Loading results. Please wait... Classes interface Animation The Animation object for dom element.interface AnimationEvent interface Attr interface CSSAnimation The CSSAnimation object for dom element.interface CSSRuleList interface CSSStyleDeclaration The style of an element.interface CSSStyleSheet interface CanvasGradient interface CanvasPattern interface CanvasRenderingContext2D interface CaretPosition interface CharacterData interface CoherentDebug The Coherent Debug object of the view.interface Comment interface Console The console object for the view.interface CustomElementRegistry Custom element registry for the view. It allows to register new custom elements.interface CustomEvent interface DOMMatrix interface DOMRect DOM Rectangle object.interface DOMRectList List of DOMRects.interface DOMRectReadOnly Readonly DOM Rectangle object.interface DOMStringMap interface DOMTokenList The DOMTokenList of the element. Currently it is only supported in the context of class list.interface Document The document of the view.interface DocumentFragment interface DocumentType interface Element a element in the viewinterface ElementDefinitionOptions interface ErrorEvent interface Event interface EventListener Common interface for all elements that can listen for event.interface EventTarget Common interface for all elements that can be event targets.interface FocusEvent interface Gamepad interface GamepadButton interface GamepadEvent interface GamepadPose interface GetAnimationsOptions interface HTMLBodyElement interface HTMLButtonElement interface HTMLCanvasElement interface HTMLCollection List of elements.interface HTMLDivElement interface HTMLDocument interface HTMLElement interface HTMLHeadElement interface HTMLHtmlElement interface HTMLIFrameElement interface HTMLImageElement interface HTMLInputElement a input element in the viewinterface HTMLLinkElement interface HTMLMediaElement interface HTMLParagraphElement interface HTMLPreElement interface HTMLScriptElement a element in the viewinterface HTMLSlotElement interface HTMLSourceElement interface HTMLSpanElement interface HTMLStyleElement interface HTMLTemplateElement interface HTMLTextAreaElement a textarea element in the viewinterface HTMLTitleElement interface HTMLUnknownElement interface HTMLVideoElement interface History interface KeyboardEvent interface Location Location for document.interface MediaError interface MouseEvent interface MutationObserver interface MutationObserverInit interface MutationRecord interface NamedNodeMap interface Navigator The navigator of the view.interface Node The basic document node.interface NodeFilter interface NodeIterator The NodeIterator interface represents an iterator over the members of a list of the nodes in a subtree of the DOM. The nodes will be returned in document order.interface NodeList List of nodes.interface Performance interface PopStateEvent interface ProgressEvent interface PromiseRejectionEvent interface ResizeObserver interface ResizeObserverEntry interface ResizeObserverOptions interface ResizeObserverSize interface SVGAnimatedLength interface SVGAnimatedRect interface SVGAnimatedTransformList interface SVGElement a SVG element in the viewinterface SVGGraphicsElement interface SVGLength interface SVGRect interface SVGSVGElement interface SVGTextElement a SVG text element in the viewinterface SVGTransform interface SVGTransformList interface Screen interface Selection The navigator of the view.interface ShadowRoot interface Storage The Storage of the view.interface StyleSheet interface StyleSheetList interface Text interface TextMetrics interface TimeRanges interface Touch interface TouchEvent interface TouchList List of touches.interface TransitionEvent interface UIEvent interface Window The window of the view and the global object in the scripting environment.interface XMLHttpRequest interface XMLHttpRequestEventTarget namespace cohtml Contains almost all Coherent namespaces, classes and functions.class AdjustPointer class ArgumentsBinder Class for communicating between EventHandler and the scripting.struct ArrayInfo Represents a array of a type exposed to the scripting.class ArrayReaderFactory class ArrayReaderFactory< T *, Size > struct AssertFail class Binder Provides binding between C++ and the UI.struct BoolConstant class ByRefHolder struct CachedResourcesWatermarks Watermarks used for the image cache management.struct ClassType struct ClassType< Property Class::*> struct ClassType< Property(Class::*)() const > struct ClassType< Property(Class::*)()> struct CoherentToBoolean struct CoherentToBoolean< bool > struct CoherentToBoolean< double > struct CoherentToBoolean< float > struct CoherentToBoolean< int > struct CoherentToBoolean< signed long > struct CoherentToBoolean< signed long long > struct CoherentToBoolean< signed short > struct CoherentToBoolean< unsigned > struct CoherentToBoolean< unsigned long > struct CoherentToBoolean< unsigned long long > struct CoherentToBoolean< unsigned short > struct CoherentToColor struct CoherentToColor< const int & > struct CoherentToColor< const renoir::Color & > struct CoherentToColor< const unsigned & > struct CoherentToNumber struct CoherentToNumber< double > struct