
Represents a DOM element in the View - i.e. a DIV, the BODY etc.

#include <NodeProxy.h>

Inherited by cohtml::IInputProxy

Public Functions

virtual const char *GetId() const =0
Returns the id of the element - this is a shortcut to get the ‘id’ attribute.
virtual unsignedGetClassesCount() const =0
Returns the classes count of the element - this is a shortcut to get the ‘class’ attribute.
virtual const char *GetClass(unsigned id) const =0
Returns the value of the class with id number from the array.
virtual unsignedGetAttributesCount() const =0
Returns the count of all attributes on a node.
virtual unsignedGetAttribute(unsigned id, char * buffer, unsigned bufferLength) const =0
Gives the attribute value.
virtual unsignedGetAttribute(const char * name, char * buffer, unsigned bufferLength) const =0
Gives the attribute value.
virtual boolHasAttribute(const char * name) const =0
Returns if an attribute with name is set on the element.
virtual HTMLTagGetTag() const =0
Returns the HTML tag of the element.
virtual boolHasScriptEventListeners() const =0
Returns if the element has event listeners in JavaScript.
virtual unsignedGetValueOfElement(char * buffer, unsigned bufferLength) const =0
Gives the Value of the Element.
virtual voidGetBoundingRect(double & x, double & y, double & width, double & height) const =0
Returns position and size of the node in view coordinates.

Public Functions Documentation

function GetId

virtual const char * GetId() const =0

Returns the id of the element - this is a shortcut to get the ‘id’ attribute.

function GetClassesCount

virtual unsigned GetClassesCount() const =0

Returns the classes count of the element - this is a shortcut to get the ‘class’ attribute.

function GetClass

virtual const char * GetClass(
    unsigned id
) const =0

Returns the value of the class with id number from the array.

function GetAttributesCount

virtual unsigned GetAttributesCount() const =0

Returns the count of all attributes on a node.

function GetAttribute

virtual unsigned GetAttribute(
    unsigned id,
    char * buffer,
    unsigned bufferLength
) const =0

Gives the attribute value.


  • id the numbered id of the attribute - can be used to iterate over all attributes
  • buffer the char buffer where to copy the value - can be nullptr, to just get the size of the value
  • bufferLength the size of the buffer in bytes. If the buffer is too small to accomodate the value, only bufferLength bytes will be copied

Return: the size of the whole value string in bytes

function GetAttribute

virtual unsigned GetAttribute(
    const char * name,
    char * buffer,
    unsigned bufferLength
) const =0

Gives the attribute value.


  • name the name of the attribute
  • buffer the char buffer where to copy the value - can be nullptr, to just get the size of the value
  • bufferLength the size of the buffer in bytes. If the buffer is too small to accomodate the value, only bufferLength bytes will be copied

Return: the size of the whole value string in bytes

function HasAttribute

virtual bool HasAttribute(
    const char * name
) const =0

Returns if an attribute with name is set on the element.

function GetTag

virtual HTMLTag GetTag() const =0

Returns the HTML tag of the element.

function HasScriptEventListeners

virtual bool HasScriptEventListeners() const =0

Returns if the element has event listeners in JavaScript.

function GetValueOfElement

virtual unsigned GetValueOfElement(
    char * buffer,
    unsigned bufferLength
) const =0

Gives the Value of the Element.


  • buffer the char buffer where to copy the value - can be nullptr, to just get the size of the value
  • bufferLength the size of the buffer in bytes. If the buffer is too small to accomodate the value, only bufferLength bytes will be copied

Return: the size of the whole value string in bytes

function GetBoundingRect

virtual void GetBoundingRect(
    double & x,
    double & y,
    double & width,
    double & height
) const =0

Returns position and size of the node in view coordinates.


  • x position of the node in pixels in the space of the view
  • y position of the node in pixels in the space of the view
  • width of the node in pixels in the space of the view
  • height of the node in pixels in the space of the view

function ~INodeProxy

inline virtual ~INodeProxy()