
Represents an INPUT or TEXTAREA element in the View.

#include <InputProxy.h>

Inherits from cohtml::INodeProxy

Public Functions

virtual const char *GetText(unsigned startIndex) const =0
Gets the text in an input field.
virtual const TextInput::Rectangle *GetTextPositions(unsigned startIndex, unsigned endIndex, unsigned & lineCount) =0
Gets the coordinates of the text in the input field.
virtual boolSetText(const char * buffer, unsigned length, TextInput::Range range) =0
Sets the text in the input field.
virtual TextInput::SelectionGetSelection() const =0
Gets the current text selection.
virtual boolSetSelection(TextInput::Selection selection) =0
Sets the current text selection.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from cohtml::INodeProxy

virtual const char *GetId() const =0
Returns the id of the element - this is a shortcut to get the ‘id’ attribute.
virtual unsignedGetClassesCount() const =0
Returns the classes count of the element - this is a shortcut to get the ‘class’ attribute.
virtual const char *GetClass(unsigned id) const =0
Returns the value of the class with id number from the array.
virtual unsignedGetAttributesCount() const =0
Returns the count of all attributes on a node.
virtual unsignedGetAttribute(unsigned id, char * buffer, unsigned bufferLength) const =0
Gives the attribute value.
virtual unsignedGetAttribute(const char * name, char * buffer, unsigned bufferLength) const =0
Gives the attribute value.
virtual boolHasAttribute(const char * name) const =0
Returns if an attribute with name is set on the element.
virtual HTMLTagGetTag() const =0
Returns the HTML tag of the element.
virtual boolHasScriptEventListeners() const =0
Returns if the element has event listeners in JavaScript.
virtual unsignedGetValueOfElement(char * buffer, unsigned bufferLength) const =0
Gives the Value of the Element.
virtual voidGetBoundingRect(double & x, double & y, double & width, double & height) const =0
Returns position and size of the node in view coordinates.

Public Functions Documentation

function GetText

virtual const char * GetText(
    unsigned startIndex
) const =0

Gets the text in an input field.


  • startIndex the starting index from which to return the text

function GetTextPositions

virtual const TextInput::Rectangle * GetTextPositions(
    unsigned startIndex,
    unsigned endIndex,
    unsigned & lineCount
) =0

Gets the coordinates of the text in the input field.


  • startIndex the starting text index
  • endIndex the last text position
  • lineCount number of text lines in the input field between startIndex and endIndex

Return: a pointer to an array of rectangles, each representing the area covered by text in the corresponding text line

Note: the pointer will be valid until the next call of GetTextPositions

function SetText

virtual bool SetText(
    const char * buffer,
    unsigned length,
    TextInput::Range range
) =0

Sets the text in the input field.


  • buffer the char buffer from which to set the text
  • length the length of the text
  • range the range of the text to replace

Return: whether the text was succesfully set

function GetSelection

virtual TextInput::Selection GetSelection() const =0

Gets the current text selection.

function SetSelection

virtual bool SetSelection(
    TextInput::Selection selection
) =0

Sets the current text selection.


  • selection the new text selection to set

Return: whether setting the selection was successful