CoherentToNumber< float > struct CoherentToNumber< int > struct CoherentToNumber< signed long > struct CoherentToNumber< signed long long > struct CoherentToNumber< signed short > struct CoherentToNumber< unsigned > struct CoherentToNumber< unsigned long > struct CoherentToNumber< unsigned long long > struct CoherentToNumber< unsigned short > struct CoherentToString struct CoherentToString< bool > struct CoherentToString< char * > struct CoherentToString< char[N]> struct CoherentToString< const char * > struct CoherentToString< const char[N]> struct CoherentToString< double > struct CoherentToString< float > struct CoherentToString< int > struct CoherentToString< long > struct CoherentToString< long long > struct CoherentToString< short > struct CoherentToString< std::basic_string< char, CharTraits, Allocator > > struct CoherentToString< unsigned > struct CoherentToString< unsigned long > struct CoherentToString< unsigned long long > struct CoherentToString< unsigned short > struct CoherentToTransformMatrix2D struct CoherentToTransformMatrix2D< const char(&)[N]> struct CoherentToTransformMatrix2D< const float *& > struct CoherentToTransformMatrix2D< const float(&)[6]> struct CoherentToTransformMatrix2D< float *& > struct CoherentToTransformMatrix2D< float(&)[6]> struct CoherentTypeInfo class ConcreteProperty class ConcretePropertyReadOnly namespace CursorTypes class DataBuffer A reference counted data buffer.struct DebugDump Debugging class used for dumping the whole structure of the page DOM.struct DisableDefaultBinding struct EnableIf struct EnableIf< true, T > namespace EventAction Holds the possible actions when deciding if to handle an input event.class EventHandler struct EventModifiersState The state of the key modifiers when an event happens.struct EventMouseModifiersState The state of the mouse modifiers when an event happens.class FieldProperty class FieldProperty< PropertyType(Class::*)> class FieldProperty< PropertyType(Class::*)[ArraySize]> struct FontDescription Struct used for identifying fonts.namespace Fonts struct FrameCapture Debugging class holding debug frame captured data and size. Passed to FrameCaptureCallback on View::BeginCaptureDebugFrame and View::CaptureSingleDebugFrame methods.struct FunctorArity struct FunctorTraits struct FunctorTraits< ResultType()> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(*)()> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(*)(Arg0Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(Arg0Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(Arg0Type, Arg1Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)() const > struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)()> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type) const > struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type) const > struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type) const > struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type) const > struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type)> struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type) const > struct FunctorTraits< ResultType(ClassType::*)(Arg0Type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type)> struct FunctorTraits< std::function< R()> > struct FunctorTraits< std::function< R(A0)> > struct FunctorTraits< std::function< R(A0, A1)> > struct FunctorTraits< std::function< R(A0, A1, A2)> > struct FunctorTraits< std::function< R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> > struct FunctorTraits< std::function< R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> > struct GPUMemoryInfo struct GamepadPoseState Represents the pose of a motion tracking controller.struct GamepadState Represents the entire state of a single gamepad.struct GamepadStateExtended Extended representation of the gamepad state, including information for controllers that support motion tracking.struct GestureEventData A gesture event.struct GetArrayValue struct GetArrayValue< T & > struct GetArrayValue< Type[]> struct GetMapValue struct GetMapValue< T & > struct GetObjectInfo struct GetObjectInfo< Type &, ET_UserType > struct GetPairValue struct GetPairValue< T & > struct GetValue struct GetValue< Property Class::* > struct GetValue< Property(Class::*)() const > struct GetValue< Property(Class::*)()> class IAllocator Allocator interface used by Cohtml for all memory allocations. The user has to provide an object that implements this interface. Memory allocations in Cohtml are tagged, so the user knows the relative distribution of memory among subsystems.class IAsyncResourceHandler Class that will handle all asynchronous resource requests.class IAsyncResourceRequest Encapsulates an asynchronous resource request.class IAsyncResourceResponse Response that the application should use when the resource has been loaded You can keep a reference to this object as long as needed and call Finish afterwards.struct UserImageData Description of the properties of the user provided image.class IAsyncResourceStreamResponse Response that the application should use when the resource stream has been created You can keep a reference to this object as long as needed and call Finish