readonly attribute ElementlastElementChild
attributes getter must return the last child that is an element, and null otherwise. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements.
readonly attribute ElementnextElementSibling
Returns the Element immediately following this node in its parent’s children list, or null if there is no Element in the list following this node. Note: This attribute is part of the NonDocumentTypeChildNode interface, which Element implements.
readonly attribute unsigned longchildElementCount
attributes getter must return the number of children of context object that are elements. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Node

NoderemoveChild(Node oldChild)
remove a child node
NodeappendChild(Node newChild)
append a node as a child
voidappend((Node or DOMString)… newChildren)
append nodes and string objects as children, where the string objects are inserted as equivalent Text nodes
NodereplaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild)
replace oldChild with newChild
NodeinsertBefore(Node node, Node? referenceNode)
insert a node before the reference node, as a child of the current node
NodecloneNode(optional boolean deep =false)
booleanisEqualNode(Node? otherNode)
booleanisSameNode(Node? otherNode)
booleancontains(Node? other)
DOMStringlookupPrefix(DOMString? namespace)
booleanisDefaultNamespace(DOMString? namespace)
unsigned shortcompareDocumentPosition(Node other)
NodegetRootNode(optional GetRootNodeOptions options)
DOMStringlookupNamespaceURI(DOMString? prefix)

Public Attributes inherited from Node

const unsigned shortELEMENT_NODE
const unsigned shortATTRIBUTE_NODE
const unsigned shortTEXT_NODE
const unsigned shortCDATA_SECTION_NODE
const unsigned shortENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE
const unsigned shortENTITY_NODE
const unsigned shortCOMMENT_NODE
const unsigned shortDOCUMENT_NODE
const unsigned shortDOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE
const unsigned shortDOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE
const unsigned shortNOTATION_NODE
readonly attribute DOMStringnodeName
attribute DOMStringnodeValue
attribute DOMStringtextContent
readonly attribute unsigned shortnodeType
type of the node
readonly attribute NodeparentNode
parent of the node
readonly attribute ElementparentElement
parent element of the node. If parent is not an Element, returns null.
readonly attribute NodeListchildNodes
list of the children of this node
readonly attribute NodefirstChild
the node’s first child in the tree, or null if the node is childless
readonly attribute NodelastChild
last child of the node, or null if there are no child elements
readonly attribute NodepreviousSibling
the node immediately preceding the specified one in its parent’s children, or null if the specified node is the first in that list
readonly attribute NodenextSibling
the node immediately following the specified one in its parent’s children, or null if the specified node is the last node in that list
readonly attribute DocumentownerDocument
The Document object associated with this node. This is also the Document object used to create new nodes. When this node is a Document or a DocumentType which is not used with any Document yet, this is null.
readonly attribute USVStringbaseURI
readonly attribute booleanisConnected

Public Functions inherited from EventTarget

voidaddEventListener(DOMInternedString type, EventListener listener, optional boolean useCapture)
voidremoveEventListener(DOMInternedString type, EventListener listener, optional boolean useCapture)
booleandispatchEvent(Event event)

Public Functions Documentation

function DocumentFragment

DocumentFragment DocumentFragment()

function querySelector

Element querySelector(
    DOMString selectors

Returns the first element that is a descendant of the element on which it is invoked that matches the specified group of selectors. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements.

function querySelectorAll

NodeList querySelectorAll(
    DOMString selectors

Returns a static (not live) NodeList of all elements descended from the element on which it is invoked that matches the specified group of CSS selectors. (The base element itself is not included, even if it matches.) Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable children

readonly attribute NodeList children;

A collection rooted at context object matching only element children. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements. implements. Note: The return type should be HTMLCollection.

variable firstElementChild

readonly attribute Element firstElementChild;

attributes getter must return the first child that is an element, and null otherwise. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements.

variable lastElementChild

readonly attribute Element lastElementChild;

attributes getter must return the last child that is an element, and null otherwise. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements.

variable nextElementSibling

readonly attribute Element nextElementSibling;

Returns the Element immediately following this node in its parent’s children list, or null if there is no Element in the list following this node. Note: This attribute is part of the NonDocumentTypeChildNode interface, which Element implements.

variable childElementCount

readonly attribute unsigned long childElementCount;

attributes getter must return the number of children of context object that are elements. Note: This should be part of the ParentNode interface, which Element implements.