afterwards.class IClientSideSocket The IClientSideSocket represents platform/client specific part of the web sockets.class IDataStorageHandler Class that will handle data storage requests.class IDataStorageRequest Encapsulates a data storage request.class IDataStorageResponse Response that the application should use when the data storage has been read.class IEventHandler class IFileSystemReader Class that allows Cohtml to interface with the local file system. It allows enumerating folders and opening streams to local resources.class IFileSystemWriter Class that allows Cohtml to interface with the local file system. It allows opening a file for writing and writing information to it.class IInputProxy Represents an INPUT or TEXTAREA element in the View.class IInternationalizationManager Takes care of culture specific text operations.class ILocalizationManager Takes care of translating text between different locales.struct TranslationData The struct should be used by the implementer to set the translated text. Use this struct only in the context of a ILocalizationManager::OnTranslate
call.class INodeProxy Represents a DOM element in the View - i.e. a DIV, the BODY etc.class IProfileMarkersTracer class ISocketListener The ISocketListener represents cohtml::View side of the web sockets.class ISyncStreamReader Class for synchronously reading local resources.class ISyncStreamWriter Class for synchronously writing local resources.class ITextInputHandler Notifies of changes to input elements.class ITextTransformationManager Implement this interface to support text transformations. The class is used when the text-transform
proeperty is used. Most languages require Unicode support to implement casing and cohtml delegates this work to the embedder. OS-specific APIs in Win32, Mac OS X and cross-platform libraries like ICU can implement the required functionality. An instance must be optionally set in SystemSettings
.class ITimeZoneProvider class IViewListener Interface that allows to listen for various events in the View.struct IClipboardData The class should be used by the implementer to set the data recovered from the clipboard. Use this class only in the context of a ViewListener::OnClipboardTextGet
call.class IVirtualAllocator Virtual memory allocator interface used by Cohtml for scripting memory allocations.struct ImagesList A list of images. Used for getting all images that are currently loaded by this View. The list can be used to build a collection of resources that must be pre-loaded via native code or JavaScript to avoid dynamic loading when the page is shown.namespace ImagesListExtract Enum containing the options we want when getting the list of loaded images.namespace InputEventPhase namespace InspectorNetworkTabSettings Settings for inspector network tab.struct IsCString struct IsCString< const T * > struct IsChar struct IsConst struct IsConst< const T > struct IsDefaultBindEnabled struct IsExposedByRef struct IsExposedByRef< T & > struct IsExposedByRef< bool > struct IsExposedByRef< char * > struct IsExposedByRef< const bool > struct IsExposedByRef< const char * > struct IsExposedByRef< const double > struct IsExposedByRef< const float > struct IsExposedByRef< const signed char > struct IsExposedByRef< const signed int > struct IsExposedByRef< const signed long > struct IsExposedByRef< const signed long long > struct IsExposedByRef< const unsigned char > struct IsExposedByRef< const unsigned int > struct IsExposedByRef< const unsigned long > struct IsExposedByRef< const unsigned long long > struct IsExposedByRef< const wchar_t * > struct IsExposedByRef< double > struct IsExposedByRef< float > struct IsExposedByRef< signed char > struct IsExposedByRef< signed int > struct IsExposedByRef< signed long > struct IsExposedByRef< signed long long > struct IsExposedByRef< unsigned char > struct IsExposedByRef< unsigned int > struct IsExposedByRef< unsigned long > struct IsExposedByRef< unsigned long long > struct IsExposedByRef< wchar_t * > struct IsMap struct IsMap< std::map< Key, Value, Comparator, Allocator > > struct IsMap< std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, Pred, Allocator > > struct IsPair struct IsPair< std::pair< T1, T2 > > struct IsSame struct IsSame< T, T > struct IsValidModelType struct IsValidModelType< std::basic_string< Char, CharTraits, Allocator > > struct IsValidModelType< std::map< Key, Value, Comparator, Allocator > > struct IsValidModelType< std::pair< T1, T2 > > struct IsValidModelType< std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, Pred, Allocator > > struct IsValidModelType< std::vector< T, A > > struct IsVector struct IsVector< std::vector< T, A > > struct IsVoid struct IsVoid< void > struct KeyEventData A keyboard event.class Library This class encapsulates the global Cohtml library.struct LibraryParams struct LibraryParamsWithExternalRenderingLibrary Initialization parameters of the Cohtml library.struct MapInfo Represents a map of a type exposed to the scripting.namespace MemTags struct MemberPointerTraits struct MemberPointerTraits< T C::* > struct MouseEventData struct ObjectInfo Represents a object of a type exposed to the scripting.struct Overload_CoherentBind_For_Your_Type struct PageCapture Object pointing a raw data coming from a full page capture (see View::SetupPageCapture and View::DoPageCapture).struct PairInfo Represents a pair of a type exposed to the scripting.struct PlatformSpecificParams Platform-specific initialization parameters of the Cohtml library.struct PointerTrait struct PointerTrait< T & > struct PointerTrait< T * > struct PointerTrait< const T & > struct PointerTrait< const T * > struct PointerTrait< const T > struct PointerTrait< std::shared_ptr< T > > struct PointerTrait< std::shared_ptr< const T > > struct PointerTrait< std::unique_ptr< T > > struct PointerTrait< std::unique_ptr< const T > > struct PreciseHandle namespace Profile class Property Represents a property of a type exposed to the scripting.struct PropertyType struct PropertyType< ReturnType(Class::*)(Property)> struct PropertyType< ReturnType(Class::*)(T(&)[N]) > struct PropertyType< ReturnType(Class::*)(const Property &)> struct PropertyType< ReturnType(Class::*)(const T(&)[N]) > struct RemoveConst struct RemoveConst< const T & > struct RemoveConst< const T > struct RemoveConstRef struct RemoveConstRef< T & > struct RemoveConstRef< const T & > struct RemoveConstRef< const T > struct RemoveRef struct RemoveRef< T & > struct RemoveRef< const T & > struct ReturnsByRef struct ReturnsByRef< T &(C::*)() const > struct ReturnsByRef< T &(C::*)()> struct ReturnsByRef< T(C::*)() const > struct ReturnsByRef< T(C::*)()> struct ReturnsByRef< T(C::*)> struct ScreenInfo Holds the information about current screen.class ScriptCompiler class System A System owns multiple Views. These Views share resources among them. It is usually enough to have just one System per application run. All System APIs, unless explicitly stated otherwise, can be called on any thread, but should not be used on multiple threads simultaneously.class SystemCacheStats Statistics of the current state of the internal caches of the system Remember to Release the object when done with it to avoid memory leaks.class SystemRenderer The SystemRenderer lives on the render thread and holds all resources shared between multiple Views belonging to the same System (font atlases, texture caches etc.)struct SystemRendererSettings System renderer settings.struct SystemRendererSettingsWithExternalRenderingLibrary System renderer settings when an using external rendering library.struct SystemSettings Settings for a System .namespace TextInput namespace TextInputControlType class ThisHolder class ThisHolder< TrueType > struct TouchEventData A touch event.class TypeDescription Helper class for describing types.struct TypeToElementType struct TypeToElementType< Type & > struct TypeToElementType< Type(&)[Size]> struct TypeToElementType< bool > struct TypeToElementType< char > struct TypeToElementType< const Type > struct TypeToElementType< const std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, Pred, Allocator > & > struct TypeToElementType< const std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, Pred, Allocator > > struct TypeToElementType< double > struct TypeToElementType< float > struct TypeToElementType< int > struct TypeToElementType< renoir::Color > struct TypeToElementType< signed char > struct TypeToElementType< signed long > struct TypeToElementType< signed long long > struct TypeToElementType< signed short > struct TypeToElementType< std::basic_string< char, CharTraits, Allocator > > struct TypeToElementType< std::map< Key, Value, Comparator, Allocator > > struct TypeToElementType< std::pair< T1, T2 > > struct TypeToElementType< std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, Pred, Allocator > & > struct TypeToElementType< std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, Pred, Allocator > > struct TypeToElementType< std::vector< T, A > > struct TypeToElementType< unsigned > struct TypeToElementType< unsigned char > struct TypeToElementType< unsigned long > struct TypeToElementType< unsigned long long > struct TypeToElementType< unsigned short > struct TypeToElementTypeWrapper struct TypeToElementTypeWrapper< Type, true > class TypedProperty struct UnwrapPointer struct UnwrapPointer< T & > struct UnwrapPointer< const T & > struct UnwrapPointer< const T > struct UnwrapPointerType struct UnwrapPointerType< T, true > struct UserFontDescription Struct representing user font data. Baseline is 0.struct CharInfo Struct representing data for individual char.struct KerningPairInfo Struct representing kerning info between chars.struct UserGPUMemoryInfo namespace VMemFlags namespace VMemProtection class VectorReaderFactory class VectorReaderFactory< std::vector< T, A > > class View The View represents a UI page with its DOM, styles and JavaScript context. Think of the View as a whole UI or UI element. The View for instance could be the whole HUD of a game. All View APIs, unless explicitly stated otherwise, can be called on any thread, but should not be used on multiple threads simultaneously.class ViewRenderer The ViewRenderer is in charge of drawing a View in a user-supplied texture.struct ViewRendererSettings struct ViewSettings Settings used when initializing a View .namespace i18n namespace websocket namespace renoir